
After training for 1,000 years, it's time for me to collect my harem

A man, delusion with the thought of having a harem, bringing himself to the peak of humanity in both career and skill, yet he died before he fulfilled his dream. Warning! This story doesn't contain NTR, be warned before you got butthurt. (It's been resurrected)

TricksterDrasvel · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Step into Konoha

"Oh fuck, which geniuses but kinda not the young master I am reincarnated this time?"

I looked around and noticed I was in the forest, crap, don't tell me I was an abandoned child? But then I felt something in my dantian, this... wasn't this Qi? Was I in the cultivation world again? Wait... this feeling of Qi... it was not beginner level, this... Xiantian?

I was reincarnated in the young master with Xiantian's level? Oh, wow, what a blessing!

Xiantian was after all an expert level, not only you could control your Qi better, it also could be used for many purposes such as forming a sword made of Qi, calming a person's aura, and many things.

And um... huh, why there were also other things inside me, this... Mana? I also had Mana? What kind of body was this?!

A Mana was required to cast a spell, I had visited several worlds with the same theme and gathered enormous knowledge in spells, I wondered if that would be work...

I extended my hand and faced my palm upward, familiar energy inside my body circulated and then rushed through my vein, then it gathered on my hands, I said, "Water." Immediately a stream of clear water manifested above it, circling around as if dancing on my palm.

I cheered in excitement, immediately tried a couple of spells, I pinched my thumb and forefinger, feeling the mana gathered on my fingertips, I swung my hand toward myself without breaking the formation of my fingers, said, "Up!"

I felt like something pushed me from below, quickly sending me several meters in the air, and I hopped onto the branch of a tree, I stretched my hand, the mana gathered in my palm as it facing forward, and I said, "Ignite!"

Something like bluish energy shot out from my palm, it hit a tree in front of me, and a small fire burst on the body, originally, I wanted to extinguish the fire, but then I felt something from it, I looked at the fire for a while, I stretched out my hand and waved it, the small fire suddenly grew bigger, then it grew bigger, I waved my hand back, and the large fire jumped out from the tree, leaving only a burnt trace while the fire rested above my palm.

This was... fire bending, I had no doubt, I could fire bent, but how's this all possible?

Wait, my last request from before, did God listen to me? And all of these powers, it was clearly gained from my previous worlds.

Hum... I trained each time for 40 years, and always got killed before I graduated from my virginity, I thought the God hated me or something...

But I knew now the God loved me so much, now with my current strength, I didn't have to wait 40 years again, I could have my harem immediately!

Alright, the first question was where am I? What sort of world was this?


I heard a sound from my pocket, I reached out inside and found an Apple Phone, the fuck? I rather had Samsung. I checked up the application and saw the app 'world traveler', I clicked on it, and the interface quickly displayed 100 logos.

Final Fantasy 7, Bleach, Persona... what were this? The one with 'Naruto Shippuden' logo was blinking several times, I pressed on it and saw 2 options: Enter and Progress, the Enter option was darker than the Progress, which had a red bubble with white '1' number,

I pressed on it, and immediately a list like a chat message appeared on the interface, there was one chat, 'Plot'.

"Naruto just arrived at Konoha, meeting up with Sakura and Kakashi."

Who the hell those people?

I thought for a while, then checked the profile on the chat, read at the information.

"Abe Stu, gender male, age 18, background: common Shinobi, rank: Chunin."

Chunin... I looked down on my attire, just realized I was wearing a vest, and there was a metal protector on my forehead. Was this mean Chunin? I knew Shinobi referred to a male ninja, so this means I was in the world of Ninja?


A new chat? I looked at the 'Plot', now it said, "Naruto and Sakura prepare for bell challenge with Kakashi."

If these people appeared on the 'Plot' chat, it could have mean they were some kind of important people, huh, my previous worlds had nothing like this before, kinda exciting.

I put back my phone inside my pocket and looked around, I couldn't see any road or settlement, I circulated my Qi and focused it toward my feet, then I jumped high on the sky, only by now that I finally could see a huge place ahead, kind of similar to a city.


The mana from inside my body flared up, I was sucked into some sort of black hole and immediately appeared in front of a big gate along the wall, I wondered what sort of place was this.


When I walked through the gate, there were tall buildings left and right, the environment did feel less modern as if I just entered an ancient kingdom of japan. There were several people who walked around in the same attire as me, but there was also one whose different, it's like they were higher ranking than me, and also people who wore casual clothing, probably a civilian.

I enchanted my feet with Qi and climbed up a building, I saw a high cliff on the distance, 5 faces were made on the surface, those people must be very important.

Using my ability, I started gathering information about this world.

1. This world revolved around the use of Chakra, and one of those people who could use it was called Shinobi or Kunoichi. With Chakra, the Shinobi could use Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu, each had different unique techniques; With Ninjutsu, a Shinobi could breathe fire or simply made a clone of himself, with Taijutsu, a Shinobi could enchant their punches and kicks, and with Genjutsu, a Shinobi could cast an illusion on their target's mind.

2. There were five famous villages of Shinobi, and my village called Konohagakure or Konoha for short, our leader called Hokage, and then there were Anbu, Special Anbu, they were like a special agent, then Jounin, a sergeant, then Chunin, a corporal, then Genin, an infantry, there was also academy shinobi which pretty much a trainee.

3. Apparently, this guy called Naruto didn't have much good reputation in the village, not only he was a prankster, but something inside him that made the villagers quite have a hatred for him, he's harboring demon fox that once wreaked havoc in the village. Sakura or Sakura Haruno was a Chunin, and people said she's the disciple of the current Hokage, one of the legendary Sannin of the three, Tsunade Senju Not only she's fairly strong, but also expert in medical Jutsu, people also said that she was forever young, even in her 50s, she just looked like in her 30s. Lastly, Kakashi, he had quite a lot of nickname, but most importantly, he was a respected Jounin, one of the best Shinobi in Konoha.

With that kind of perk, I could guess that this Naruto was a protagonist of this world, his characteristic, reputation, and background fit these criteria, then what should I do next? He probably a nice person to befriend, but what most importantly, the harem... and graduation from my virginity, I needed to do it fast.

There were three girls that currently at my age that took a spotlight other than Sakura:

1. Hinata Hyuga, she was originally the heiress of the strongest Hyuga Clan, but her shy disposition made her unfit to lead the clan, so it fell onto her sister instead. The Hyuga Clan's member possed the special eyes called Byakugan, something about seeing a pathline of a person chakra, even could see-through wall or a person and possed almost 360-degree eyesight, they also practiced a gentle-fist technique.

2. Ino Yamanaka, the people from the village said she's beautiful as a flower, the Yamanaka Clan also had unique abilities such as taking possession of someone or an animal's body.

3. Tenten, a skilled girl who expertise in using weapons.

Now, getting Hinata would probably troublesome, a big clan like her family definitely took a high pride and it would hinder me from getting a harem, and her shy attitude would have drawn my effort way longer than I intended to. So I thought it should push her back for a while, now, let's thought about Sakura and Ino, both of them were once in a rival for this apparent renegade Shinobi, Sasuke Uchiha, this means both of them weren't strange with the love development, but it would be harder to gain their affection due to they already had a crush on someone even though it was remained unknown today.

So my best bet was probably Tenten, there was not much information about her, and she didn't have a history in romance before, her temperament also outgoing and she's not shy.

Right, these three days... These three days, I must get her, Tenten, you wait for me.