
"Magnanimous" girl

"Ah~ What a shame I don't get Exp from killing these bastards…"

Ethel sighed in resignation as she drank a blue potion, which increased natural mana recovery.

She was currently lying on top of a pile of rubble that had frost on it. The buildings around her collapsed, as a result of the previous battle.

Ethel's body was covered in dried, frozen blood, but not hers, but her enemies.

The previous fight, if the previous massacre could be called that, had been fierce and destructive even by Ethel's standards thanks to some boys from the other side.

Obviously, they could only cause destruction to the abandoned city and not her. But even so, the buildings in the hundred meters around she had not survived.

"Stupid apes, everything would have been easier if they hadn't attacked me in the first place…"