
25. Inauguration


Waking up from his sleep Lucifer was greeted by the sleeping face of a gorgeous girl with blonde hair tightly holding on his hands with a satisfied smile on her face.

Moving a bit he could feel another pair of hands wrapping around his other hand, Lucifer looked at his side only to find another gorgeous girl with brown hair sleeping soundly on his other side.

None of three were wearing any clothes as the body was only covered by a thin white bedsheet.

He smiled a bit, and remembered yesterday's threesome.

Carefully while not disturbing the girls he got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, looking at the reflection of his body in the mirror Lucifer smirked, his body was perfectly chiseled muscles and looked perfect, eight pack abs along with super handsome face with purple eyes and messy brown hair.

No matter how many times he looked at it, his handsome appearance made him smirk and show his narcissist side.

The two women on the bed were the girls he had a one night stand with yesterday after meeting them at a club, after taking a bath he left the bathroom and dressed up neatly while the two girls were still sleeping soundly.

*Trrrring Trrrring*

The lucifer's phone rang and looking at the screen it was the alarm that he had set was ringing.


The time was shown at the phone, looking at girls he sighed it wasn't nice to leave them like this but he needed to go now.

Exiting the suite he was greeted by Alfred.

"Good Morning Sir"

"Morning Alfred, can you send someone to take care of the girls"

"Yes sir, i will ask one of your female bodyguards to handle them"

"Good, now give me my speech"

"Here sir"

Today was the day of the inauguration of the island, even though the island will be inaugurated today some of the facilities were already opened to the public and instead of living in his new castle, Lucifer decided to live in a five star suite for now.

Alfred handed over a tablet to Lucifer who memorised the whole speech with just a glance, they both reached a grand auditorium where the reporters and influential people from all over the world had already taken their seat.

At 9:30 the event started, the female hosts began to introduce the island and the amazing facilities available here from the world's first underwater city, new Atlantis, to the new headquarters of Mors Industries and all of the entertainment facilities one by one.

Later the stage was taken over by Alfred who began to introduce more about the island to the audience and finally it was Lucifer's turn.

standing on the stage he began to introduce himself and said more about the island, many eyes were looking at him with admiration but he could feel one unusual gaze fixed on him which unlike others was filled with hatred and malice.

'Ye Chen?'

Lucifer followed the gazes direction and saw the person who was responsible, it was none other than the ex protagonist Ye Chen but what is he doing here?

Lucifer didn't show his thoughts outside and followed the script, while pondering over what is going on here.

The presence of Ye Chen over here can be explained by the fact that an invitation was addressed to one of the heroines Lin Chuxia who may have brought him with her.

'But why is he looking at me with hate?'

Lucifer didn't do anything to him as of yet and there was no enmity in between them as they both never had any encounter then what made Ye Chen hate him, it may be because of the things he did to Lin Fan on the trip to the secret village but it's not like Lucifer killed him.