
AFTERBITE (The Transitioning)

Nate is an everyday teenage boy that goes to school in Vadille High . He's been labeled 'lame' and 'nerdy' and even been bullied because of it. This greatly impacts his self-esteem and how he sees himself and drives him into a state of depression. Even his parents who are therapists can't seem to be able to get to him. The news of his parents' death by an attack with a supernatural creature pushes him to the edge and wants to end it all by taking his own life. what he does not know is that the new girl Alvah that has different plans for him. While the whole school is watching her, she's looking at him. She's been listening in on his thoughts. He doesn't have much social life, he reads a lot and doesn't bother fitting in and that keeps him authentic, so that makes him stand out for a vampire. She decides he's the perfect vessel for her. If she can turn him Into a vampire he'll climb up the social charts and be powerful, or at least that's what she's saying over and over. But deep down she's hoping by turning Nate into a vampire,so her old love may jump into Nate's body. But instead, Alvah's and everyone else's worst nightmare possess Nate. Will Nate manage to strike a balance between himself as a nice person and a deadly monster?

AinTrippin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs



" Okay, what was that?"Alvah inquired, blasting into the house in her runway-worthy strut, as soon as the detective drove away.

I held up my face from my hands to look at her. I didn't know what to tell her. I was infuriated with that guy. Emi was too. I was beginning to understand why he had jumped into my body and not any other. We didn't have that many moralities in common but oh the vices. The anger management issues, the entitlements, the jealousy...Yeah, I said it. Because that's what it was. It was jealousy that completely blinded me so that being grateful wasn't even at the back of my mind.

" I just have a lot going on, Alvah don't push it"