
Against The Demons and Gods With My Beautiful Wives

-WORLD- My wife is a beautiful CEO Against the God Tale of Demons and Gods. The first part of the story would fixed on canon but the later part there would be many thing that changed from the canon

DizzMe · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 26 Subdued Chu Yueli

"You seem to misunderstand something, lady."


Yang Chen saw that she was still acting arrogantly toward him. He met many people who had acted like her before. They were strong, but not invincible. They could still be killed. And in this case, it was the same.




Chu Yueli looked at Yang Chen indifferently. She was still thinking that she was superior to him, even though the power of his killing intent almost shattered her frozen heart. 


Yang Chen sighed inwardly, realizing that Chu Yueli's arrogance stemmed from her ignorance of his true capabilities. He decided to enlighten her, knowing that actions spoke louder than words.


"Don't blame me for that, as you won't truly listen to my word and will always think that we are not on the same ground. Nope, we are really not on the same ground, but I am the one who has a higher ground."


Yang Chen used his godly power again. This time, he used it in full force. He knew that Chu Yueli was much stronger than him, so he needed to end everything quickly.


An unknown power was powerful because no one knew about it. If someone knew about it, The power would be lessened or even unusable. 


Yang Chen unleashed his godly power, and the power of death was unleashed upon Chu Yueli. The sheer force of it overwhelmed her, leaving her unable to defend herself.


Even with the power of her frozen cloud art, it was still no match for the devastating force of Yang Chen's destructive power. 


The frozen cloud art crumbled under the weight of his attack, leaving Chu Yueli defenseless and at his mercy.


"What, why did my power disappear?!"


Chu Yueli tried to use her power, but it wouldn't respond. 


She felt a sense of dread as she realized that Yang Chen's godly power had not only overwhelmed her but also suppressed her own abilities. 


In that moment, she knew that she was completely at his mercy and had no way to defend herself. 


"Your power was heavily based on Yin, but it is not as pure as the power of death itself. The death of ice is melting. Everything would come to an end eventually, even the gods themselves."


Yang Chen's will was so overwhelming. His words struck fear into Chu Yueli's heart. What was in front of her wasn't human but the death god himself. 


The intensity of Yang Chen's presence grew stronger with each passing moment, as if he had transcended the realm of mortals. 


Chu Yueli could feel the weight of his words resonating deep within her soul, filling her with a chilling sense of dread. 


"No! Don't come near me you monster!"


She realized that she was facing not just a formidable opponent but a force that seemed beyond comprehension—the embodiment of death itself.


"I won't give you death because it is not your time yet and because you are the master of my wife. I would let this matter go. But don't forget that you are just a mortal who has some power. Don't act arrogant in front of my presence again."


Yang Chen gave the ultimate warning, his voice laced with a quiet intensity that sent shivers down her spine. 


The air around them seemed to grow heavy with the weight of his words, as if even the universe itself recognized his authority.


"I—I understand"


Chu Yueli spoke softly, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and submission. Her frozen heart completely shattered, and now her true self had shown up.


This was the first time she had met someone like him. No, he is not a human but a death god.


Yang Chen looked at her and thought to himself.


'Wow, my acting is too good. She even peed herself!'


Yang Chen's eyes narrowed as he observed Chu Yueli's reaction, a small smirk playing on his lips. He had achieved his desired effect, asserting his dominance over her completely. It was clear that from now on, she would think twice before crossing him again.


And now he saw a chance. He saw a chance to manipulate her fear and vulnerability to further solidify his control over her. 


With a calculating glint in his eyes, Yang Chen began to devise a plan that would ensure Chu Yueli remained under his influence for the foreseeable future. 


"Well, let's talk business then. You can't tell anyone about me or my power. Otherwise, I would kill you."


Now he had to show her the stick, and then came the sweet carrot.


"But I won't let you do it without giving you anything. Now give me your hand."


Chu Yueli hesitated for a moment, her eyes narrowing as she weighed her options. Slowly, she extended her hand toward him, unsure of what awaited her. Her arrogance led her to believe that she could handle him and thought that all of his doing was just a petty trick.


But who would have thought it would be a real deal?


"I'll give you some benefit, so you won't run your mouth anywhere."


Yang Chen treated her like he did with Xia Qingyue, but not completely.


"When you return to your sect, and if anyone is curious about it, You just told them that you had met a miracle doctor. As for Xia Qingyue..."


Yang Chen looked at Xia Qingyue as if to ask her if she wanted to go back with her master.


"I will be with you forever, husband."


"You are afraid that I will disappear, right? Silly girl, I already gave you my promise. What are you afraid of? I would never go back on my word."


Xia Qingyue was just sixteen years old. When her frozen heart was shattered, she became someone with an abandonment issue. Which he understood and empathized with. 


He knew that her fear of being left alone stemmed from her past experiences, and he could put himself in her shoes. The old Yang Chen also has an abandonment issue. But he just never showed it to anyone.


To the old him, Weakness is a sin.

DizzMe: 40 more chapters on www.p@treon.com/dizzme (There are new chapters that go further than the old version)