
After The Wedding 2

I apologize in advance. It's a novel in my first English, so please understand if there are many errors in the writing or content of the story. #### Abandoned by her lover just before the wedding, July was shocked and fell in the hospital. Fortunately, all that didn't last long. The day after coming home from the hospital, July immediately tried to get rid of the bad memories with her bodyguard, David. Even though he had only been working for a month, but David always tried to obey his young lady well. Until one day, an incident that David had never thought of before came astonishing. July, yes ... July Agatha, proposed to David suddenly. David, who was surprised, of course, could not immediately give an answer. David already had a girlfriend, he couldn't possibly dare to make a love scandal with his young lady. It is also possible that July is just looking for an outlet. Or maybe ... Is there a secret behind it? Will it be love or is it just an outlet? ***

Irma_wahyuni · Urban
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147 Chs

Chapter 45

No one knows who we will fall in love with. Regarding feelings, only ourselves and God know. Likewise, with the contents of July's heart, which is not yet clear, what kind of man is anchored. What is David?  July doesn't know.

Feeling happy when she was near David, of course July felt it. The feeling of giddiness, nervousness, difficulty moving, July always felt when she faced and bumped into David's figure. David's character, which often made her awkward, couldn't avoid it. The blink of an eye and the way he spoke, which was smooth and often seductive, often made July smile.

After David left a few minutes ago, because he had to go to the shop, July who, was alone in the room, was still pensive.

This morning, David was gone before July woke up. More precisely, David left the room just as July had just opened her eyes. So, July only briefly heard the sound of footsteps without seeing the person. However, July was very sure that it was David.