
After Tomorrow

The stars are bright tomorrow, the stars are bright, civilizations are countless ..... This is the Moon One base, with an unpredictable super-explosion, the Earth split in two, the survivors drove the moon found alien spacecraft, named: Noah, was forced to open a journey to the stars ~!

yanping_zhang · Sci-fi
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160 Chs

Chapter 17: The Great Construction Era (2)

Oliver suddenly felt a little sour in his nose. In the base, these absentees can be said to be the lowest status except for the death row inmates.

In order to save money, the previous coalition government usually selected absentees in Africa, Southeast Asia and other places, and the salary offered was very low, usually as little as 20,000 to 30,000 dollars for them to work for a year.

Therefore, these absentees cannot afford to buy vegetables produced by the moon base. One hundred dollars a vegetable, can not afford to give up ah ... also have another possibility, want to buy can not buy.

Today, the entire base is rationed, the original economic system is completely abandoned, all the people's meals are uniformly supplied, eat a large pot of rice. In order to encourage the hearts of the people, yesterday's meal added a little vegetable in addition to the fixed high-energy compressed food. It was because of this that these absentees came in a hurry to thank themselves.

Some people are usually so noble, but once they encounter difficulties, they will be depressed and give up on themselves; others are usually not very impressive, but they are still optimistic when they encounter difficulties, and their vitality is as vigorous as weeds and as tenacious as cockroaches.

These absentees are such people, they are in the most chaotic time of the base, but still peaceful, honest work, to provide the base with power security. They were the most simple people.

"Don't worry, after three months, we will not only have vegetables to eat, but also fragrant rice and bread!" Oliver was a little moved in his heart, "But it will take all of us to work hard!"

Hearing these words, all the absentees cheered, rice and bread, on the moon this is a luxury ah, not money to buy, the status of people can eat. But who wouldn't want to eat a bowl of rice and a piece of bread? These things are common on Earth, but they think about it day and night.

The young black guy suddenly stood upright with his legs and solemnly saluted, while yelling, "Promise to finish!"


This is just one detail of the production construction. It must be said that the quality of the people on the moon base is very high, most people are positive, everyone does not want to die, did not die from the explosion of the Earth, but to starve to death alive, that is too suffocating.

Behind is death, hesitation can not, hesitation can not, only forward, in order to fight out a bloody road, this situation, the most likely to inspire people to break the boat like fighting spirit.

Many people have turned their grief and anger into the motivation to work, there have been several accidents because of working too long and fainting, but fortunately did not lead to a major disaster. Therefore, Oliver held another emergency meeting to stipulate that the working hours should not exceed 14 hours a day, and it is necessary to work in teams of two in order to carry out the work.

However, there are good and there are bad, there are always so many people, decadent thinking, do not want to work, do not think about it. For these people, first let friends and family to criticize and educate them, and then let them do some simpler work.

But some really do not listen to persuasion, then you can only be sorry, reduce the share of food, the base is poor, can not afford to feed idle people ah ...

If you do not work can also eat, the motivation of others will be reduced, which is absolutely not allowed. So, there is nothing to be polite to these people!

Now the most Oliver headache, nothing more than Calvin founded the "Moon Club". Since Calvin's accurate prediction of the "Earth explosion", more and more people choose to join the Moon Society.

This can be said to be a strange faith, in Calvin's "prophecy", the son of God is Oliver, and he has a "super human" and base leader dual identity, so more and more people began to believe.

Oliver didn't know what to do, Calvin had been arrested, everything was spontaneous, perhaps, people actually need a spiritual support it.

All in all, it is not a big deal, the "Moon Society" is always a relatively loose organization, there is almost no anti-human regulations, it even only asks people to believe that "the Son of God will lead mankind out of trouble" this one can be.

So the official did not take special measures, but only let it happen.

Perhaps, when mankind gets out of the predicament, people will regain their sanity and this phenomenon will slowly disappear.

After appeasing these absentees, Oliver hurriedly came to the food production base again. You know, all the production transformation is for food, these food, is the most important!

The uppermost space of the base was basically emptied, replaced by a petri dish of varying sizes, length and width of one or two meters, the height is generally about 20 to 30 centimeters, you can see sporadic green is quietly appearing in the petri dish.

These petri dishes are stacked layer by layer in the iron frame, saving a lot of space on the site. Each iron frame is equipped with solar lights as well as temperature control systems to ensure that the plants can grow properly.

"Captain Oliver, this is the seeds of ordinary early rice, with a germination rate of over 96% in 48 hours, using the hybrid seeds provided by the Earth Alliance."

The one who spoke was none other than the chief biologist Dr. Roman, the main person in charge of the food transformation program, who seemed quite satisfied with the progress of the experiment, "This batch of rice has a growth cycle of three months, and is expected to produce 10,000 tons of grain, enough to feed 50,000 of us for a year!"

The two wandered over and over while talking, and Roman kept introducing the current progress.

"These are wheat seedlings, with a fertility period of about one hundred days."

"These petri dishes are planted with vegetables, including bok choy, capers, chard, celery, and so on. Rice and wheat are not enough to provide all the nutrients needed by the human body, so we have also expanded the production of vegetables."

"Like the cabbage has a growth cycle of only thirty days, and look, it's already in shape."

Oliver was happy to hear that, "So, in a month's time, we'll be able to eat chard?"

"Yes! Indeed." Roman said with a smile, "It's the power of technology and the efforts of all of us humans."

A dozen uniformed staff were busy, they were constantly measuring carbon dioxide concentration, culture fluid concentration and recording the growth of seedlings, etc.

Often people will stop outside the glass door to watch the seedlings grow a little bit, they will have a little touch in their hearts. The human heart wants to hope, a bit like the seedlings in the petri dish, in the efforts of all, little by little thrive up.

These people have good restraint, and after watching for a while, they will be full of enthusiasm and put into work.

"Dr. Roman, how about this." Oliver said, "You arrange it so that everyone who works hard can adopt a seedling, but it is limited to one, as a memento of this agricultural transformation."

Roman, though not a politician by birth, guessed Oliver's intention and said with a smile, "That's easy, just take a sticky note and have them sign their names and stick it on the petri dish."

The two observed the production situation nearby again, there are still a large number of facilities in production. If all the projects are completed, at least enough food can be produced for three years!

Oliver briefly estimated that today's agricultural overhaul program, which is built on the vast majority of experiments coming to a halt, has caused untold economic losses according to past algorithms.

What's more, this transformation, using a large number of resources previously reserved, the vast majority of people are working overtime at death's door, according to the previous economic system, three months must cost at least two trillion dollars!

Two trillion dollars to produce 50,000 tons of food, which cost ... huh, the key is also only a one-time, people did not establish a complete ecosystem, all the carbon dioxide is industrial get. No wonder people used to prefer to ship food from Earth.

"According to the plan, after the agricultural program is completed, we still have to raise pigs ah, sheep ah and other animals, so that humans will have meat to eat, but this cycle will be longer ... best, still have to establish an ecosystem ah." Roman said.

Oliver nodded, "Those animals in the laboratory are well fed, right?"

"This for sure! Eat more nourishing than people." Roman said. This can not be helped, these animals have now become rare species, people want to eat meat, you have to protect them well.

Oliver continued to walk forward, saw ten plants like small trees, each plant exclusive a full two-meter square petri dish, as soon as he approached this side, he felt the temperature was a few degrees lower.

"This is the perfect vegetation modified super rice!" Dr. Roman said proudly, "They will continue to grow until they are seven or eight meters tall, and each one can produce two thousand kilograms of food."

"This is the infinite greatness of Perfectin, when will we, humans, be able to do this?"