
Against The Devil

"If you were the devil... What would you do?" "If... If I were the prince of darkness, I would..." ---- This is the story of two boys from two different families- A Wayne and A Morningstar. Born in two different worlds that are at war with each other, the two boys, Andrew Wayne and Silver Morningstar, are born in rich and powerful families. Born in a rich and powerful family should only be filled with a life full of comfort and riches. But what if the devil sets his eyes on these two families? What if the prince of darkness decides to use these two families as chess pieces? What would become of the Waynes and the Morningstars? And what of the fates of Andrew and Silver? Can they overcome the devil? Or would both or one of them become the devil? ----- P.S: I got the cover art from Pinterest

Anon22 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

51: A Mother's Help

Eleanor Morningstar

This was the name of Silver's mother and also the name of the fourth and last wife of Silas Morningstar, the crown prince.

In public, there were various and different opinions regarding Eleanor Morningstar, but if there was a very popular and well known opinion regarding Eleanor Morningstar in the public, it was that Eleanor Morningstar was a very calm, refined, kind, and charming lady.

In fact, people often said she was the kindest and meekest out of all the Crown Prince's wives, and that was very true except to…

'Except to me!'

Silver thought with a glare as he gazed at his mother with resentful eyes while rubbing the four bumps on his head. As he rubbed the bumps, he would occasionally wince and hiss in pain and anger while glaring at his mother.

Although, his mother did not give two fucks regarding his glare. In fact, he was currently not her attention in the slightest bit. Her attention?- The necklace he had given her.

'To everybody, my mother is the perfect woman and perfect wife, but only I know her true nature. Sadistic and full of pettiness especially to those close to her!'

'I swear I'll have my revenge.'

Silver thought while grinding his teeth in frustration, and then to ease his anger and pain, he decided to look around.

He was currently in his mother's room of the royal palace, and as usual, the room looked the same.

Neat and organized. However, there was a certain part of his mother's room that always caused him to shiver in fear.

His mother's room in the royal palace was not only neat, organized, and filled with books. It was also elegant, and was also a sanctuary of tranquility and simplicity amid the grandeur of the palace.

When one enters, one would be greeted by the soft, warm glow of sunlight streaming through a large window adorned with sheer, white curtains that fluttered gently in the breeze. The window offered a stunning view of the palace gardens, effectively adding to the tranquility of his mother's room.

Near the window was a small writing desk that was neatly arranged with parchment, ink, and quills. This was where his mother penned her thoughts while enjoying the view and the natural light. Close to the writing desk was a polished bronze mirror surrounded by small jars of scented oils and handmade cosmetics.

The room itself was spacious, with smooth, whitewashed walls that contrasted beautifully with the dark wooden beams overhead. The floor was made of polished stone, cool underfoot, and scattered with intricately wovenrugs that added a touch of comfort and warmth. In one corner of the room was a large and beautiful bed, and beside the bed was a small wooden nightstand, holding a bronze oil lamp that cast a gentle light in the evenings.

The walls were lined with tall bookshelves which were overflowing with scrolls, parchments, books, and also jars and some glass containers. Whenever Silver looked at the jars and glass containers, a chill always crawls up his spine.

Inside these jars and glass containers were various things like several beast blood, several human blood, several beast and human body parts, and also several plants and minerals.

Silver could see various eyes of several humans and various beasts, he could also see the hearts and spines of several humans and beasts.

This part of his mother's room always scared the shit out of him, and this was also one of the reasons why he feared his mother.

But could this be the only thing that would make him, a Spartan, fear his mother who was not a Spartan?

Obviously not!

Apart from the shelves of horror, there was a room of horror, a room Silver deperately wished to never enter.

Silver turned and he gulped as he looked at a seemingly 'normal' door. The door was partially hidden behind a bookshelf, and this door led to a small and private laboratory, his mother's laboratory.

Silver gulped once again with wild and horrific memories of the past flooding into his mind.

"Silver. Silver. SILVER!"

Silver instantly jolted, and then he looked around with a baffled expression before his gaze landed on his mother. He gulped when he saw his mother frown.

"What's up with you? I called you three times but you didn't answer."

Silver chuckled nervously while rubbing his head. However, the gears in his mind spun at an intense rate. There was no way he was going to tell her that he was thinking of all the horrific experiments she had done on him in the past.

Absolutely no way.

If he did, his mother might decide to perform another experiment on him despite giving her a gift for the first time ever.

So, to save his life, he had to think of something else.

"Well…" Silver paused, and then he released a soft sigh. "... I met Nathaniel."

The instant he mentioned Nathaniel, all the playfullness and mischievousness in his mother suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a deep frown and concern.

"Did he hurt you?" She asked.

Silver nodded. "Almost killed me. Would have died if not because Lord Zephyr saved me."

His mother's expression suddenly darkened, and Silver could perceive his mother emit a faint killing intent. Just as Silver was wondering what his mother would do, his mother suddenly released a sigh and the chilling atmosphere in the room subsided.

"I know your brother hates you but he has never tried to kill you outrightly before. What changed?"

His mother asked with narrowed eyes and Silver chuckled nervously while sweating loads of bucket.

His mother seeing that narrowed her eyes, "Speak."

Silver sighed, "I told Nathaniel and all the nobles that I'll kill and bring back a savage beast from my rite of passage."

The moment he spoke, his mother's eyes widened and with a shocked and stunned voice, she stuttered.

"Y-Y-You told your brother that you'll kill and bring back a savage beast from your rite of passage?"

Silver nodded with his head hung low.

Meanwhile, his mother felt an immense urge to slap and beat the shit out of Silver for proclaiming something so stupid in front of his elder brother and also in front of the family heads of the nobles of Sparta!

She wanted to say a thousand things, more than a thousand things, but when she saw Silver's attitude and expression, she suddenly could not utter all that she wanted to say.

She sighed deeply.

"Since you've already said you're going to kill and bring back a savage beast, I won't dissuade you and I won't persuade you to stop since I know the consequences it'll have on you now and in the future."

Silver looked up with his eyes wide and full of shock.

"So what I'll do is that I'll help you. I'll teach you everything I know about all the savage beasts that I know are in the forest before your rite of passage. So that means no more waking up late and no more fooling around. We'll need all the time we can get for you to learn as much as possible about savage beasts."

When Silver heard his mother's words, his eyes became wet and a wide smile instantly appeared on his face. He jumped and to her surprise, he hugged her tightly.

"Thank you Mom! I love you!"

His mother was taken by surprise, and then she smiled while patting his head softly.

"I know life has been difficult for you because I'm your mother, but I love you and I'll always do my best to assist you. So… make sure you don't die alright? I don't think I can live without you if you die."

Hearing his mother's loving and warm tone made his eyes become more wet, and with a sniffle he nodded.

"I won't die. I promise."

Unedited chapter.

Was writing this chapter and then they took the light. FUCK! Now my battery is low.

I'm so tired of this shit.

Anon22creators' thoughts