
Against the Fate

The God Child Messiah was dead, and the Devil Master of the North drenched the world in the blood of his enemies. He had saved the world once, and he would destroy it this time. His enemies were no more, and only his nemesis left. He died before he could pay back his agony. Before he could accept his fate, he was regressed in time. Back to when he was a renowned Child of the Heavens that would soon become the God Child Messiah. In this timeline, he would surely get everything right. He would protect his family and those dear to him by building his own king realm with the strongest legacy, make friends with countless experts, nurture successors, create unparalleled profound arts and finally, eradicate the dragons. This time, he would fight against the fate itself. It is the story of Yun Che in another timeline. Against the Gods fanfiction, Against the Fate. It takes place after the soul of Jasmine's brother, Heavenly Star Wolf Xisu, told him about the truth of the Absolute Star Soul Barrier. I advise you to read the original before reading this, as it contains spoilers up to the latest published chapter available. The cover is not mine, if you want me to take it down then please, shoot me a dm! Also, if you don't like chapters that don't have fights in them, then maybe this is not your cup of tea. I'd like to explore more about Yun Che's relationships with everyone he knew, so it will be somewhat slow-paced and won't have that much fight scenes until the later arcs. It focuses more on Yun Che's relationships, internal struggle, kingdom building, and politics. If you're into that, then you're in for a ride. The release rate is 3 chapters a week, unless something happens IRL and I can't write.

Lunoire · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Preparing to Exploit the Dragons.

After discussing the details with Yun Che, Tumi politely exits the room and head towards Xing Jeukong that was still waiting for Tumi at the throne room.

Xing Juekong noticed Tumi's changed expression and demeanor after exiting the palace. His gait was steady and full of dignity, just like usual. His expression, however, has changed a lot.

Tumi would always maintain a calm and composed demeanor, betraying his expression. He could make a cold-hearted judgment that could be considered cruel as long as it benefits the realm without batting an eye while maintaining his kind, gentle smile.

But now, something has changed.

His usual tranquil eyes were nowhere to be seen, replaced by a blazing fire of determination and unbreaking conviction.

His smile was tender and warm, exuding a completely different feeling from his usual fake smile. His steps were lighter than usual as if a great amount of burden has been lifted from his shoulders.

Xing Juekong had never seen Tumi behave like this in his entire life, save for that one time when he adopted a child. But after that child's tragic death, the individual named Tumi was no more and only the Heavenly Origin Star God remained.

Xing Juekong was truly surprised by what he saw that he completely didn't hear Tumi's voice, only came back to his senses once Tumi repeated his words.

"Your Majesty?"

"Ah, yes. So how it went?"

"I think we have just been graced with heavenly blessing, Your Majesty. It is not a matter of probability that our realm will stand at the pinnacle of Primal Chaos, but only a matter of time. That is of course if we do it properly. But I believe Your Majesty wouldn't do something so stupid as to throw away this blessing to try something funny, am I correct?"

Tumi's voice was tinged with slight killing intent when he said his latter words. Xing Juekong was shocked to see that Tumi actually directed his killing intent towards him, as he never once did that in his entire life.

If anyone were to direct their killing intent towards a God Emperor, they would be treated as a traitor and executed on the spot. But because it was Tumi, whose loyalty to the realm exceeds his, he pretended like he never notice it.

Shock aside, he truly trusted Tumi and his judgment. It was because of Tumi that the Star God Realm was the only King Realm in the Eastern Divine Region that has managed to successfully dodge the Brahma Monarch God Realm's conspiracies.

The Brahma Monarch God Realm was strong, unbelievably so. The difference between the Brahma Monarch God Realm and the other King Realms was as vast as the Upper Star Realms compared to King Realms.

It was massive.

The Brahma Monarch God Realm was the strongest, and not only because of their lead in profound strength.

Years ago, Eternal Heaven, Star God, and Moon God Realm each had a fortuitous encounter in the God Realm of Absolute Beginning.

It was during one of their joint expeditions to the God Realm of Absolute Beginning in order to raise their realm's respective power, to keep Brahma Monarch God Realm's tyranny in check.

They knew that they couldn't do it by themselves and devised a plan to venture deeper into the God Realm of Absolute Beginning with each other's help to try finding something that would make their respective realm stronger.

They each covertly send an expert or two each time to avoid suspicion. And after a long, long time of no result, the expedition finally bore fruit.

They encountered three pieces of mysterious jade that contain pure Primordial Energy. It was like the Untamed Divine Marrow but was easier to refine and consequently made it easier to absorb and cultivate.

The energy from the jade could be absorbed to the Origin Divine Power, directly strengthening their foundation. In that way, it was better than the Untamed Divine Marrow because the strengthening lasts permanently, no matter who becomes the next recipient of the strengthened Origin Divine Power.

It can even support several people to cultivate at once.

The three King Realms' overall strength quickly undergo a rapid increase.

Now, all three of them combined can actually hold their grounds against the Brahma Monarch God Realm. It was the end of the Brahma Monarch God Realm's era of tyranny and the power balance of the Eastern Divine Region was restored and preserved until today.

But there's a hidden story that only the God Emperors know about. It was the conspiracy of the Brahma Monarch God Realm.

Noticing the sudden and abrupt increase of Eternal Heaven, Star God, and the Moon God Realm at the same time, the Brahma Monarch God Realm quickly responded. They employed all sorts of means to keep them in check.

The Star God Realm was intact thanks to Tumi's wits, but Eternal Heaven and Moon God Realm were not as lucky.

They were tricked and fell to Brahma Monarch God Realm's traps and lost two Guardians and Moon Gods, respectively. It was such shocking news that they had spent a lot of resources and effort to cover from leaking out and recover from.

But thankfully, their mysterious jade still has power left and they used them all up to restore their lost power. Their power was restored in a short time and since then, the three King Realms have put their guards up against the Brahma Monarch God Realm conspiracies.

None of them fell victim again after that, but the damage that the Brahma Monarch God Realm has dealt left a shadow in their hearts.

It was such a despicable move that a lowly realm king of a lower star realm wouldn't deign to even consider doing, much less the strongest king realm.

The incident reminded them again of the fact that Brahma Monarch God Realm people would stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Remembering that Tumi would be the last person to betray or have even the slightest intention to harm the realm, Xing Juekong inwardly sighed a relief.

"Of course not, why would I do that? So I believe that the result of your discussion with Yun Che is positive and would benefit the Star God Realm, is that right?" Xing Juekong asked.

"Yes, that is correct, Your Majesty. I will tell you this once again in case you already forgot what I just said, but we must never, ever, become hostile to Yun Che. On the contrary, we should support him with everything we have and he will give us the glory of being the ruler of the entire Primal Chaos in return. Ah, what a bright and marvelous future awaits our realm."

Xing Juekong noticed Tumi's hands were trembling and his clattering teeth as Tumi tried his best to calm his excitement.

"I'm sorry to have shown you such a sight, Your Majesty. But I believe you will show such a sight as well after you listened to the plan Young Master Yun and I have discussed earlier."

Xing Juekong then erected a transparent and soundproof barrier, isolating their voice from leaking out. Tumi then recited the plan that his new master made in excitement, as evident by his trembling hands and raised voice. Xing Juekong listened to everything Tumi said with his eyes closed.

A long time after Tumi finished his last sentence, Xing Juekong deeply sucked the air with his nose and breathed it all with his mouth. He repeated the action a few times before calming his madly throbbing heart. The aloof and haughty Star God Emperor from before was gone, replaced by the same expression Tumi made when he arrived.

He ordered Tumi to arrange Yun Che's quarter in the Cosmos Star Palace, a palace that was reserved to be used solely for the crown prince. He also ordered the Star Gods and the Elders to dismantle the profound formation used to conduct the ritual.

Everyone was shocked but didn't dare to disobey his words. The Star Guards scattered to their respective Star God's palaces, the Star Gods and the Elders came back to the sacred region to dismantle the profound formation and clean up, getting rid of the altar they had built hurriedly a few days ago.


A young man with handsome and manly yet gentle features was sitting at the chair behind the desk, gazing into the boundless sky filled with countless starlights from the open window. His feather pen stopped moving as he kept staring at the sky beyond the window, admiring the art that the Primal Chaos has deliberately painted his realm's sky with.

A soft knock on the door yanked him out of his peaceful state of mind and he frowned in displeasure. He was sure that he had left the order to not disturb him unless anything big happens tonight to his aides and maids, but they still do it regardless.

He was about to harshly rebuke whoever disturbed him until he heard the sound beyond the door.

"Excuse me, Your Highness, may I come in?"

An aged voice was heard beyond the door. His frown of displeasure turned into one of wonder instead when he heard the voice.

It was the voice of Tumi, the most senior and respected person of the Star God Realm.

'Did something happen?' The young man couldn't help but wonder. He quickly replaced his expression with that of a delight and answered in a polite tone.

"Yes, Uncle Tumi. Please come on in."

Tumi closed the door behind him and just stood there with an expression that screams happiness and excitement. Tumi was actually forgotten what he was going to say to the crown prince, Xing An.

'What... Exactly happened?' Seeing the unusual expression on Tumi's face that he had never seen before, his mind was busy making up the most likely possibilities that he could think of.

"Did something good happen, Uncle?"

"Ah, yes. Forgive my rudeness of sudden intrusion, Your Highness. Indeed, there's something good happening and I believe your royal father will inform you tomorrow, or everyone on that matter."

"I have come at the order of your Royal Father to bring you to the Nebula Stream Palace, Your Highness. You will reside at the Nebula Stream Palace starting from tomorrow."

The news of his Royal Father suddenly changing his residence surprised him, but he didn't let it show.

"May I ask why Royal Father would order me to change my residence?"

"His Majesty will inform Your Highness himself tomorrow," Tumi answered coldly as if it was only natural.

Knowing that something big is happening in the realm that his Royal Father personally ordered Tumi to change his residence, he didn't dare dilly dally and quickly packed his belongings in his spatial ring.

He cast one last look at the open window of his room that he loved and the boundless sky with countless starlights that accompanied him all this time.

"So long, my friend."

He put his feather pen down on top of the desk. He smiled once again before exiting the room with Tumi.

After spending three days in the Star God Realm, Yun Che was preparing to go back to the Forbidden Land of Samsara. He spent the last three days opening the profound entrances of every Star God, as well as healing the injuries or ailment that various Elders were suffering from.

At first, they hated Yun Che more than anything else. They thought that the young man was evil and despicable for casting a leash on their realm's neck. He was no better than the likes of Brahma Monarch people, who employed all sorts of cheap and dirty tricks.

Even after both Tumi and Xing Juekong himself declared that Yun Che was now the realm's crown prince, except for them, Jasmine, and Caizhi, no one accepted him.

But after witnessing Yun Che's skills firsthand, they changed their tune immediately. What Yun Che had accomplished in just these short three days was nothing but a miracle.

The Star Gods felt their entire being brimming with their new, unbridled power they had never imagined before. They could circulate their profound energy inside their bodies twice, thrice, or even four times faster than before after they get used to it.

Yun Che also used his medical skills and the power of Sky Poison Pearl to cleanse their bodies. Any impurities that they used to have were expelled from the pores of their skin. Their profound energy felt incredibly pure, and their bodies felt lighter than before.

Their shock didn't end there. Yun Che healed every Elder's injuries and ailment with ease with his incomplete Divine Miracle of Life.

Be it injury from a fatal wound, ailment suffered since birth, backlash in cultivation breakthrough, there seemed to be no limit on Yun Che's ability to heal. He had accomplished what the best doctors in the entire Primal Chaos had thought to be an impossible feat with ease.

This changed their perspective of Yun Che. They gradually grew to accept him as their own and showered him with the respect and admiration that he deserved.

For the brutish people that only cared for strength, his talent and accomplishments in the Profound God Convention were enough to achieve the same effect.

This entire time, however, he refrained from talking or even meeting with Jasmine and Caizhi. He still had a lot in mind about this entire situation, so he chose not to talk or even meet them for the time being.

After finishing everything that he had to do in the Star God Realm, Yun Che boarded the Vanishing Moon Celestial Palace. He sat near one of the windows as he watched the countless streaks of light the palace passed by.

It was amazing to think that those lights were worlds where people live.

After watching the window for a long time, he grew bored. His Sound Transmission Jade glowed at the perfect time to chase away his boredom. He picked it up and could hear Shen Xi's voice on the other end.

"I have done everything you need me to do, Yun Che. When are you going to come back? Long Bai is waiting for you."

"I am on my way right now. I should be there in a few more hours."

"Alright, then I'll tell Long Bai to wait here. Be careful on your way back." Shen Xi's voice was tinged with slight anxiety, but she didn't worry too much.

The fact that Yun Che picked up her sound transmission meant that his plan was going smoothly, and she was relieved.

"I will. Thank you for doing what I've asked. I will be there shortly." Yun Che ended the sound transmission after he said this. A wide grin was plastered on his face as he said.

"Let's see who will have the last laugh this time, you bastard." Yun Che sat there, silently cultivating as the Vanishing Moon Celestial Palace passed by countless planets and star realms.

At the same time, in the Forbidden Land of Samsara.

Long Bai scanned the content of a white crystal on his hand, but no matter how many times he did, the content written was still the same. It only contained two sentences, 'Universe Dragon City' and 'Withered Dragons'.

They were both the biggest secrets of the Dragon God Realm, and only a few people knew about them.

"Are you sure you weren't the one who wrote the content?" Long Bai frowned, as he couldn't comprehend the alternative. There was no way Yun Che could know about them.

Shen Xi shook her head, denying Long Bai's accusation one more time. "As I told you so many times, it wasn't me. Yun Che imbued his aura in it so there's no way I am the one who wrote it, you know this too."

"I know, but still, how could he know about our realm's greatest secrets? Did you tell him?" Long Bai knew that Shen Xi couldn't do such a thing, but he couldn't help but ask regardless.

"I have never told him anything. All I did was treat him from the Death-Wishing Mark and teach him the light profound energy because he was happen to be suitable to learn and cultivate it, that's all."

Long Bai frowned deeper upon hearing this.

As shocking as it is, he thought it wasn't impossible for Yun Che to learn Shen Xi's light profound energy, given his talents. But him knowing the Dragon God Realm's most guarded, classified secrets was another matter entirely.

"Yun Che... there's no way the secrets leaked from our side, so how could he know about them?"

Long Bai stood there, impatiently waiting for Yun Che's arrival.

1st chapter of the week.

Have a great week everyone!

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