
Against The Devil

"If you were the devil... What would you do?" "If... If I were the prince of darkness, I would..." ---- This is the story of two boys from two different families- A Wayne and A Morningstar. Born in two different worlds that are at war with each other, the two boys, Andrew Wayne and Silver Morningstar, are born in rich and powerful families. Born in a rich and powerful family should only be filled with a life full of comfort and riches. But what if the devil sets his eyes on these two families? What if the prince of darkness decides to use these two families as chess pieces? What would become of the Waynes and the Morningstars? And what of the fates of Andrew and Silver? Can they overcome the devil? Or would both or one of them become the devil? ----- P.S: I got the cover art from Pinterest, and read my review in case you want to know more about the book.

Anon22 · Fantasy
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126 Chs

57: Shall We?

As Silver walked out of the colosseum, the murmurs, mumblings, and voices of disbelief and shock could be heard all around the colosseum.

Everybody in the commoner section and the VIP section were either having a discussion or expressions of shock and disbelief as they watched Silver walk out of the colosseum with a calm gaze.

They all knew that the young prince, the last born of the crown prince was somebody with average talents. It was not a hidden secret, and due to Silver's playful nature, a lot of people in the Spartan capital knew Silver and they all had their own opinions regarding him.

But what they all knew was that Silver was somebody with an average talent and was also very hardworking. Due to his hardworking nature and status as royalty, most expected him to become either a commander in the future or to either have a part of the Spartan kingdom to rule depending on his future achievements.

But after hearing Silver's words, they all had this faint feeling, this faint premonition that Silver's ambitions were greater and grander than the thoughts they had.

'Does the young prince wish to become king in the future? Does he wish to challenge his brothers for the throne in the future?'

A merchant commoner had this thought, and this merchant was not the only one to have such thoughts. Even the family heads of the nine noble families had such thoughts as they watch Silver's departing figure.

"Gabriel, Nathaniel, did I hear correctly? Did Silver really choose three rites of passage instead of one?"

Sebastian voice rang out in the ears of his brothers. His expression was one of immense disbelief as he watched Silver leave the colosseum.

"Seems we cannot relax and slack off." 

Gabriel's deep voice flowed into Sebastian and Nathaniel's ears, and they glanced at him.

"What do you mean?" Sebastian raised his brows.

"Father is proud."

Gabriel gestured towards their father, and the duo followed his gaze. Just like he had said, their father had an expression he rarely showed as he gazed at the exit of the colosseum.


"Very few things can make father proud, and Silver's declaration must have made him proud. I'm sure you know what that means."

Gabriel's gaze shifted and landed on Sebastian and Nathaniel. They both shivered when they saw his solemn and cold gaze.

"Silver has a chance of challenging us for the throne…" Gabriel looked at Nathaniel, "... If Silver is able to survive, we cannot him take him lightly anymore."

Nathaniel stared into Gabriel's eyes, and his left arm trembled slightly. He held his left arm, and with a glare, he scoffed.

"That's if he's able to survive. Don't forget, his talents are just average."

Gabriel's cold gaze remained on him for a few seconds, and then he looked away.

"You are right… That is if he survives. But if he does, just know that Silver would most likely be the main threat in my ascension to the throne. How embarrassing would that be to you guys?"

Nathaniel and Sebastian frowned when they Gabriel's words that made it seem like he was guaranteed to become king after their father. Although they wanted to refute his words, they could not since his confidence was not baseless.

"I feel like you're just coming up to an unreasonable conclusion."

Nathaniel looked at the exit Silver had taken for a few seconds, and then he smiled.

"With his talents, it'll take him a long time to reach our level. Who knows if he'll even be able to reach our level or survive for that long."

A cruel smile appeared on Nathaniel's lips, and Gabriel stared at him with extremely cold eyes.

"I don't care what you do to Silver, but if what you do brings harm to our family or Sparta, I'll kill you in the worst possible way before Father even touches a strand of hair on your head."

Nathaniel subconsciously moved backward when he perceived the coldness and disdain in Gabriel's gaze.

'Those eyes…' Nathaniel's eyes became cold and vicious.

"I'm leaving. I'll come back to watch Silver's performance in the colosseum"

Gabriel stood, and without waiting for a response, he walked out of the VIP section. Sebastian glanced at Gabriel's departing back, and then he glanced at Nathaniel. A strange glint flashed in his eyes, and without saying a word, he stood and walked out of VIP section.

Nathaniel glanced at the exit Silver took once again, and then he glanced at his father, Silas Morningstar. An empty and dark gaze flashed in his eyes, and with a calm gaze, he stood and walked out of the VIP section.


Meanwhile, in the section where the wives of Silas Morningstar sat.

"I'll be leaving. Let's see if your arrogant and foolish son would come back alive. Personally, I'd love to drink and savor your tears."

Isabella Morningstar stood from her seat while flashing a harmless and bright smile at Silver's mother, Eleanor Morningstar.

Eleanor glanced at her, but he gave no reply. Her gaze was only on the exit Silver had taken to leave the colosseum.

Isabella saw this, and she chuckled with a malicious smile before finally leaving.

"Hopefully Silver comes back alive and survives his rites of passage. I'll be rooting for him."

Sebastian's mother, Sophia Morningstar, said with a wry smile. When she saw that Eleanor's gaze was not even on her, she sighed softly and left.

"I'll pray to the old gods for his safety." She softly said as she left.

Eleanor glanced at her, and when she did, a voice flowed into her ears.

"Hopefully, he's able to survive and make Silas proud. He has the potential to be a great Spartan who can contribute to Sparta immensely."

Eleanor turned and looked at Helena who was already walking away from the VIP section. Her gaze flickered, and then she turned to look at her husband, Silas Morningstar. To her surprise, she found him staring back at her with a warm and proud smile.

"I believe in him." He mouthed, and Eleanor sighed.

She gave him a slight smile, and then she looked up.

"You must survive my dear foolish child." She then stood and walked out of the VIP section.


Meanwhile, standing outside the familiar great wall of Sparta was Silver. With a smile, he looked at the great forest that was far away from him.

"Let's make all of Sparta remember my name shall we?"

Unedited chapter.

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