
After Tomorrow

The stars are bright tomorrow, the stars are bright, civilizations are countless ..... This is the Moon One base, with an unpredictable super-explosion, the Earth split in two, the survivors drove the moon found alien spacecraft, named: Noah, was forced to open a journey to the stars ~!

yanping_zhang · Sci-fi
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160 Chs

Chapter 43 New Atmosphere

The more Tucker WU thought about it, the more interesting it became.

Although he was the most ordinary member of the new humans, he preferred to think independently. He felt that this question should be traced back to the very beginning.

Perhaps there was some hint of it during the time when the Noah Project was implemented in the moon base.

At that time, almost everyone was working desperately, simply for the ideal, for the starry sea in mind. Those comrades from Asia and Africa, once they heard that they were going to step into the stars, they were crazy not to.

Some people are aware of the inside story, and they work desperately to escape. But many people simply do not know the specifics, they are completely on some ideals and fervor in the fight, in the fight!

Then next, after the departure of the Noah, this feverish atmosphere not only did not disappear, but became more and more intense.

The new government was established and launched a big project construction, and the Coyote Design Bureau and the Tesla Institute took the lead in setting off a wave of scientific and technological research. They competed and confronted each other, and also affected the general public to a certain extent.

In the Noah, the distance between the general public and the big scientists is very close, after all, the total is just a little place, head up, head down.

People technical bull early to leave and late to return, are so hard work, an ordinary person why not?

Yes, this time people have been somewhat used to the high intensity of work.

Then next, the Mars virus incident and the blowing of the industrial horn of the third revolution officially made the atmosphere of this frenzy form the substance and drive everyone.

Ding Yidong, Felix, Ivanovich ... this one, or great engineers, or great scientists, they have very different personalities, but have a common characteristic: treat the work extremely enthusiastic and passionate.

These role models get up at six o'clock every morning and go home at ten o'clock at night. Their ranting and arguing could be heard everywhere in the hallways, elevator rooms, and cafeterias.

This ranting is not quarreling, but arguing, fighting over differences in scientific opinion ...

This enthusiasm of the upper class directly drives a large number of middle-level cadres.

Scientists and engineers in the middle class were influenced by the upper class every day, and one by one they went crazy, and this behavior in turn drove the grassroots masses ...

Tucker WU frowned, this phenomenon is based on science, in psychology, called the "law of imitation".

The French sociologist Tarde was the first to study imitation, he believed that the lower social class has a tendency to imitate the upper social class.

Moreover, in the absence of interference, once imitation begins, it grows geometrically and spreads rapidly.

This is social psychology, the situation on the Noah, and "imitation" is similar, the whole population is imitating the upper class, and once started, it simply can not be stopped.

Thus, the era of universal workaholism has magically arrived ...

"Oliver, great!" Tucker WU analyzed so much, feel that their ideas should be closer to the truth, heart from the heart only admiration.

"Oliver is really the son of God ah ... if not strictly prohibited by the government, it is estimated that what religion will really be formed ..."

He felt the "sun" deep inside him, always blossoming with a warm and down-to-earth light.

This warmth dispels the deepest anxiety and fear. Although he didn't know what was going on, he had gotten used to the existence of this "sun".

Sometimes, he still misses his hometown, still misses his wife and daughter, but such thoughts and sadness no longer affect his work. Without this round of "sun" to soothe, a year of work may be a little less, will not recover so quickly.

Yes, time flies, it's been a year since the Earth exploded. ...

Tucker WU walks alone on the street, but without the feeling of loneliness. He was often greeted by acquaintances, and he responded one by one.

People have happy smiles on their faces and are more contented in spirit, the whole new human civilization is like a real family.

Tucker WU enjoys this atmosphere very much.

The new human civilization seems to be more simple, the relationship between people is simpler, there is no such and such entanglement of interests. The matter of making money seems to become less important.

People's minds have also become more clear, what deception, extortion, robbery and other nasty things basically did not happen.

Yes, there are only so many people, even if they don't know each other, they know each other a bit, it is difficult to commit crimes ...

The most important thing is that in the workplace, the suppression of such things basically will not happen.

As long as the professional ability is strong enough, soon you can be promoted from the ordinary researcher to the team leader level, if you work a little harder, you can quickly promote from the team leader to the supervisor.

"Those who can do more, do their best", Tucker WU feels this way now.

Scientific research is something that really requires strength, and people who are abusive will soon be found out. Once it is found that the top stands eye-catching people, the lower people's hearts disappointed, they directly run away.

Anyway, the Noah on the post everywhere, if you have no level, why should suffer your anger? If the leader has no level, the people underneath will work somewhere else.

Only the real technical bull, can have a strong appeal to be a leader.

Line on, no need to be modest, can not come down, study hard to go, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Now there is such a trend, and it is becoming more and more obvious that people are beginning to revere wisdom and knowledge.

At first, this demotion of the situation is still a bit awkward, a supervisor suddenly reduced to the level of researchers, the heart will certainly be a bit uncomfortable. However, after this situation formed a trend, no one cared. Everyone has their own specialties, do things other than specialties, demotion is normal.

If you don't have the ability to do anything, you're asking for embarrassment.

Tucker WU has done three projects, once as a team leader, and twice as the most common researcher. If he is not competent enough to stay on top, he feels embarrassed.

Of course, if he could do it, he wouldn't resign. ...

This is a great time! What a passionate, dynamic era!

Only, there is still something missing around ...

Tucker WU carefully thought about it, yes, there is still a girl around. He is still young, only in his early 30s, there is still a long way to go in life, always have to form a family again ... Well, he shook his head again, no longer think about it, this kind of thing depends on fate, can not be forced, Sawyer did not somehow find Victoria.

"It's only eight o'clock, nothing to please anyway, might as well go to the Internet cafe and have some fun."

This newly opened Internet cafe, with four or five hundred machines, the number is actually quite a lot. But for the current flow of people, four or five hundred machines are simply not enough, and the inside has long been crowded.

The good thing is that the lobby of the Internet cafe is connected to the gymnasium, which is big enough and has a free LAN. Many people simply moved tables and chairs from their dormitories and took out their own laptops and crowded into the lobby of the Internet cafe to play games, simply to have a good time.

This kind of scene reminds Tucker WU of ten years ago when he was still in college, he was also sitting in a row in a spectacular way, playing games all night long.

In a flash, ten years have passed and he has not touched the game for a long time, and his heart is slightly moved.

Because there was no more room, he also decently moved his laptop from the dormitory, sat in the lobby of the Internet cafe, and then connected to the LAN.

He found all kinds of games, like what Warcraft 3, Star 3, Red Alert 3, lol2, Dota 3, etc..

Anyway, the earth is given to burst, and there is no copyright and so on. These games are cracked by technical bulls, offering free downloads, simply all people play piracy ah ...

"Hey, buddy, how about killing a game of Starcraft 3?" A young man sitting across the table nudged his mouth and said to Tucker WU.

Starcraft is already out in 3 generations? When, just in 2019?

Unfortunately, Tucker WU had never played it, so he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Dude, I'm not saying no. I've never played at all, if you don't mind me ..."

The young man shook his head, did not play this is not abuse, he did not want this.

"How about I teach you?"

"Forget it, let's each play our own."

Tucker WU eyes lit up, has seen an old game - "Red Alert".

That said, it was still a well-known game developed by Calvin and came out to the third generation. However, since he was caught in it, there was no more 4th generation.

When I clicked on the game and opened the LAN interface, there were really a lot of people online.

Tucker WU found a random opponent called "lvy" and played.

Tucker WU was amused by the fact that most of the people playing Red Alert were choosing the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union had a powerful weapon of war called the "Genov Airship", a war dirigible that could drop bombs on the ground. And their new human civilization has a "Genov industrial factory", perhaps because of the overlapping relationship between the three words, everyone is choosing the Soviet Union.

At the beginning of the game, Tucker WU habitually unfold the base car, build a dog to explore the road, and then found ... each other surprisingly not to build soldiers, choose to climb the technology, combat laboratory? This is to directly build the Genov airship?

Tucker WU almost died laughing, there is such a rookie ... fight not to build soldiers, peaceful development? He directly built a bunch of cheap tanks to crush the past, because the other side has little soldiers, less than 10 minutes to be pushed flat.

That lvy seems to be still not convinced, and sent another invitation to challenge, the result of history repeats itself, less than ten minutes and was pushed flat.

"Why are you so unreasonable?" A bunch of messages came from the other side.

Tucker WU is simply confused, playing a game to reason? He could only type a series of "? .

"Why are you playing Red Alert if you don't build a Genov airship?" This is what the other side said.

Well, there's another way to put it ...Tucker WU politely sent a "sorry" and the game resumed.

This time we all said that it is a serious technology climbing competition, but there are also rules for climbing technology, you have to develop the economy first, there is a sequence, there are many doors and paths inside.

Tucker WU is not a bad player and has studied various tactics before, so he is definitely more powerful than the rookie on the other side.

When the other side built three Genov airships and attacked complacently, they found their base surrounded by a dozen Genovs ...

"Come again!" After losing again, lvy said aggressively.

Then ... lost again.


Lost again ...

"Again!" "Again!" "Again!"

After winning seven or eight hands in a row, Tucker WU felt something was wrong, he was embarrassed to win, but he was being held by the other side. He was embarrassed to win, but he was being held up by his opponent. It was so bad that he ran away after winning, he didn't know what to do.

He had a bit of a headache, how can there be such stubborn people, and finally decided to let go of a handful of water, trying to get rid of this annoying guy.

In the last game, he was finally relieved after his base was blown up because he deliberately let the water out, "Damn, finally I can go back to sleep."

A blonde girl sitting not far in front of him suddenly jumped up with excitement and squealed through the sky "Yeah! Win! Finally!"

Then, she met Tucker WU's astonished gaze ...