
Chapter 12: Which is more formidable, the Shi Family or the Quan Family?

Translator: 549690339

Shi Yiqing didn't expect Nie Feng to say that, showing a hint of hesitation, "But sister is only willing to listen to Brother Sicheng..."

Nie Feng narrowed his eyes and then said, "Then let it be, it's just an apology, I, Nie Feng, am not so shameless as to renege on an apology."

"I won't let the woman I like beg another man for me!"

Shi Yiqing wasn't moved by such words; deep down, she even felt a bit annoyed.

The reason Nie Feng thought that her seeking help from Quan Sicheng would be demeaning was mainly because of Shi Yiqing's own explanations to others.

The wedding engagement banquet fiasco was known to many, but as it involved the face of both the Quan and Shi families, no one dared to speak carelessly.

However, the news of Quan Sicheng and Shi Yiqing being taken away by the police leaked out as gossip.

Shi Yiqing, in order to save face, had no choice but to toughen up and distance herself from Quan Sicheng.

Even so, there were still people talking behind her back.

The day before the enrollment, Nie Feng specifically asked her what exactly was going on between her and Quan Sicheng.

She was fully aware of Nie Feng's ulterior motives and naturally wouldn't miss such a good chance to clear the air about her relationship with Quan Sicheng in front of him.

She just didn't expect that Shi Yaoguang's arrival would cause such a big commotion, forcing her to take a stand...

Nie Feng saw that she remained silent and his look darkened a bit.

Seeing his expression, Shi Yiqing hurriedly said, "Sister wants you to apologize publicly when there are many people around. I'll tell mom and dad about it tonight. With their help to persuade sister, she should change her mind."

Nie Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, thank you Qingqing."

Shi Yiqing feigned shyness and lowered her head, "It's not hard, it's what I should do."

Right after they finished talking, Nie Feng received a message from An Xu.

An Xu had been beaten up and was still in great pain, so naturally, he couldn't come to find Nie Feng himself and had to get someone to pass on the message.

Hearing that the principal demanded they apologize publicly at the promotion ceremony was clearly a slap in the face.

If they really went ahead and apologized, it would probably mean Shi Yaoguang could do as she pleased at Ruihe High School from then on.

After all...

She had even dealt with the school tyrant Nie Feng; who would dare to mess with her?

Shi Yiqing originally proposed to help Nie Feng persuade Shi Yaoguang while intending to use the situation to her advantage.

Now, she genuinely wanted to stop this from happening.

No matter what, she couldn't let Shi Yaoguang gain such notoriety.

Otherwise, whatever she wanted to do next would become difficult!


At the Shi Family's home.

After returning, Shi Yiqing exaggerated the school's incident to her parents.

"…my classmates are all very nice to me, but sister—"

Halfway through her sentence, she put on an expression as if holding back from saying something more, as if Shi Yaoguang had done something too shameful to speak of.

With this scene, there was no need for further explanation, as Shi's parents could already imagine the chaos Shi Yaoguang had caused.

Immediately, she was so angry she pounded her chest and stomped her feet, "A family's misfortune, truly a family's misfortune!"

Shi Yiqing waited until the two of them had vented enough before she hypothesized insincerely, "Mom, Dad, maybe sister didn't mean it, you must not misunderstand her..."

Shi's father had a stern face and asked coldly, "Stop making excuses for her. What kind of trouble has that unfilial girl stirred up at school this time?"

Shi Yiqing stammered out the incident of Shi Yaoguang demanding that Nie Feng publicly apologize, however...

The scene at that time had naturally undergone some artistic embellishment.

When Shi's mother heard her finish, her expression was very ugly.

"Doesn't she know that Nie Feng is Young Master Nie of the Nie Family, that the Nie Family's power is no weaker than our Shi Family's! Provoking the Nie Family does not do us any good, does she not understand that?"

"Knowing all this and still demanding a public apology over a little misunderstanding, she really has a lot of nerve!"

Shi Yiqing was very pleased with their reaction and hung her head, secretly revealing a smug smile.


Shi Yaoguang knew that the Shi Family would definitely not take it easy once they learned of the fuss she had caused.

Thus, when she received a call from Shi's mother, she wasn't the least bit surprised.

It could only be said that if Shi Yiqing didn't use this incident to stir up some trouble, that would truly be abnormal.

"Do you even know what you're doing?"

As soon as the call connected, it was Shi's mother's scathing rebuke, "Even if you weren't raised by my side since childhood, you are still my Shi Family's daughter. Look at what you've done, is this the proper way to behave?"

"And don't say anything more. Hang up the phone and go apologize to Young Master Nie immediately!"

Shi Yaoguang was shocked by her shamelessness, "Madam Shi, I must have heard wrong. Are you telling me to apologize to Nie Feng?"

Shi's mother's tone was forceful, "Yes! You must apologize to Young Master Nie today! It's best if you personally make a trip to the Nie Family..."

"Hold on a second," Shi Yaoguang interrupted her, "I think Madam Shi might still be confused about your own status."

"What do you mean by that?" Shi's mother's tone was very displeased.

Shi Yaoguang replied unhurriedly, "Let me remind you, I am now the legally wedded wife of Quan Jinbei, even if the wedding hasn't been held, we are legally married. Tell me, compared to the Shi Family, which one is more formidable?"

When Shi's mother heard this, she was infuriated.

"So what if you're married to the Third Master? As long as you bear the name Shi and have the Shi Family blood in you, you are a daughter of the Shi Family! As long as you're a daughter of the Shi Family, no matter how prominent your husband's family is, they will only serve to add luster to the Shi Family, not as a means to suppress and compare against your maternal family!"

Shi Yaoguang had to admit she was impressed by Shi's mother's vehement speech.

However, this was not a reason for her to compromise.

"Is Madam Shi joking? Even if I have the Shi Family blood, it's not like you truly treat me as a family member. If you and Mr. Shi sincerely regarded me as your daughter, things wouldn't have become so estranged between us."

"Moreover, regarding today's incident, I'm not the one at fault."

She paused, her tone laced with a hint of mockery, "Without so much as a second thought, demanding that I, the victim, apologize to the offender, the Shi Family really has outdone itself."

"Tsk, could it be... that the Shi Family's current status is all thanks to subservience and groveling, bowing and scraping? If so, then I really ought to express sorrow on behalf of our Shi ancestors. With descendants like you, they probably can't rest easy in death!"

Shi's mother did not feel there was any problem with her demand for an apology; she completely ignored Shi Yaoguang's first half of the sentence, focusing on the latter half to reproach her, "Shi Yaoguang, do you know what you're talking about? Have you no respect for your ancestors?!"

Shi's father didn't know what Shi Yaoguang had said, but hearing Shi's mother's words and envisaging the scenario, his expression darkened.

Just then, Shi Yaoguang's attitude suddenly changed...