
Afterlife Dream

Daniel Weston died from pneumonia when he was 14 years old. He was then reincarnated into an MMORPG that he played before he died, "Afterlife Dream" as a mage named Antares. The MMORPG was very similar to the one he played on his phone, only that it had additional features that could be used to get better starting cards before being reborn on earth. Sick of spending fourteen years of his life in vain, Daniel decided to make it happen. He was going to be reborn with the best advantages in life. For that, he was willing to play in Afterlife Dream seriously. Luckily, Daniel was not the only child with this predicament. He encountered like-minded friends who wanted to achieve the same goal. Before that happened, Afterlife Dream started to destabilize. What would happen to Daniel and everyone else in Afterlife Dream who had yet to fulfill their wishes?

Lu_Shui · Games
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151 Chs

Boss Hunting Carnival (6)

"Dear Adventurers, welcome to the Red Bubble Playground! A Bubble War will begin in a short while. Please take your position!"

"Position?" I turned to Aurendiria, giving her a quizzical look.

She was equally puzzled. "What Bubble War?"

While we were trying to understand the instruction that we just heard, the double door at the ends of the hall opened up and a bunch of small bubble monsters poured out.

To be exact, the red ones poured out from the door behind us and the green ones from the door in front of us.

"War! War! War!" they chanted in a high-pitched voice.

Aurendiria and I both took our battle stances, but the small monsters did not mean to attack us.

"Heave-ho!" they cried as they swept us off our feet.

The green ones got me while the red ones got Aurendiria.

"Antares!!!" Auren cried, extending her hand after me.


We did not have time to be dramatic because both of us were quickly kidnapped to where the respective bubble monsters came from.