

"Afterwards, you found out that your profound veins were deformed. I started to bitterly cultivate my profound strength right away… because it was my turn to protect you. At that time, I thought whether it was you protecting me, or me protecting you, it was all one and the same. Either way we could be together… It wasn't until I slowly grew up that I understood. That you would find a wife, and that I would also have to get married. By that time, we absolutely could not be as we were before… In addition, out of all the girls in the world, the only one you could not marry was me… Out of all the boys in the world, the only one that I could not marry was you…"

Danny: "..."

"After such a long time, I thought I had already completely accepted it. Today Danny got married. I should be really happy, but from morning to evening, it was like something had been stuffed in my heart. It was an indescribable pain. When I wanted to sleep, I couldn't fall asleep, no matter what I did… And Danny, when you said those kinds of words to me… I was somewhat happy, yet also really sad… What has happened to me?"

Danny's stomach heavily lurched. While he still had not spoken at this time, he also had no idea what he should say.

The dangerously hazy feeling between him and Morgan was born a long time ago. When they became conscious of these kinds of dangerous, forbidden feelings, they still stayed together night and day, but never had even a bit of honest conversation about it. Rather, in their hearts, they blamed it on familial affection.

The him without the lifetime of memories from Earth had a cowardly and self-abased personality. Even until death, he would only try to escape the words that were impossible for him to say it out loud. Until those kinds of feelings were completely buried. Morgan… had not revealed her feelings, before today, even once. But the Danny of today was not the Danny from yesterday and he said those earth shattering words. In response, the indecisive Danny, at this isolated rear mountain hilltop , had let out her in-suppressible feelings that she was forbidden to say.

Danny's heart began to beat at an erratic pace. As he inhaled this enrapturing girl's fragrance, he extended his right arm, lightly embracing Morgan's body. Morgan's body quivered slightly, but did not resist. She closed her eyes, quietly nestling on top of him with her entire body weight.

The girl's lovely body was soft, as if without bones, was like warm, fragrant and soft jade. Her tender and satiny skin, though separated by a few layers of clothing, could still cause a person's soul shake. Danny did not dare to embrace her too strongly, afraid that he would carelessly frighten or hurt her. However, immediately, he felt a pair of jade like arms stealthily wrap around his back, taking the initiative to hold him closer and closer. A gust of faint, aromatic scent from an unknown place also entered his nose and then continued deep into his heart.

Morgan's willingness dissolved the hesitation in Danny's heart. He extended his left arm to embrace her slender waist, but his mind suddenly froze. His arm's destination had accidentally changed. Upon landing, the feeling of a soft and warm lump was transmitted to his hand.


Morgan's mouth let out a moan. Danny's mind was a mess. He immediately wanted to remove his hand, but Morgan's soft, jade arm rested on top of the hand that had grabbed her first. At first, Danny thought she wanted to swat away the hand that had accidentally violated her, but… her jade like hand only grasped his palm and rested there, not moving away, but not allowing him to flail about. Between these proudly towering breasts, Danny still could clearly feel her wild heartbeat.

The sound of Morgan's breath was rough and heavy. A blush had long ago extended from her face to her snow colored jade neck. She tightly closed her eyes and burrowed her head against his chest, completely motionless, as if trying hard to prove that she had already fallen asleep.

Danny also closed his eyes, completely still and completely silent, the two of them peacefully cuddling against each other. At this point, neither of them were willing to talk… for that would break this completely undisturbed dream.

"cough , cough… "

Suddenly a intentional cough startled them in surprise, they hurriedly let go of each other from their embrace.

Emma had come out to look for Danny. She originally thought he had just left to take a breath of fresh air. While he was out "taking a breath of fresh air", she had also left the bed and laid out the blanket in that corner so that he could safely sleep there upon his return. But after waiting a long time, he still had not come back.

Instead, from the direction of the earlier sounds, he seemed to have climbed over the wall toward the Xiao clan's rear mountains.

With his weak profound strength at only the first level of the Profound Ki Disciple Realm, he had gone to the rear mountains, for such a long time waiting for him she fell asleep, in the early morning she woke up and saw he wasn't back yet… Emma finally was unable to hold back and came out to look for him. Thus, letting her witness this scene before her, that caused her to stare dumbfoundedly.

Today was her and Danny's first day as a married couple. When he picked her up on the road to the Radd clan, his tranquil attitude contained proudness. In the assembly hall, he held back his anger and hatred. In the bridal chamber, though he said all kinds of things and had a vulgar mouth, his expression and the look in his eyes unceasingly swayed fascinatingly between confusion, unwillingness and despondence. There was even a desolate loneliness that even she could not understand….

But now, the him nestled together with Morgan was Cuddling with incomparable love. Suddenly, an uncomfortable feeling floated up in Emma's heart… of course, this didn't mean that she had any feelings towards Danny, she just married him for other hidden reasons. But she and Danny had become a married couple. She had always believed that this marriage was just a formality for her, that the status as husband or wife were also mere titles, and that nothing could cause even the slightest ripple in her heart. However, in some things, the heart does not always follow a person's expectation. This was especially true for women, who, unless they had no heart, were more prone to sentimentality.

After all, she and Danny were already husband and wife. Although, in her thoughts, she didn't care at all about this kind of union but the fact that Danny was now her husband would still be distinctly imprinted in her subconscious. Since he was her husband, he should rightfully belong only to her. Instead, on his wedding night, he had cuddled with another woman, with such a warm and content expression on his face… Her subconscious naturally would raise that kind of unfamiliar reaction.

Even if the girl was his little Cousin.

This kind of uncomfortable feeling caused her usually tranquil and frozen fairy-like heart to twinge slightly. This sense of irritation allowed her to immediately wake up from her reverie, and quickly focus all her attention to still her heart. After a long while, the prickly feeling gradually disappeared and her heart had already completely cleared.

She finally knew why Joyful Flower Palace treated men as slaves.

she didn't know why but she coughed and startled the duo in fright and ran back to the Danny's Courtyard.

"Well… f*ck…" As Danny raised his hand to stop Emma, a low, uncontrollable roar spewed out of Danny's mouth… .

Danny looked up in the direction of his own courtyard, his heart letting loose a groan… On the wedding night, not only was he not in the bridal chamber, but had also went out and Cuddled with another woman, got caught by his newly wed wife who had also personally run over to check on him.

This scenario… was truly thrilling!