

"The fox clan is one of the powerful clans in the yao, since they themselves, even just as individuals, are powerful." Yi Bing started as he sat across Huo Ling. "The reason why they are powerful is because they both have the strength and the charm to entice the human or another yao. In short – " he said. " – not only are they are strong – physically and mentally, but they are also strong with their magical abilities. They can control other beings." He explained. 

"I get this. This is just like what I read in those novels." Huo Ling said. He remembered that foxes can cultivate and transform to humans to charm the humans using their face, then mate with them to get essence they use for their cultivation. "What I don't understand is why can't I be resurrected?" he asked. 

"You want to?" Yi Bing sharply asked as he threw a glance at Huo Ling.