

Tapiwa once had a tremendous dream, in a society where males were superior to women, women had few rights or voices, and in a world where magic and skills were superior to all else. Her dream was to marry a gorgeous, faithful, and caring husband and become the only mistress of the house, leaving her natal family, where she lived under pressure and in the shadows of her siblings. Growing up in a world where polygamy was common and siblings turned on one another. Tapiwa just wanted a place to live and to be in a monogamous relationship in a world where magic was present and sibling rivalry was fatal, especially because only a few could become mages. What she thought was the perfect beginning to a lovely dream became a nightmare that tormented her for a decade. Tapiwa divorced her spouse and fled to an unknown location where her relatives and friends could not find her. Tapiwa thought she had no reason to live in this world anymore, but that changed when she saved an old lady, who endowed her with heavenly graces, giving her power and a second chance at life. Tapiwa, armed with this divine blessing, decided to perform the impossible in a world where women were nothing more than child bearers. She was going to do everything she could with what she now had to empower women and establish a better future, not just for herself, but also for the women who didn't have a voice. She was going to fight for all women, mages and not, to make sure their voices were heard, they were seen, and, most importantly, they were treated like the queens they were born to be. She was going to fight for supremacy against all obstacles, and nothing or no one was going to stop her.

GEEGEE · Fantasy
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361 Chs


Tapiwa couldn't let this opportunity pass her by because she didn't have any money, so she swiftly used her intellect and combed through some of the things she observed throughout that long dream to make a deal.

"I don't want to buy your inn, but I can work with you. I can put some money into the business and offer some suggestions, and all you have to do is pay me my dividends when they are due. Are you willing to accept this?" Tapiwa suggested as she looked at Chipo, whose face had darkened following Tapiwa's rejection earlier.

Chipo's downcast countenance transformed again when she heard Tapiwa's offer, and she stared at Tapiwa with smiling eyes, "Truly. Are you sure you want to invest?"

Tapiwa responded with a friendly smile and a nod of her head, "Umm, I can invest. However, this will necessitate a more in-depth discussion between us, which is not possible right now. I still need to get to Karoba tomorrow."

Chipo's mood didn't change even after hearing this, because the happiness she was experiencing was too great for her. "I can't wait for you to come back."

"All well, then. Just think about it some more, and we'll take it from there when I get back."

"When are you going to return?"

"Umm, should be around ten days or two weeks, depending on what's going on that side," Tapiwa replied frankly.

Chipo paused for a moment after hearing this. Her inn wouldn't last that long, but if she took out her money, she might be able to make it, but She was frightened of losing everything.

"Is it possible for you to arrive earlier?"

Tapiwa teasingly smiled at Chipo and remarked, "If it's urgent, what do you think about us signing a contract early tomorrow or tonight? However, if I were to do so, I would merely supply ideas, and I can assure you that my ideas will undoubtedly turn this place into a paradise that people will want to visit, but there will be no money involved."

Chipo rubbed her chin as her mental gears began to spin fast thinking once more.

Tapiwa waited for Chipo to digest and process everything, which she did quickly.

"OK, I'll accept that, but the shares must reflect that," Chipo negotiated.

Tapiwa agreed, shrugging her shoulders and adding, "I can work with that."

"All right, I'll go and return soon. Let's draft and sign the contract. I can't wait any longer."

Chipo then left, with Tapiwa's permission, and Tapiwa withdrew into the store space, where she swiftly had a shower and changed into nightwear before reappearing inside the room.

She drenched her dirty clothing in the tub with the water she was scheduled to bathe in earlier.

It wasn't long until Chipo appeared with a book and a pen. The two ladies sat down once more and began negotiating the contract's terms and conditions.

According to the final contract, Tapiwa would supply Chipo with suggestions to save the inn, such as rebuilding plans for the inn itself and the food menu.

Chipo, in turn, would supply all the funds needed to transform the inn into the dreamland that the two of them had agreed upon.

Tapiwa would receive 50% of the inn's shares, making the two of them partners in the end.

Tapiwa would have liked to obtain more shares if she had invested the money in the inn, but this decision resulted in her receiving only half, which was satisfactory.

This was also a big benefit for her because she didn't have any money to invest in the firm. She intended to make a move as soon as she reached Karoba.

Meeting Chipo in Guche was just coincidental, and she had no regrets about it.

In conclusion, the two ladies signed the contracts and stamped them with their thumbs.

Tapiwa sat with Chipo for more than two hours after signing the contract before Chipo left the room with a smile on her face.

Tapiwa had spotted the inn's situation despite the darkness. When compared to the other two inns in town, the architecture appeared antiquated and unappealing.

Aside from that, other functional facilities were lacking, which Tapiwa wished to remedy.

So, for the time being, Tapiwa has merely given Chipo a new construction plan for the inn, which will take about a month to remodel.

She would deal with the food menu after the inn had taken shape. She will also take her time to develop suitable recipes that will not cause problems while also bringing money into the business.

With Chipo gone, Tapiwa washed her clothing before disappearing into the store space, where she chose a hot meal and ate heartily.

The food she had eaten earlier was gone, and she was scared she would fail to sleep due to hunger pains if she went to bed without eating anything.

The night flew fast, and she awoke early in the morning to take a bath with the water Chipo had her staff bring up to her.

Chipo had told her workers to feed Tapiwa first thing in the morning, knowing she was departing early.

Tapiwa's garments weren't totally dry, but after absorbing all the remaining water using her water control ability, they were. She stowed them in her store space and joyously exited the inn, escorted by Chipo and the inn personnel.

"Remember her face; she is now my partner and will be your other boss in the future!" Chipo told her team as they all stood there watching Tapiwa leave.

"We will never forget her!"

Chipo grinned happily when she heard this, and after one final glimpse at Tapiwa's back, she returned inside the inn and began barking orders nonstop.

"We will be closing the inn until further notice."

"Go and find, Grandpa Nhire; I need to speak with him about the renovations. Also..."

Tapiwa was on her way to the carriage station while Chipo was occupied with the inn and in a good mood.

At the same time, she was admiring the town that she had never given any thought to before.

'This is such an affluent place. It was a wise decision for me to come here. Who would have anticipated that some random ideas from all across the world would lead to my owning half of a business in just hours?'

Tapiwa was in a great mood. There were so many ways to make money, and honestly, partnering up with someone, especially when she didn't have much money at the time, wasn't something she was thinking about or even planning ahead of time.

Tapiwa was able to strike a business agreement simply by sitting down, listening to a narrative, and offering recommendations. It had been a decade since she had signed a business contract with someone.

And the sensation was fantastic.

'I have really missed this!'