
Chapter 4 : The Infected Horde

The group had been living in their new home for a few weeks when they heard the sound of a distant horn. They rushed to the window and saw a horde of infected, numbering in the hundreds, heading straight for their location. The group had never seen anything like it before - the undead moving as one, their eyes glowing with an insatiable hunger.

Miguel quickly took charge, grabbing his weapons and assigning tasks to each member of the group. Marcus would be on lookout duty, Maya would create traps, Olivia would tend to any injuries, and Miguel would be the main fighter. They had to work quickly if they wanted to survive the coming onslaught.

The infected horde was getting closer, and the group could hear their guttural moans getting louder. They saw the first wave of infected slamming into the boarded-up doors, trying to break through. But the group had planned for this, and they had reinforced the doors with metal sheets and bars.

Maya's traps proved to be effective, causing the infected to trip and fall, giving Miguel the opportunity to strike them down. Olivia did her best to patch up any injuries quickly, but it was a losing battle as the number of infected kept increasing.

The group fought fiercely, their adrenaline pumping, but it was a losing battle. The sheer number of infected was overwhelming, and it seemed like they would be overrun. Just when all hope seemed lost, they heard a familiar voice shouting for them to follow.

It was Jack, the charismatic leader they had encountered before. He had come with his own group of survivors, armed and ready to fight. Together, the two groups formed a barricade, fighting side by side to fend off the infected horde.

The battle was brutal, but the combined efforts of the two groups proved to be too much for the infected. Slowly but surely, they managed to push the horde back, and the group emerged victorious.

As they caught their breath and surveyed the damage, the group realized that they had found more than just allies in their battle. They had found a community, a group of people who were willing to band together and fight for survival.

The group had learned that they couldn't survive on their own, and that they needed to rely on each other if they wanted to make it in this new world. With their new allies by their side, they knew they had a chance. A chance to survive, to thrive, and to fight back against the undead that had taken over their world.