
Against Olympus

The gods of Olympus have abandoned their roles as guides and protectors of the humans, using their powers to satisfy all their desires causing suffering and chaos. Maeron a mysterious god powerful and stupidly handsome makes his appearance, follows Maeron in his battle against the Olympians.

Overlord_Of_KARMA · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 6: Discussions

Serea one of the confident of the queen Hera clade in her usual dark attires was standing in an isolated place

Two days had passed since she was ordered by her mistress Hera to find who had betrayed her

"So, my dear Serea, why did you call me here, not that I don't like meeting with you, just that's pretty unusual," said a joyful voice who appeared beside in a hurricane 

Hearing Hermes' voice Serea flashed a beautiful smile "I would love to spend more time with you so that we can deepen our connection, unfortunately, it is impossible, even more so now that Hera suspects something," she said seriously

"What, what do you mean she suspects something," he asked showing a concerned expression 

"Exactly what I say, I don't know where exactly that comes from, but she seems convinced that the king is cheating on her again and she wants me to find out with whom and who among her subordinates are on his side," she explains to Hermes whose face became visibly ugly 

"She knows that too?!" he asked 

"More like suspects it, after all, she asked me to find out who they are, but at the same time I think that she doesn't completely trust me, after all, it was my responsibility to take care of the girls," she explains 

"Right, she would've gone on a rampage if she knew," 

"Look, I thought about it for two days now and I think that one way or another she saw something from the king who made her suspect something," she says with a somber expression

"So you think that it comes from a mistake that he did," 

"Like I already said if she saw one of us betray her that person would already be subject to the worst torture and if she had confirmed who was the mistress she would also be dead,"

"If what you think is true she may not know as much as we think she does, it would be a good thing for us,"

They continued to talk for a few minutes until they went over everything that they considered important 

"I will talk with my father, see you later I will try to contact you without being seen, after all, you are investigating my father's mistress, there will be an opportunity, in the meantime try to discover how much she knows," said Hermes before disappearing on the horizon so fast that no one could even see his shadow

After looking at him leave Serea sank into her own shadow and disappeared, 

Seated in her room Hera was looking and listening to everything that happened through the feather of one of her peons she had placed there in advance.

"I guess that this Maeron was right," she said before thrashing her room before calming her mind


Olympus King's bedroom

On his massive bed in Olympus Zeus the powerful king of gods heard a knock on the door 

"Father, it's Hermes may I come in, I need to talk to you," 

"Hum, what is it," asked Zeus after hearing the voice of his son calling him 

"I have an urgent message that you need to hear," 

"Come in, I hope it's important," he replied grumbly as he got up 

Pushing the door open as he walked toward his father's bed he said "It's a form Serea…"

Hearing that it was from Serea he frowned a little as he knew that it was related to his wife

"I'm listening," he said sitting on his bed

"It's about the queen Hera, she asked her to find who among the girls have betrayed her, and to find who is your mistress," he said

Hearing that Zeus's eyes got wide open

"She said that?" he asked

"I already asked Serea to use the fact that she was given that mission to investigate to try to see what she knows, maybe someone on our side talks to her but she isn't very sure it will work, according to her Hera doesn't completely trust her," added Hermes

The already white face of Zeus turns even paler at what he heard

"H-how does she know that? Did someone tell her? Did someone betray me?…" his loss of control didn't last long as he calmed himself and held his beard in his fingers lost deep in thought for a while, thinking about the implication of what he just heard

"Do you think that someone told her," he asked with a frown

"I don't, if she knew for sure she would have already exploded, we, she thinks that maybe she learned it while observing you or something," Hermes said the last part in a low voice, but it was enough for Zeus to hear him

"What! What do you mean, are you insinuating that it is my fault," he screamed at his son 

"This, this is only one of the potential reasons…" 

"Silence, I would have noticed if someone had followed or spied on me," replied the king irritated

"Of course, we will continue to search for where the leak comes from, it may only be suspicion or she would have already acted, I will come back when I have a definitive answer," said Hermes in the end to calm his father

"Do that!" replied Zeus with a sigh as his son left the room 

Letting himself fall back on his bed he closed his eyes to return to his sleep, but after a few seconds he opened his eyes when his mind took him back to a few days ago when he felt someone looking at him in the kingdom of Argos 

"Could it be?!" he murmur


While Zeus was made aware of the situation at hand with his son, Hera was seated on her throne alone beside her was a table with multiple bottles of alcohol that she was emptying like it was water.

After finishing another bottle she threw it away 

"Tap," careful with that, you're gonna injure someone 

Lifting her head Hera saw Maeron getting out of one of his portal 

"How are you even able to get in and out of here like that, this is my room in my castle not some kind of open-air house, you are not even an Olympian," she explains, looking at her Maeron could clearly see that she was a little inebriated 

"Maybe I am one, an Olympian I mean," 

"I tried to find information about you, if you were someone would know you," she replied 

"Well, we have already established that you don't know a lot, so…" 

"Bam," he barely ended his sentence when he was thrown to a wall by an immense pressure 

"Be careful about what you are saying I am not in a good mood right now?" she said in an exasperated tone

"Oh, I can see that, and it's why I am here," with a flip of the hand the empty bottles of alcohol on the tables disappeared replaced by new ones

"It's more fun to have a drinking buddy, what do you think?!" he asked with a radiant smile on his beautiful face.

After drinking together for a while under the influence of alcohol and of course, due to the incredible charm of Maeron, Hera the usually stern and collected queen of Olympus let her guard completely down 

During the night they were able to talk of all and everything, it was principally her talking shit about her husband Zeus, he was able to make her laugh without much effort, to be honest, she knew that he was manipulating her, but she allows it to happen because she needed someone to lean on. 

 About an hour later 

 "So what are you going to do now that you confirm what I told you?" asked Maeron 

"I don't know, all I know is that I want him to suffer for all the lies and betrayals and humiliations that I had to endure all those years because of him, I want him to pay but this is the anger that is talking, plus I don't have the strength to do it," she replied 

"I can give you that strength, if you join me," he responded

"I already told you if you want revenge against his mistresses his bastards or him I will help you get it, more influence I will help you achieve it, more power granted respect and fear also will come as we achieve all our goals and if you're afraid to lose your title of queen I just acquire a new domain who need governance, so interested?" he continued 

Such a proposal for someone in Hera's position was like throwing a lifeline to a drowning man, he was like a little devil on her shoulder saying what she wanted to hear but that wasn't enough for someone as experienced as her, she calm her pounding heart and said 

"This offer is too good to be true, and even if I accepted, my divinity does not allow it,"

"I can take care of that for you, all you have to do is accept my proposition," said Maeron looking at her in the eyes 

Under the influence of grief, alcohol, loneliness, and many other factors Hera finally relented 

"I, I agree, I will be yours Maeron,"