
Afterlife:The Dark Divine

Adam, a soul from actual Earth, a great divine learning, being and beyond after his passing from body. Ruler of his own universe and finding that he is God was barely the beginning. He had to use more than just so many senses to realise he is not alone. The Gods of all universes must come together for their leader and send away the dark energy/ the dark beings from destroying the multiverse. All creation is at stake but none of this is the threat that will change the fate of all universe and Gods.

SilverJones · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Convour's Legacy: 10.Opening of Multiverse

Convour was prisoned, his realm of mistakes took shape and kept him in the bondage of space-time and the weirdest sunken souls. My face was still scowling at these creatures though my hands were behind my back clenching and making a fist. My mind was elsewhere and a part of me struggled to keep me calm. I couldn't breach into a form of a raging celestial so I kept quiet and the fire in my soul was watered down with the skies and magic of this world. It was too quiet as this suffering creature reached out to my soul with queries of how I can save Convour and it also called me the chosen one.

The awaken souls drifted into a form or shape of uncertainty, that looks oddly like null with a transparent head and shifting body, skin too unique to exist physically solid. I looked at it and questioned its very presence as it looked back at me, "If the people of this universe are after Convour to save him why do you all look so uncertain and also personifying yourself into it". The awaken soul puts his shifting arms up as it fabricates a finger pointing up in the air and showing me. It was asking me to stop, to stop thinking or questioning, and to just feel the reality.

The noble warrior of mine indulged in a glance of the cosmic beauty around the universe. He looked at the stars with widening eyes and breathed comfortably as he was about to float to the other side of us and look at the spectrum of vibrant colors in the zone made by these unique godly creatures. He didn't give much to the moment between the awaken soul as he was elsewhere shaping his world from that. It oddly very much felt like me..just in another figure..across time. I looked back at the sunken soul and asked, "where?" it knew I stopped thinking bashful achieving certainty and against insanity, quietness took over though my face was still glaring at the skies where he had been kept.

"Gigash, we must meet the other creatures and form an army, explain to them about our arrival and--" A sudden burst of light shattered the convergence and depleted nearby cosmic vitality. The light kept growing and growing almost waiting to explode, the noble giant soul moved to help the awaken souls.

He took all of them to safety as the multiverse was cracking.

"now, we must leave," I tell the bright soul looking and staring at me still. Its very eyes that suddenly fabricated into one of the most beautiful assets was reaching my deep soul and communicating. I was shrinking my eyes to look deeper through as it had helped me understand what it tried to say...and it wasn't something peaceful.

I quickly got the body of the awaken soul drifting like space-time convergence and my hands suddenly became black holes. The cosmic vitality surrounding me turned into ghost reapers and dark entities shouting and remaking the visuals I had been seeing. I kept pressing my ears with my hands harshly trying to eliminate all the noise I heard that kept making me very frustrated.

At the end of the space that was suddenly orange in color and as my hands turned into water, a very confusing event had occurred. A soul dropped out of a portal looking like my best friend and knower of the multiverse.

It was closing in towards me with sparkling eyes, I could feel my heartbeat rapidly as it was the friend I had seen in demise. The resemblance was uncanny to let my eyes go and the dark entities were closing in along with him. He still seemed to have marks like the ancient sunken souls as I had remembered through my connection with the noble awaken souls and read the whole history of Convour.

Something just shook me and made me shiver as he pointed his finger towards me as his throat vibrated about to let something very disastrous for all hearts. "You...you did not save me .. you kept having a lovely moment with Ms.Galante, didn't you... Chosen One.."

I had sought after replenishment of my sins to see him like this if all of this was true and he has rather changed into this...dreadful creature and the king of dark entities. I looked at him worriedly struggling to speak, "Br-brother...I would never.." He stopped me as he rushed at speed of light towards almost putting a hole in my chest though the pain was severe there, "You will live, chosen one, you will suffer for what you did to these dark entities.. and one by one I will take everything you love."

I dare touch him and send him away even though I can't in this very confusing form and I was enlightened by something outside whatever place I was brought to, a familiar voice calling me,"..Master, do not give in... it's --" The signal to another soul breaks as null's hand was over my head, "Starting from your memories of your daughter and the insight of the multiverse."

My head almost burst from his touch as he reach the deep ends of my mind and show me the sufferings of my lifetime multiplied by a million times and filled my soul with agony. I never wanted to push him away or hurt him but this was not the act of the friend I knew from the past and the same I want to help.

I held my hands, driving the dark entities away from me as suddenly the memories came alive flashing before my eyes as I was letting them go because of his grip. Like a kid, I was waving hands in the vacuum and trying to fight him and I couldn't get anywhere closer to him. It was like a black hole was sucking everything I admired and kept deep within my mind. My subconscious was screaming being in control of a sunken soul in the form of my friend.

I always thought, the companion I found alongside with me wherever I go, I would never lay hands on him no matter what. This menacing figure in his form left me no other choice than to break the one rule I had always kept to my heart. A burst of tears fell through my eyes as the pain was even more agonizing in my head.

I looked up at the spirit resembling the friend I was about to save, "Please...null don't do this.." He glared towards my soul with this unquenching rage as he weakened me and held my head tighter extracting all my thoughts and insight, causing me agonizing pain.

I yelled as the place shook and my body felt being violently attacked from all sides. I wasn't giving in, with absolute power I have the absolute will and necessity to save others. My trembling and shaking hands were trying their best to keep the dark entities away from me and suddenly the null-like entity thrust a sword through my chest getting it twisted and breaking it in...

For a moment I felt no pain as my hands were holding onto the sword, "Seems too weak for the true creator's passionate creation, you are nothing but like any living soul out there.. you are just another fool wandering space-time in search of redemption for what great darkness you hold within yourself anyway.

I will make sure that darkness is spent ruining this multiverse once I take control of you and everything" his voice kept rising and deepening as he kept getting closer with his sword, the true pain I felt was trusting this soul in disguise was null but then I had known...

My eyes were shut close, resembling what I was during my awakening in the afterlife, fearing just darkness would be the rest of my life after death...now I understand. Thanks to Convour and his legacy, thanks to him who was clever enough to understand his mistakes and know the true nature of darkness and for him to show …the true nature of the actual god of the multiverse.

"Sunken soul, you are right. I am one like you wandering through space-time in search of something that was already inside me all this time. The thing is I had been looking at things the wrong way.." I could easily pull the sword in my chest away as my cosmic vitality suddenly increased and the vision that to psychedelic had gone.

I was brimming with light as I looked at myself, the sword connected to my soul and somebody reached into my head and called to me, "Chosen one, you have done a great job, take the sunken soul within you and conquer the 11th dimension, for it is now the time for the opening of the multiverse...let people see what the 12th and beyond is.." It was none other than a unique, inspiring, and soul full of light and energy...

Convour was brought to light somehow by the noble warrior I built as I turn back and look at him surprised. The entities surrounding me were all bowing to me and noticed what I had become before I did. The soft voice of the large creature reached my soul, "Master, you have taken the form...we saved Convour...but null."

My mind almost came to a shut down to know that this was null, fallen into the abyss of 12th and beyond dimensions. I was standing here with all the power in my hand and the sword. I look at the new null and point the sword, "You will become what you once were...I'm not letting you go."

My sword was up and I enchant the deepest energy stored within my soul and call it to arms as I spew it across the multiverse blasting it like a supernova, a star bursting in paradise, completing the legacy of Convour.

The multiverse was opened to the zoneverse...and the one who controlled all of it to become stable was none other than me.