
After training for 1,000 years, it's time for me to collect my harem

A man, delusion with the thought of having a harem, bringing himself to the peak of humanity in both career and skill, yet he died before he fulfilled his dream. Warning! This story doesn't contain NTR, be warned before you got butthurt. (It's been resurrected)

TricksterDrasvel · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Before We Start

Before we begin, Abe Yutakasan's name will change to Abe Stu now because he's a total Gary Stu.

His power is:

1. Spells, that include:

-> Come [insert item name]: pulling whatever item you want into your hand.

-> Open: Unlock any locked door or chest.

-> Water: Creating water out of thin air.

-> Fix: restructure any broken stuff, even bones.

-> Confuse: causing any creature with a mind to be out of their mind for a while.

-> Chair: Assemble the air around you to turn into a comfortable chair.

-> Big: Increase the size of something expect a person's age.

-> Holy: Summon a ball of light that keeps the darkness and its creature away, it also very harmful to them.

-> Disarm: Flick the weapons or stuff from someone's hands.

-> Negate: counter enemy's magic, making it disappeared.

-> Boil: to cause water immediately boil.

-> Detect: detecting the life force from your surrounding area.

-> Lit: turn on any lamp or light source in your surrounding area.

-> Deaf: cause a person to unable to hear anything, not permanent.

-> Forget: erase a person's memory.

-> Petrify: turn a person into a statue, or full-paralyzes.

-> Barrier: Summon a magical defense.

-> Small: Reduce the size of something, except a person's age.

-> Laugh: cause a person to laugh unstoppably.

-> Life: animated all the non-living creatures, not working on a dead body.

-> Faint: shoot a magical missile that enough to knock out someone with lesser mental.

-> Move: moving an object without touching.

-> Age-Wall: Create a barrier with an age restriction.

-> Up: causing a target to bounce high into the air.

-> Breath: to unchoke someone either something stuck in their throat or after drowning.

-> No Stranger: A barrier where prevent someone unrecognize from entering.

-> Show me: reveal any hidden or secret writing, passage, or something that visually disappears.

-> Travel: to move from one place to another, must know the location.

-> Slow: to slow a target or multiple targets at once.

-> Where: using someone's stuff to know their location.

-> Tracker: turning an object into a tracker and slip it into someone's pocket.

-> Silence: cause a target to unable to talk, not permanent.

-> Explode: shoot a magical missile that explodes upon hitting a target, may kill if it is strong enough.

-> Expand: Increase the large space without affecting the external dimensions, enhancing its capacity, and rendering its contents lighter.

-> Lock: automatically lock any door and other stuff that has the locking mechanism.

-> Glue: Stuck a part of a person's body onto any surface or other person.

-> Paint: to give a surface or any item different color, doesn't work on the magical items.

-> Ignite: shoot a magical missile that lit a flame upon touch, may burn someone.

-> Shut: cause a person to shut their eyes, not permanent.

-> Dig: instantly dug a ground or cave.

-> Down: to make someone or something drop onto the ground.

-> Tired: shoot a magical missile that causes fatigue upon hit.

-> Cut: magic to cut something tearable, like rope or cloth.

-> Cover: closing up any open wounds, including healing the internal damage.

-> Hide: cause a person or object to visually disappear, they would reappear once someone or something hit them.

-> Go: shoot a magic missile that pushes a person or something forward.

-> Feather: to cause something to be as light as a feather.

-> Restore: fix a fragment object into a complete whole again.

-> Awake: to rouse a person from their comatose state.

-> Cure: remove a poison from a person or animal.

-> Grow: to make something that has been cut to grow to its original state.

2. Firebender: the ability to conjure, control, and makeshift a fire.

3. Cultivation: Xiantian level

4. Skilled in Alchemy and poison making.

5. Skilled in managerial, human resource, and accountancy.

6. Skilled in singing, poetry, and drawing.

7. Weapon Mastery: Dagger, Sword, Bow, and Guns.

8. Proficiency martial arts: Free Style

9. Driving Skill, Hacking Skill, and Cooking Skill at max.

10. Soccer, Volley, and Swimming skill at max.