
AfterWorld:World Domination

More than a century after humans started being able to use mana, John was born without the all important mana core. Finding solace in an MMORPG, John climbed to the peak in the game world. But good things don’t last forever. As the last person still invested in the game world he had a decision to make; keep playing or leave. Just as he was contemplating what to do a message pops up: “A NEW UPDATE IS AVAILABLE” This will change both the destiny of John and everyone else. Discord : https://discord.gg/w8qvRW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NB: English is not my native language. Despite giving my best, there may be some mistake. Thank you for Understanding.

hamifromearth · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 01

The FI-MMORPG was released in 2119 for the irregulars of AfterEarth.A neural-linker in the form of a headband allowed players to connect to the game. It combined the latest technology of nano machines and neural brain manipulation to allow players to have the unique experience of using magic. Even though it was just a game, due to the new technology, they can experience this new world with their five senses.

In other words, you play as if you're actually in the world of the game.

Even before a 100 years, there were MMORPGs but this was made as a real counterpart of the Earth. Terrains, country name organisations etc were similar to earth. Different classes of magic and monsters were also the same except the systems and few higher tier classes.

Players have complete freedom on character customization and weapons. Even though it was similar to earth the game however allowed players to choose from a wide variety of races, ranging from humanoids to non humanoids. Among the races there were two legendary races that can be acquired only by buying a special customization package which costs millions of dollars. One was to Create a high level Undead Character like in the novel of the last century Overlord and other was the 'Dark Angel'.

On Earth humans can control at most two types of magic energy based on their ability. But in AfterWorld you can control four types of magic ability as you increase your levels.

The players could even make and customize weapons and artifacts by acquiring different materials from dungeons and labyrinths. Using a customization package, players can create their own residences and even craft vehicles.

A vast world with limitless possibility that made the players think that they've transmigrated to a different world.

"A new update", John was shocked to see this text.

"The updates for the game were stopped yesterday so how.. is this some kind of farewell gift or a bug", he was dumbfounded but in his heart, there was a small glimmer of hope. He was curious, he confirmed the update and something new flashed through his eyes.

"Commencing Deconstruction".

"What? Is it som..."

Just before he could finish his sentence, a flash of blue light blinded his eyes. But before he could react, his body began to literally break down.

First his legs, it was like they were disintegrating. Then his hands, slowly piecing into a glitch of gold light and a sequence of numbers. It was chaotic.

'Am I dying, am I going to disappear' these were the thoughts in his mind and after 30 sec it was pitch black.

John opened his eyes. He saw an unfamiliar roof. He was lying on a big round bed. The bed was comfortable and the design imprinted on them was luxurious like it was custom made for royalty of the empire.

He woke up from the bed and was sitting with his hands rubbing his forehead.

"Where am I", he sounded lifeless.

He was feeling uneasy as if he had an operation. But there was no pain. His mind was filled with confusion. It was then he noticed something about his body.

"What the hell! Where did these feathers come from, is this some kind of cosplay." he was shocked to see a pair of wings on his back.

"Ooh shit! It's real."

While being shocked seeing his new wings he remembered.

"Ah! Yes! It all started after I accepted the update! Wait this.." he was shocked seeing himself in the mirror, he yelled.

"Abbadon! I've became Abbadon! How can this be possible?" he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He tried to calm down and thought of a reason.

"Maybe I've transmigrated to Afterworld."

"Yes that's the only possibility."

He didn't know how he should feel about this. His heart filled with the joy of an irregular, who could finally wield magic. But he still felt skeptical.

He started to swipe his finger here and there and muttered

" Hmm.. as i thought i can't access the status."

He started to walk around the room.

"So I'm in Gibrees," he was ecstatic.

He was wearing a dark robe with green lining in its corner. His black wings spread across the room. Inside the robe he could see a thin armor, which made a metallic sound while walking. Both his hands had thick metal bracelets. The skin seen through the small gaps in the armor was pure white. He was emitting a red light. An existence beyond human comprehension.

"What should I do? Should I try magic?"

"But in the game, the magic was casted through the system panel, but now I can't access it."

After some moments, he came up with an hypothesis. In the real world magic is casted through spells. Some use chants and others just use names.

"Let's summon my pet hellhound, since it's an undead I don't need the Tablet of Summon".

"Come forth from the depths of the nine hells Cerberus" he chanted as if he was imitating Harry Potter.

A black aura was accumulating on the floor and after three seconds there was a big black dog, emitting a thick black aura with glowing red eyes.


"It worked, A-rank summoning spell!" he shouted in amusement.

On the actual Earth the A class mages are very scarce, less than a dozen. Even though they could cast an A-rank Summoning spell, a high level undead beast was out of the question.

At first he was amused but after sometime the amazement faded away. He felt that it was just a summoning spell of a necromancer, it was as if he had magic for a long time.

"I think having this body of Abbadon means being a higher existence who doesn't feel amused from these menial things."

His sense and thoughts had become like his game character. A powerful magician who could wield the power of dark elements.

He opened the door of the bedroom and started walking through the hall.

The Ship Gibrees was the only type of ship which could fly. It's like a moving castle, consisting of 5 levels.

"I can't summon the other NPCs without the system panel, but I can use Tablet of Summon to summon them." he muttered to himself.


Within a flash he was at the lowest level of Gibrees. He could see a large double door of ash color. The thick and metallic door was emitting a faint blue aura.

"Open, The Creator of Gibrees Commands thee" he commanded the door with his deep voice. This scene was what they call grand, befitting for the most powerful magician.

The door opened. A golden light was emitted through the cracks of the opening door. The room was filled with treasures, artifacts, jewels and golds.

Abbadon walked inside the room and extended his right hand, a flash of black lights emitting from his hand to form a shaft. The shaft John created on his own, his unique weapon which inflicted fear upon many players of AfterWorld the 'shaft of the fallen'.

It was a long reddish black shaft with inscriptions. At the top of the shaft is a ball of black light surrounded by red blades, which looks like a flower.

While holding the shaft, he tapped it on the floor. A tablet the size of a book appeared before him.

"Let's summon my beautiful creations"

"Come forth my creation."

Four summoning circles appeared before him, emitting black aura around it. After which there were four NPCs standing before him.

Looking at them they were on their knees bowing down.

"Loyal Subordinates greets master." They spoke at the same time.

"Ashema, look outside the ship and tell me the details." he commanded a tall man with two black horns and green eyes, the demon king.

"Yes master". He replied with respect.

"Circe, order the devil knights to strengthen Gibrees' defense,"instructed Abbadon to the devil with pure white skin wearing a white and green robe.

"Yes my beloved supreme master," she replied with an affectionate voice and an evil smirk.

'She is the most evil among my creations. A sadistic scientist who gets an ecstacy rush doing new experiments,' he thought to himself.

"Nephthys and Isis, be on standby and help Circe with her task."

By then Ashema came came back and said:

"We are in the middle of the ocean. I think we are miles away from the mainland. There is an island with low level monsters nearby."

"Hmm...i think i need to check the map from Dumara, good work."

"Subordinates deserve no praise, I was only doing my duty to best serve my creator."

"Hmm...you can leave," he was like a king, who was ordering his followers.

"Teleport: 1st level". In a flash he was on the deck of the ship.

"Captain Dumara greets the master," he quickly bowed after seeing Abbadon.

"I want to know where we are now."

"There was a sudden drift in space and the ship landed here in the middle of the ocean."

"Can you access the navigation map," he asked Dumara with a curious look.

"Master, I don't know why, but the map is strange, some of the terrains have changed."

"Changed! How is that possible, show me the map." he ordered Dumara in shock.

Just as Abbadon commanded, Dumara brought up the projection of the map on the deck using a globe-like device on the deck. It is the most technologically advanced navigation system of the AfterWorld, a Magic artifact sold for millions when the game got its 5th update. Along with the ability to sense mana across the globe, it provided a highly accurate mapping ability.

He looked at the map and sifted through different regions however this time he was shocked. His face became pale, as if he saw something beyond comprehension.

"It's not AfterWorld, it's AfterEarth.. its.. Its the real world."

Dumara was dumbfounded to see his master,the higher existence, acting like a human.

After seeing Dumara's expression, he straightened his composure to befit that of the master of the ship.

He had thought that he was transmigrated to the gaming world but reality was far from what anyone could comprehend.

At this moment there was a flash of memory that came to his mind. After his body got Deconstructed there was system command.

[Deconstruction of Body and Soul Complete.]

[Commencing reconstruction.]

[Data Loading...database established.]

[Player Name: John]

[ Character Name: Abbadon Calm.]

[Reconstructing Body]

[Commencing Soul Fusion]

[Reconstruction Complete.]

[Fusion Complete]

[Commencing Player transportation..]

[Source: AfterWorld Destination: AfterEarth.]

[Transportation complete..player transported.]

[Current Location: Earth.]

[Full ability unlocked.]