
After The Wedding 2

I apologize in advance. It's a novel in my first English, so please understand if there are many errors in the writing or content of the story. #### Abandoned by her lover just before the wedding, July was shocked and fell in the hospital. Fortunately, all that didn't last long. The day after coming home from the hospital, July immediately tried to get rid of the bad memories with her bodyguard, David. Even though he had only been working for a month, but David always tried to obey his young lady well. Until one day, an incident that David had never thought of before came astonishing. July, yes ... July Agatha, proposed to David suddenly. David, who was surprised, of course, could not immediately give an answer. David already had a girlfriend, he couldn't possibly dare to make a love scandal with his young lady. It is also possible that July is just looking for an outlet. Or maybe ... Is there a secret behind it? Will it be love or is it just an outlet? ***

Irma_wahyuni · Urban
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Chapter 80


'Meet me at Watts cafe. I want to talk.'

Suddenly, Bella's heart skipped a beat. Just a short message from David, but it was able to make Bella suddenly feel like she was being flown into the clouds.

"He asked me to meet him? Really?" Bella slapped her cheeks a few times. Looking at her cellphone screen again, then after feeling sure, Bella hurriedly drove her car to a place according to what was written in the short message.

It only took Bella three minutes to arrive at her destination. Already too excited, Bella quickly got out of her car. Standing for a moment beside the car, tidying up appearance through the car window. As soon as she felt it was appropriate, Bella stood up—taking a deep breath—then hurried into the cafe.

Smiling happily, Bella swept every corner of the room to find an empty chair. After getting it, Bella walked unsteadily towards the chair.