
Against The Devil

"If you were the devil... What would you do?" "If... If I were the prince of darkness, I would..." ---- This is the story of two boys from two different families- A Wayne and A Morningstar. Born in two different worlds that are at war with each other, the two boys, Andrew Wayne and Silver Morningstar, are born in rich and powerful families. Born in a rich and powerful family should only be filled with a life full of comfort and riches. But what if the devil sets his eyes on these two families? What if the prince of darkness decides to use these two families as chess pieces? What would become of the Waynes and the Morningstars? And what of the fates of Andrew and Silver? Can they overcome the devil? Or would both or one of them become the devil? ----- P.S: I got the cover art from Pinterest, and read my review in case you want to know more about the book.

Anon22 · Fantasy
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126 Chs

27: The Mischievous Son of Morningstar

In the bustling capital city of Sparta, amidst the towering buildings and narrow alleyways, lived a young boy whose mischievous spirit knew no bounds. His name was Silver Morningstar, the son of the renowned Sage, Silas Morningstar. At twelve years old, Silver was a whirlwind of energy and mischief, with a penchant for parkour that often landed him in precarious situations.

On a bright and sunny morning, Silver bounded through the streets of Sparta with the agility of a cat, his laughter echoing through the crowded thoroughfares. With every leap and somersault, he defied gravity, effortlessly scaling walls and vaulting over obstacles with the grace of a seasoned acrobat.

Silver is a spirited and adventurous twelve-year-old boy with an infectious grin that lights up his face and mischief dancing in his eyes. His tousled chestnut hair touched with streaks of silver at his temple fell in unruly waves around his face, framing a mischievous smile that seemed ever-present. Freckles dotted his sun-kissed cheeks, a testament to the countless hours he spent outdoors exploring the city of Sparta.

Despite his young age, Silver possesses a wiry athleticism that speaks to his love of adventure and physical activity. His slender frame was toned and agile, honed through years of climbing, jumping, exploring the rooftops of Sparta, and most especially, the combat training of Sparta. 

Silver's attire was practical and functional, reflecting his love of exploration, adventure, and combat. He favored comfortable clothing that allowed for freedom of movement, opting for sturdy boots, fitted trousers, and a well-worn tunic that bore the marks of countless escapades. A leather satchel slung over his shoulder held his most treasured possessions, including a collection of trinkets and souvenirs gathered from his travels.

As he darted through the city, Silver's mischievous grin never left his face, his eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of causing a little chaos. Spotting a narrow alleyway ahead, he veered off course with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, eager to test his skills in the labyrinthine maze of buildings.

With a running start, Silver launched himself off the ground, his muscles coiling like springs as he soared through the air. Despite his young age, his physical prowess was way above that of an average human.

With a nimble twist, he tucked and rolled as he landed on the rooftop of a nearby building, the wind whipping through his hair as he surveyed the city below.

'Now, whose going to be unlucky one today?' Silver thought as he watched Spartans of various ages and occupation perform their various activities.

His eyes shined as he spotted a group of three Spartan guards laughing and drinking together. He couldn't resist the urge to play a little prank, and with a mischievous chuckle, he jumped towards a nearby rooftop.

As he approached the rooftop, he held the edges for a second before landing on the ground. He hid behind a wall, observed the Spartan guards, and when he found the best timing, he crept up behind the Spartan guards, his movements were as silent as a ghost.

As he silently moved towards the Spartan guards, he placed his hand inside his leather satchel and brought out one of his most prized treasures, a rubber chicken.

The rubber chicken was given to him as a gag gift by a traveling merchant. Silver's rubber chicken had been his constant companion and source of amusement from the age of four. It was also one of the reasons why he was known as a troublemaker amongst the Spartans.

Unknown to the tipsy and lazy guards, Silver was behind them, and with the widest smile he could muster, he placed his rubber chicken close to the ears of one of the guards and he pressed the rubber chicken with all his strength.



The three Spartan guards simultaneously screamed in panic, and due to their reflexes, they grabbed their weapons and slashed behind them. Despite the fact that they were drunk, their reflexes and responses were not slow at all.

Silver, already having expected this and experienced this before, ducked and ran away the instant his companion played its part in the chaos that was about to unfold.

Several people had been watching Silver from the moment he crept up behind the Spartan guards, and how could they not since this would not be the first time that Silver would cause chaos on this street of Sparta.

"You again?!"


Shouts of rage and annoyance reverberated on the streets and Silver smirked. Without paying his chasers any attention, he kept running and with a 'Alley-oop', he jumped to a nearby roof with a strength and agility that should be impossible for a twelve year old kid.

He heard the screams and shouts of the Spartan guards, and he knew they were chasing him. He could hear the loud thuds of their feet on the rooftops, and his heart pounded with the thrill of his mischief.

But Silver's playful antics were not without danger, and as he continued to traverse the rooftops with reckless abandon, he found himself faced with ever-increasing risks. With each daring leap and precarious balance, he danced on the edge of disaster, his heart racing with exhilaration at the thrill of the chase.

Bounding from rooftop to rooftop, Silver reveled in the freedom of the open sky, and he laughed. His laughter mingled with the sounds of the bustling city below. But as he pushed himself to greater and greater heights, he couldn't shake the feeling that his luck was about to run out.

Suddenly, disaster struck!

As Silver attempted to navigate a particularly treacherous jump between two buildings, his foot slipped on a loose tile, sending him hurtling toward the ground below. With a gasp of fear, he flailed wildly, desperately grasping for any handhold to break his fall.

But just as it seemed all was lost, Silver's quick reflexes kicked in, and with a last-second twist, he managed to grab onto a nearby drainpipe, halting his descent with a jolt that sent his heart racing.

His chest fell and rose as he panted for breath while clinging to the pipe like a lifeline. But after a few seconds, he chuckled, and then his chuckle became a full blown laugh that echoed through the silent streets below.

This was what he loved!

This was what he enjoyed!

The thrill!

The danger!

The thrill and danger of the unknown!

As Silver slowly made his way back to solid ground, his heart still pounding with the thrill of his near miss, he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. Despite the danger and the chaos he had caused, there was no denying the fact that Silver was a little bit crazy and mental in the head for a twelve year old.

"Hmm? Where are they? Shouldn't they have caught me by now? Or are they that lazy that they gave up so easily?" Silver frowned as he looked for signs of the three Spartan guards with a tinge of disappointment in his eyes.

A second later, the sound of the chime of a bell resounded in the whole of Sparta, and Silver's expression drastically changed.

"Father is back!"