
Life being alive

People say that there's life beyond death, a life free from earthly pains and grief, a life where your soul is as free as an eagle flying high in an open blue sky. Your deeds on earth may offer you the beauty of heaven or the evilness of hell - this is what we have been told since childhood. But now allow me to tell you a tale beyond your imagination which had remained unheard till now. This is a story of long time ago.

This story is about a girl named Snow Doswell. Like others, she was too born in an ordinary and extra normal family. Her father, Mr John Doswell was a businessman and was more attached to his cell than his family. Mrs Rosh Doswell, her mother was the head of one of the most finest club of the city and gave her most of the time to the right functioning of the club. Ronad Doswell was her brother who was a football freak and almost broken from every corner visible. Adding up to this, her sister Karen Doswell used to live in a different city for her higher studies who almost every time found it hard to spend a single penny for her own survival. Results after summing up things was a family in which everyone is on his own and sharing the day experience with each other was merely a dream for all of them. They were all so self occupied and had enough job to make twenty-four hours pass in seconds except Snow. She was of a different kind who was always surrounded by the feeling of loneliness.