
Again it comes back

A pale face is looking at me in the mirror. I can't avoid the miserable man who always tries to annoy me. Sometimes I hate him. Sometimes I want to kiss him. Hmm... He is a nice guy huh? I m trying to find him behind the mirror. But the time I spend to find him was wasted. I always blamed him for hiding. However, it's an interesting investigation. The question always I asked

"Who are you?"

I'm really mad. It's me. I remember! but now I'm trying to forget myself.

"Dad how did the rocket fly to the moon? "I've asked from the big man in my life. I'm 7 or 8 when I asked it. My Father! really he is a big man for me. He knew everything that he already knew. I thought that he is the most educated man in the world. He did not want to convince me. But I confirmed it without a doubt. He is strong enough to carry me to the doctor when having loose motion with a fever. My mother told me about it one day. Yes, he is strong enough to carry my big brother as well. My big brother is one and a half years older than me. He weighs more than me.

"shhh.... " He shows me how a rocket flies to the moon. He explained how Amstrong did it. Hmm, it's really an adventure.

"was he alone?"

"No! Aldrin was there."

Yes! I'm correct he knows everything. My father. A hero. He knows who stepped on the moon first.

One day he wanted to buy a pair of shoes for me. My mother also joined us in going to the shop. He selected a pair of shoes. A black one. He fitted me on. and buy it. I did not like it. I told my mother it doesn't fit me and I want white shoes. Father who was tired and happy to buy shoe pair for me was undressing his pant by untightening his belt.

"aah....." the belt lays on my back.

one question nothing more.

"Why didn't told me at the time?"