

"Last week we managed to steal and bury more weapons."Chase spoke

He was sitting in the Dracula's chambers with the four ghosts devils surrounding him.

"And also we managed to make someone join our side. He has been so helpful." Chase added and this

time grasped all their attention as the weapons were not new news to them.

"Tell me about him. How did you make him?" Dracula questioned

"His name is Yusuf. He's great and specially gifted."

" What's his ability?" Bennet asked

"He can talk to machines. Any machine, isn't that awesome?"

"Is he the same guy you were here with?" Dracula asked and Chase nodded his head to mean yes.

"Then he's good. Anyone who can crossover is good enough to me." Dracula added

"Just make sure he's not going to snitch. You know I wouldn't like that, right?"

"Yusuf should not worry you. He can't snitch. You have my word." Chase responded

"Okay, you are free to go now, Chase Brown. Thank you." Dracula said and Chase got into his feet then