
Afterlife:The Dark Divine

Adam, a soul from actual Earth, a great divine learning, being and beyond after his passing from body. Ruler of his own universe and finding that he is God was barely the beginning. He had to use more than just so many senses to realise he is not alone. The Gods of all universes must come together for their leader and send away the dark energy/ the dark beings from destroying the multiverse. All creation is at stake but none of this is the threat that will change the fate of all universe and Gods.

SilverJones · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Insight Chapter- 5.5 Gigash- : The Guardian Space Hound

I had, closed my eyes to transfer a part of my conscience to you guardian of my cosmos. My creation lies in your hands now as I have departed on a long journey, longer than two births and three deaths of our universe, keep it safe. Yours lovingly, creator.

This was the letter i wrote to my champion and the god of the universe I made right now. I had sent this part of conscience to the lonesome entity rather than the actual me beyond our reality. It is my turn to guide this towards the path of guardian of Adam's universe.

As I emerge out of nowhere and flow through the giant creature's heart amidst a thousand galaxies, I cautiously go through its spine without withering it away from its century-long meditation.

Through it's rigid material within I snaked up to his mind to awaken it. The vigorous giant casually opened it's eyes as it felt me within him and floated towards the realm of control.

The place was hidden amidst a few white holes that emit out cosmic energy. A palace hidden in darkness that is the guardian of all light in this universe.

The Boar and hound like celestial had walked inside this palace to where the prism of hope was kept. This champion of adam had seen around the work of his master and his intelligent as it was carved on walls the secret of everything and of human life, of physics and soul.

He soundly went towards the object of greatness, a true light in all darkness. It reflected the giant shape of the boar as he neared the prism, a tiny substance was all it was to the massive size of the celestial.

As he went to take the prism, the light in it moved to it's palm. It reflected back into his spirit and hummed his name in all paradise almost like it knighted him," Guardian of Adam-Verse..you shall become it's God and shed light in those that live in the name of your master. Protect the universe, Gigash, for all his creations now become yours..."

A feminine and powerful voice breached his soul yet softly to invoke the leadership his master told him to take and now he softly moved his lips to say something, "My master is unique and powerful, he's got ways no God can ever think of as he was once human.." he strongly said as his voice echoed all over the palace, his eyes glowed more as he exhaled and fell on his knees. "And I know I can't leave him alone at the edge of space even though I am told to.." he keeps the prism back at the palace and walks slowly away with the vigor of a warrior. The female sprite that lived within the prism had talked to him again being connected to his soul already.

"You have been given the control to govern this universe, your orders should never be abandoned...come back Sompher.." He stood still and turned his head slightly to the prism though the voice was in his head. "Master named be Gigash , I am not Sompher Abigail anymore and as I am a celestial, I can govern and keep things in order wherever I am.." He said and slowly moved outside the zone of the palace.

"Your master wont be pleased, divine celestial. You were made to be here and take care of things when he is gone. What he is against cannot be comprehended for beings like us. You must listen to him and wait..." He kept reaching the end of this universe putting all the sprites word to void and insulting it's presence, " Mark my words young lad, the six handed boar and half hound body you are can be taken away in a blink. You mocking me will not keep you what you are and you cannot survive the darkness beyond this realm. Even as you go now you won't give your Master peace.." He stopped mid space and looked back at the palace

,"I in no way want to anger you queen of emotions, but I'm in debt for my master as he provided me great insight of another celestial and there is more for me to learn.." he said calmly "A way is paved for me and I had a vision where I save my master through my demise, I must leave before my destiny goes away from me..i don't want to stay at one place. " He left the zone of the realm and gave her the respect he had for her.

" All you did was anger the evil of this universe. You better govern properly." The last words she spoke as he was leaving. He heard but didn't listen and had embarked on the journey through the same footsteps of his master. He struck at vacuum in the speed of light , thrusting through debris and all that was created by Adam. Going through time was going through space for the dimensional being he is and so time was being protected as he journeyed through his master's realm. He had almost gone near to the warp tunnel and a voice in his head forces him to stop amidst the place.

A terror in his mind as he holds his head and screeches in the middle of nowhere. Echoing and striking was his sound as he struggled to calm himself down but his vessel was being seperated from him slowly. The body and skin coming off, and turning into newer sleaker form.

The boar resemblance had gone and the hound was more he became along with a humanoid structure. He analysis his arms and body and sees that it has been improved in stamina and speed but reduced in power.

He exhaled and calmed down as he noticed that Adam did set up an avatar for Gigash long before if this circumstance ever came. He smiled as he was getting closer to prove the female sprite friend right.

He reached back to thrust through space at a much greater speed. He readies his body and holds breath, closing his eyes and then opening it to see the tunnel..

He then rushed by pushing his hands forward and had reached a speed greater than light which automatically let him teleport to beyond this universe.

At last he had reached the other end of the tunnel..and was ready for what comes in his way until he gets to Adam.

"I shall bring all my wisdom and power and be of your assistance forever, bless me with your power..." he said and had left the universe at last, letting it be truly alone...for it is already a part of Adam's mind, emptiness cannot be allowed in the mind of such a celestial.