

Long time ago, there existed two different types of Dimensional magic Aether and Nether. The dimensional magic were supported by the Four Pillars of existence the magic pillars were Holy magic,Dark magic, Cosmo magic and Chrono magic.

This is a story of war between the two Dimensions of magic and the Nether magic was been lost in the universe. Only few of the Nether magic people who survived they started to raise an army of person with Nether magic called Nethermens and after thousands of year they started the war against the Aether Dimension the legendary family of the Aether Dimension they didn't give up till the very end of this war against the dimensions. When the war ended some of the Nethermens hided in Aether Dimension and waited till the next war which was going to be fought after 100 years. They started preparing for the next war after 100 years. Because as the Prediction of gods of universe declared that the war will be held after 100 years.

After many years in Kaisen family there borned a boy named kai (main character) who was borned and believed by people that he was god gifted with Aether magic but also holds the magic of existence pillars the Holy,Dark,Cosmo,and Chrono magic. And

Ancient celestial body which was founded in one out of a billion people. In this story we will know about the cultivation of Kai and how he survived the disaster of the Nether dimension.

In chapter 1 you will see how in the age of 8 he an awakend his Aether magic. And how he does his cultivation, meditation and breakthroughs to many stages and cultivation rank or Qi rank and about his childhood girlfriend Ken Lin and his best friend leng Fi.

To make his journey hard and interesting comment what should I write in chapter 1.

Note:This is only the prologue of this novel The first chapter of this novel will be released soon.