
Afterlife:The Dark Divine

Adam, a soul from actual Earth, a great divine learning, being and beyond after his passing from body. Ruler of his own universe and finding that he is God was barely the beginning. He had to use more than just so many senses to realise he is not alone. The Gods of all universes must come together for their leader and send away the dark energy/ the dark beings from destroying the multiverse. All creation is at stake but none of this is the threat that will change the fate of all universe and Gods.

SilverJones · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Merciless Redemption: 11 Crossing Neutrality

There was this soul that I found amidst all chaos reminiscent of my past flowing through my weak mind . I was picked up and made to fly through the multiverse with the help of its insight and companionship knowing how important I and he is.

True insight of the creator and passion to discover within and everywhere that the gods of this multiverse had set paths for the new ones such as me. This was learned from the minds of this friend that I had found through his journey of saving me.

Yes, my soul was retrieved and brought to consciousness that I was the chosen one, know at the brink of everything to succeed I see the face that saved me against the entirety of the multiverse and me.

I looked at Gigash in a way to provoke reassurance from, he did the most dreadful thing in this time.. to nod at me. My eyes were shut tight trying to go back to the beginning and see the place where I was during the entry of my soul to the afterlife.

I wanted into darkness for eternity rather than facing all this.. all this chaos and instability in this multiverse. Nature itself turns against those that would be part of it. The face of the soul I tried to save for redemption now turning against me.

The multiverse was at stake and it needed the vigor of null and the reality of my fate. My past life was almost about to leave my mind.

I wasn't hoping that I would be here though for my fate brought me here and here I am. I am still pleased to defeat all the sunken souls and save my friend and Gigash was frightened too with me that if we do he is no more and I can never save anything.

The celestial soul was vibrating all the light he has and all the other celestials all over the entire multiverse feeling this event attack their heart and creations. They resembled my friend to save their planets and people, one I could never do for him. It was all paradoxically faulty in this piece of moment that proved the entire multiverse is no longer in the hand of the chosen one.It was not in the hands of my disciple, my friends, and the people I helped but not even in mine.

Everything I knew was at the fault of my beginning to realize the entire power of my soul. I couldn't decipher how quickly things had turned towards the side of evil and end. This wasn't the soul of the same that much I was sure of even if Gigash thinks otherwise.

This isn't null and if it is... We were doomed. I was floating away to the place of exit towards the other universe in a dumbfounded state and stayed away from consequences anymore on this life. I was reaching the end of this place in complete hopelessness as every soul looks up at me softly with hope. I had let them down and Gigash too as he looks to me worriedly and I was looking at the warp to the other end.

I was trying to go back and find a way for all this as I couldn't take this at all anymore. All of this was too much energy and time faulted towards someone I would never hurt. Darkness and evil had won and I had to accept such a thing this time.

As I leave I look back at them still in doubt if he can be saved and then I looked at false null confused while looking at everyone with the same doubt. I didn't bother and I went to the entrance of the warp.

I move as I suddenly was thrust from the other side. My eyes widened as I kept trying to do so to enter the other side and there was some kind of a barricade.

"Master.. what happened!! " The noble warrior asks with high spirit as it looked at me, "Master don't.. there's something wrong going o--" A sudden stop to the great voice of him as I heard complete silence. I turned to look at the disciple struggling the same way null did in the palms of this evil soul.

It held its neck tight and squeezing tighter-looking into his eyes and saying, "Look, kid, you won't be saved and you must realize that... you are just a puppet for him who will make you just kneel to him for the rest of your life, never making you the God you truly want to be. Your life will be a waste if he ever did give you a chance at last just to feed on all the powers.. better die and come to a new life.. of the true God I serve.. "

I didn't hold back I rushed to him though there was a wall blocking me all of a sudden to go to him and I struggled and struggled as I broke the cosmic wall and breached towards this very hating soul.

I struck it with all the power I had breached the substance of the wall and thrust against the face of my dearest friend. This was when a part of me would die as I looked at his eyes and still never tried to hold back, "Sorry... null. "

I say as I strike his very face closing my eyes tight but again something had blocked after the cause-effect of his face against my hand. The explosion of my cosmic vitality didn't show the reason I'm being held at my wrist... I devoured the soul and who was it at the other side I thought.

I rub my eyes and suddenly before looking, I was thrust to the end of the 11th dimension breaking almost and entering the Longbridge towards 12th.

I was quite dizzy and the space vacuum was keeping me rolled as I didn't move and became light.

I wasn't trying to do anything anymore as I simply sit in my mind and look elsewhere. Also opening my eyes and looking at the stars.. knowing that one day this wouldn't exist was it same as justice, I never knew.

I hugged myself trying to relieve myself of my life and the afterlife trying to go back to Earth and the true life but my fate here wasn't done and I wasn't very pleased with it as this soul was again thrusting from afar.

I could hear the blasts and thrusts from the vacuum in high speed towards my vessel and I couldn't bother to turn and look at the soul.

I stared at the faraway sky as I drifted off to become unconscious though I couldn't. All this power and nothing I could do was this the actual meaning of the afterlife and the multiverse. That upon death or so... you never really live but be broke even more.

I was chanting the sadness in my brain blaming what I did and was in an uncomfortable numb peace within... My soul was being ripped and broken...

The sunken soul whom I never wanted to fight had come to me as bright as a million suns and put his energy towards the heart of mine. It exploded around the entire vacuum that surrounded us and my heart was being pierced and almost broken from the collapse.

Time had suddenly slowed down as he looked into my eyes and felt what I exactly felt as though we were connected, ".. it's funny.. I hear your thoughts all of it.. I don't know to whom you are saying this but if null was your friend... how am I here.. " he said gaining more energy from me as he sucked my vitality, "You see chosen one, you were never chosen. You like every other piece of soul that wanders around is just a puppet. The puppeteer will take charge of the entire multiverse... by destroying it and taking every last power from you and all your good work goes to him. "

I couldn't hear much but I did understand.. as I heard his thoughts too. "You won't survive and I won't let you anymore go towards becoming this chosen one with all that insight. I'm gonna take it and give it to the 12th dimension king.. or well to myself and I will rule the entirety of it.. giving dark energy and light equality and not ruling the subconsciousness of any soul... " All his thoughts were trying to enter my head, trying to cause me to go against my fate but all he thinks was just a distortion of grand delusion he had come up with.

"You are wrong, I hear you.. you won't.. see until I kill them all will you. It doesn't matter if I kill some that exist anyway, they won't listen to me and they will die by the gods they worship so why bother not killing. " I heard it's speech as my heart was slowly being pierced completely and the pain struck me, I stuttered as I spoke, "You-you can't kill something.. that will always be saved .. by more celestials like me.. I'm not the chosen one.. everyone who thinks they are.. they are the chosen one and you won't beat them. "

. It smiled at my face as at last, it relieved me of my heart. my body and sent me to fly against dimension to dimension and at last... disappear just like my friend null. I saw the true end and all my memories going away. This was goodbye for sure as there wasn't null to save me and Gigash has no one to be taught from.. the multiverse was in the hands of the evil at the end...

"Great fight Adam.. also thank you for all that insight and... your heart.. . Thank you for the key to wreaker Galante... This multiverse has just begun to disappear.. "