
Afterlife: Ghostly Affection

They had taken her identity, her very being. Now, shackled to a man who only saw her as a means of entertainment, she wanted nothing more than to escape and accomplish her mother's last wishes. Facing down predators who want to see her submit before them, Amber must learn to hide who she is in order to survive this aristocratic world. Hiding behind a mask full of lies, a predator must hide within the flock to hunt down a wolf. With her only true confidants on the other side of life and death, she must rely on a power that might just bring forth her doom. In the end, will she learn to live in the world of the living, or find her place in the world beyond. There is no one but herself to rely on.

Lumar · History
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Chapter 1: Her Li(e)fe

The world is made up of different types of people; but in the end, it all comes down to two types: Predators, and their prey.

However, there is one kind of person not many know of. These are the most dangerous, even more so than predators themselves. They hide in the shadows as prey, letting others overlook them. Though, in the end, they will strike; and by then, it would be too late for you.

These are the wolves in sheep's clothing.

The carriage rattles down the road, rocks and holes making this an especially bumpy ride. A girl sat inside the carriage; blonde hair kept in a long braid jumping from the shaking. She sat in front of an older woman with chocolate brown hair swept in a high bun. There was an especially grim atmosphere between the teen and the woman, their tense figures strung up as if both were ready to strike if the other made a move. Finally, the older woman seemed to deflate, looking pained as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Are you okay, Elizabeth?" The woman asked, voice stern as she sat stiffly on her seat. Her face was expressionless, though her eyes on the other hand showed a glint of trepidation at having to say a word. The girl, Elizabeth, glared, teeth grinding ever so slightly as small pale hands gripped her puffy long red dress. She looked like she was ready to pounce on the woman before her, green eyes filled with malice.

"I am fine, mother," she replied through gritted teeth, practically sneering the last part from spite. The older woman sighed, her emotionless face slipping into a tired, older looking one. She looked like she was battling with herself, hands shaking ever so slightly at the sight of the young teen's ire.

"Oh Amber; please, don't do this." The blonde-haired girl's eyes flashed, practically burning the woman before her. "Oh, now I'm Amber?" She said with sarcasm, eyes showing nothing but grim amusement as she leaned forward. It was like the woman was looking at a predator, prowling, waiting for the perfect chance to pounce on her and take her life away. Swallowing, the woman's shaking hands gripped at her dress in order to still them. She looked away from Amber's poison like eyes, her breath coming slightly harsher as she tried to talk things out amicably.

"You know this is necessary, your father-" before the woman could say any more, Amber slammed her hand on the empty space next to her. This made the woman jump ever so slightly, eyes widening as she looked at Amber cautiously, as one would a wild dog.

"Don't you dare finish that bloody sentence." She warned, eyes livid. The woman gulped, seeming to back down as the blonde-haired teen gathered herself. Letting out a sigh, Amber's vivid eyes dimmed ever so slightly, no longer seeming to shine a poisonous green but rather looked calm and peaceful, like a grassy field.

"I will be perfectly fine mother; you have no need to worry." She gave said woman a smile; relaxing her angered features as her hands rested on her lap.

The older woman seemed to shake out of her fear, her hands also resting on her lap as he smiled back at her 'daughter', though it was obviously forced. "That is good to hear: We will be arriving shortly." She said stiffly, her hand then rubbing her lap nervously as she no longer tried to talk to her 'daughter'.

Amber closed her eyes in exasperation, not wishing to be in this predicament any longer. She looked to her left, seeing the figure of a young woman sitting next to her. This would not be such an odd thing, if it weren't for the fact that said young woman was floating on her seat. Amber sighed, looking back at the woman masquerading as her mother, or rather it was she who was putting up the act of the daughter. The woman was completely oblivious of the other occupant of the carriage.

Just wait until we are alone, Amber told herself as she continued to sit nonchalantly.

"You know, this isn't as bad as you're making it out to be Abby." Amber narrowed her eyes, wishing nothing more than to make a snappy remark to said claim. Instead, she just rolled her eyes discreetly and turned towards the window; ignoring the both the woman and the young lady's presence all together. Suddenly the carriage came to an abrupt stop, causing Amber to jerk on her seat; the woman practically jumping in her seat.

"Seems like we are here," the woman said, hands coming up to fix her still kept hair. Amber sighed once more, a finger rubbing her nose before the door next to her opened, an older man with white combed hair and mustache along with a tailcoat uniform made himself known.

"Milady, we have arrived," he said, back straight as can be. He reached out a hand towards her, gloved palm just inches from her place in her seat. "If I may," nodding at the request, Amber took hold of his offered hand gratefully as he helped her off the carriage. Another man, looking younger than the man who had helped Amber, proceeded to help her mother off the carriage as well.

Turning to look at their destination, Amber saw just what she had expected to see, if not more extravagant. A mansion stood in front of the carriage, looking elegant if not a bit intimidating from their position. It was huge, painted the color of the dark night as hints of red and grey could be seen here and there. A garden was in front of the mansion, holding a variety of well-kept flowers. Yet the flowers did little to liven the dark atmosphere that seemed to surround the imposing house.

"What a lovely place," Amber muttered, sarcasm dripping out of her voice as she waited beside the carriage while the butlers unloaded her things to place in her new home.

Well anyplace should be better than that hellhole, she thought to herself as pictured of the other gloomy house flashed in her mind's eye. Filled with a desolate atmosphere that pultruded grief and deep seeded disappointment.

The transparent girl beside her giggled, as if reading her thoughts. Well actually, more like she is, or at least the context of it. Amber sighed, this stupid ghost of a girl was able to invade the most private place in the world. The thought, while terrifying, made her ever so happy that only she could talk to the elegant ghost who seemed to not be able to leave her in peace.

"Well aren't you especially rude today Abby?" The ghost girl said with amusement present in her light voice. Her voice seemed to be one that blew with the wind, but a whisper that seemed to only ever be directed to Amber. As it should be, for Amber was one of the only ones here who could hear these whispers in the wind. As far as she knew that is.

"Anyone who was told one day that they would be married off to someone who they held no knowledge of would be even a bit resentful, I hope." Amber snapped-whispered back, eyes rolling as she turned her attention back to the mansion. It was amazing, that she could not deny, it was dark and held an almost nightlike feeling to it. It was quite magnificent, but that only made it much more resentful to Amber. She missed the cozy and practicality that her old home held, the only place that she truly felt was her own. Well that is until he took that away from her.

"Actually, most noble ladies know of the fate they must one day face. So yes, in our class it is just you." Glaring at the transparent blonde, Amber's eyes flashed in warning. Seeing that she had crossed the line with this, the ghost said no more.

They both knew that some years ago, this was not her fate. Though that was a moot point now.

"Come Elizabeth, let's go meet the new groom." The woman said, a brilliant smile on her face as an almost different personality than from the one in the carriage seemed to take over her. It seemed like she could no longer rein in the excitement of finally being able to rid herself of Amber.

Sighing for what seemed the millionth time that day, Amber carefully walked the slightly muddy path towards the woman, trying to get as little mud on her heels as she could.

"Yes mother, shall we head inside?" She said, a perfectly emotionless mask on her features as she stared at the woman with glassy green eyes, no emotion betrayed in them. The woman's excitement slightly faltered, before she seemed to force an even more brilliant smile on her lips as she walked towards the mansion, butler and footman not far behind them.

The older woman knocked the door with a handle the shape of a griffin's head. The knock seemed to resound throughout the grand mansion, steps could be heard hurrying towards the location of the door. The door cracked open as the face of a maid could just be seen.

"To whom am I in the presence of," she said with a foreign accent, black hair in a tidy bun with kind yet suspicious brown eyes staring at them intently. Amber took an instant liking towards her, something about the air around her just making her wish to know more of her and her life. Her eyes held deep rooted caution, yet there was the slight hint of kindness and warmth in them, as if a blizzard was protecting the last hint of sunlight.

"I am Marchioness Abigail of the Evan house. I am here with my daughter, Lady Elizabeth, engaged to Grand Duke Griffin." The maid's eyes widened as she quickly opened the door, bowing deeply as she apologized for the wait. Inclining her head ever so slightly, the Marchioness gracefully walked in as Amber followed behind, flashing a warm smile towards the unnamed maid. Another maid walked in, seeming to telepathically know who they were as she bowed to them before showing the way.

Amber looked around the inside of the mansion, trying hard not to look too flabbergasted at the pure luxury that seemed to flow out of every inch of this mansion. The dark colors that seemed to make up the design made everything all that much more exquisite, in contrast to the white yet seeming never ending gloom that filled that place. They moved swiftly, seems like the maid didn't want to keep her master waiting for too long. Amber wondered just how the man would look like. With her luck, he was most likely an elderly man who had no other choice but to marry the daughter of a poor noble family before he died without an honorable heir.

"Oh hush Amber, your beauty is known throughout the lands." Amber tried ever so hard not to snort, a small smile playing at her lips as she side glanced at the floating teen besides her. You mean your beauty is known?

The teenager frowned, pouting slightly, so Amber knew that at least the bare context of the thought went across. Just as Amber was getting lost in thought, the young maid opened huge double doors, seeming to have already received permission to open them.

Walking in behind the Marchioness, Amber looked around the same dark decorations in the room as her eyes slowly traveled towards the figure sitting in a large chair on the front of the room, seat placed in a higher position with stairs leading up to him. His figure was mostly covered by the darkness of curtains that seemed to surround him, only his dark black suite could be seen from the darkness thanks to few windows on the walls.

"Ah, I see that you have arrived safely. I am Avon of the house of Griffin, it is a pleasure; Marchioness Abigail, Milady Elizabeth." As he said this, the figure stood up from his seat, walking towards the light dark long hair could be seen as bangs seemed to fall just above dark lack eyes. He was quite gentle to the eyes. His features flawless as he seemed to elegantly bow towards them, the act more graceful than any lady could ever accomplish.

Amber discreetly narrowed her eyes, a small downturn on her lips. The aura around him was one of condensation and self-importance. His eyes only showed coldness even as is lips spread out into an elegant smile. His features were otherwise cold. He was one that saw himself above everyone else, the alpha in front of a herd of sheep.

Well, Amber thought, let him think of her as a sheep. It would only make it easier for her to escape unscathed.

Having some understanding of Amber's thoughts, Elizabeth could only lament with exasperation.

"Only you Amber, would ever turn down such a hunk of a man. I am of certain that even men lust for him." Amber rolled her eyes, but before she could even think of a remark, all attention was already turned towards her.

Biting back a sigh, Amber curtsied towards the young Duke, trying to look as elegant as she could, which was not much mind you. She then straightened again before proceeding to speak the words that had been drilled into her since a few weeks ago. "The honor is all mine Grand Duke Griffin, I am Elizabeth Evans, only daughter of Marchioness Evans and your betrothed henceforth. May our lived be filled with glory and fortune from this day forward."

Wishing to physically throw those words away, Amber perfectly masked her face to look like one of pure innocence without any knowledge of the world. This man looked like one who held complete dominance on whatever he did. He was a wolf pure and true, and a wolf like him needed a sheep to accommodate his wishes.

Making sure to look as vulnerable and timid as physically possible, Amber faked a trembling smile before bowing her head ever so slightly in fake humble. The man quickly dismissed her, just as she hoped he would, as he turned towards her mother with intense dark eyes.

"The wedding ceremony will be held in a week's time. Rooms have already been prepared for the two of you. Samantha, show them to their temporary quarters."

The maid standing beside the door quickly bowed before opened the door once more, keeping it open so that they may pass. Once more letting the Marchioness lead, Amber could not help but sneak one last look at her husband to be. Seeing his arrogant yet bored eyes made her sneer ever so slightly, oh how she dreaded this engagement already.

Quickly turning before she was caught, Amber continued to follow behind the Marchioness as they were taken to the quarters they will be using during their stay in this mansion.

"Marchioness Evans, this will be your room." The maid said, signaling to a big door close to the end of the hallway. Nodding her head in thanks, Marchioness Abigail took one last weary glance towards Amber before heading inside, albeit with hesitance.

Wishing to roll her eyes, Amer saw the ghost next to her giggle slightly once more before seeming to float in and out of rooms, enjoying herself to her fullest. Following behind the maid, Amber was soon presented to her own room as she went inside, but not before exchanging a few words of gratefulness towards the maid.

Walking inside, Amber sighed at the pure luxury of it as she sat in the grand queen-sized bed in the middle of her room, curtains hanging from the walls as different sized pillows and blankets covered it. Making sure to lock the door in her room, Amber stretched before scratching her head irritably.

"Hey, anyone heading towards here?" She asked the blonde transparent girl who was currently analyzing the room's contents. She floated out of the door before coming back in after a few seconds, shaking her head confidently. "None as we speak," She claimed, before once more coming going back in seeing the luxuries the room had to offer. Grabbing hold of the top of her head, Amber gently took off many pins before taking off the blonde wig. On her head lay bright red locks braided into a bun as she gently let the now slightly curly hair loose.

"What beautiful locks, such a shame they are a secret to others. Yet I am happy for such a fact, for it mean that nobody gets to see your true beauty except for me." Amber sighed, a small chuckle escaping her lips as she stared at the floating teen now in front of her.

"You and your jests, is joking around the only thing that you can do." Abigail said to the floating girl giggled behind her hand. She twirled in the air before continuing to float in different part of the room.

"Oh, what am I to do? I was hoping for there to be more time before this situation occurred. Seems that my eminent escape has become harder than ever now." Amber sighed regrettably, looking around the fairly huge room as a fire seemed to burn in her green irises.

"I wouldn't recommend escaping now, mind you, this is the Grand Duke we are speaking of. He has the king on his side, if you even think of escaping, you will have more than a few guards after you."

"Oh, I know of the consequences, yet when have I ever backed down from a challenge?"

The ghost's eyes widened, pure horror in her gaze. "You can't be serious Amber. Has the devil taken the last sanity left to you? You would be hanged for leaving! Or, god forbid, worse!"

Amber sighed, eyes gazing out the window in her room as she stared at the forest located in the expense. "Tell me, is being killed such a loss, or wouldn't it be more of a pity to die inside every day I am further caged in this title I never wished for."

Abruptly standing up, Amber gazed at the transparent girl with blazing eyes, a small snarl in her lips. This was no longer the calm lamb had been there. Now it was a ferocious being, eyes practically shined as a sort of dark shadow seemed to almost radiate behind her.

"They have already taken my identity-" She spoke with such hatred that even in death, the young woman could feel a shiver up her spine. This was the true form of a girl once so pure, now holding only dangerous intent.

"I will die first before they take from me the rest of my existence." She waked closer to the still girl, steps confident as she stood in front of her.

"Now tell me, are you with me or not." The dead girl sighed, a small yet forced smile spreading on her lips as she looked at the red-haired girl before her.

"You know the answer to that already."

"I am glad to hear so, Elizabeth."