

A story of a girl who taught she's fated to be a hated but bounced back "After The Storm"

nmesoma_joseph · Teen
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18 Chs



© jossyfrosh8


*Scarlett POV*

With all my will power, I pushed him away

"Are you nuts?" I shouted breathing fast to catch my breath while wiping the edges of my lips…

"Why would you kiss me like that? Ain't you afraid your fiancé might see us or something?"

He looked surprised and partly disappointed. "I'm sorry." He said with no hint of being sorry on his face. He was looking at me intensely as if trying to figure out what I was trying to hide.

"I thought you would have wanted it and…."

"No, that would have been reckless and stupid. I have a reputation that i'm trying to protect and you have your upcoming wedding." I snapped at him. I knew I was blowing things way out of proportion and I needed to calm down but it was the only defense I had left.

He stepped back, now taking a seat.

***** *****


I couldn't understand her and she was driving me insane… few minutes back she was returning my kisses and all of a sudden she just went cold…

I surveyed her as she stood, arms akimbo and trying all she could to avoid my gaze…

"I'm sorry I kissed you." I said again to check her reaction even though I wasn't sorry but she tried so hard not to react--- okay its either she was good or probably I have been really so stupid. Well, concerning that she is married and I am about to be married, maybe I have actually been stupid.

"Why are you angry with me? Is it because I kissed you? If that is the case, then I''m sorry, sincerely." I said again. She dropped her arms and inhaled deeply.

"I thought, we had a thing then… I mean, we were so close and I dunno why you are giving me this cold shoulder or is it because you are so rich and famous now, you forgot those that grew up with you?" I demanded, sounding angry and even more hurt myself.

"I'm sorry Scarlett." I said, standing up. "Sorry I wasted your time sorry I kissed you, I will keep things professional… but it would have been best if you hadn't remembered me than to remember me and just act as if I was nothing to you…we were…." I continued but stopped. I was so angry I hit my leg against the wall.

"It's okay…have a great life." I said to her, standing up and motioning to go.


*Scarlett POV*

I watched him talk on and on and when he finally hit the leg against the wall, I knew I had actually pushed him to the wall. That was how he did when mistress frustrated him at FADBAS then. I was still keeping mute , trying so hard not to betray my emotions. He was my client's fiance…I didn't want to do anything stupid again, I didn't even know if that kiss wouldn't be in the magazine by tomorrow… I had to maintain my reputation.

When he finally stood and was about to go, I couldn't stop myself from reaching out to him…

"I looked for you Lawrence."

That stopped him and he turned around, looking at me in surprise.

"You did?"

I nodded, the tears were coming freely now. But why was I crying for gods sake and why was I feeling so hurt for no reason?

"When I had enough money, I knew I had to look for you, to help you if need be, atleast to reach out to you." I looked at him. 'Why are you looking at me like that?"

He smiled, sitting down. 'because, I never thought you would remember me at all."

I scoffed. "Why would you think that? You helped me that night. Getting here was because of you. Being the star that I am now, is because of you. If I was taken back to that facility that night, I might have probably died."

He smiled, lowering his head.

"I was taken to the facility because I helped you escape. I was tortured and punished….but you know what got me going?"

"What?" I asked.

" The night I saw you –the girl on fire…" He replied, now looking deeply into my eyes…

For a moment neither of us spoke, we were just looking at each other….the emotions were so overwhelming I had to look away.

"I have missed you so much Lawrence." I badly badly badly wanted to say but I restrained myself. "SO how did you leave the place?"

"My father was looking for me…"'

I thought I heard differently.

"Your father is dead, remember?"

He smiled and shook his head. 'He was dead to me but not really dead…look, we have so much to talk about. Will you stay few more days here for me?"

I took a deep breath again and I slowly nodded.

"Are you still angry with me?" He asked.

"Angry, why would I need to be angry with you?"

He stood up, now walking closer to where I sat and reaching out to hold my hand…

"Maybe…because…" He began, caressing the back of my palm with his thumb and continued-"…you found out that I'm about to be married and it came as a shock?"

Have you ever been in a situation where you are in the crowd and you just became naked all of a sudden and you had no place to hide-well, that's probably stupid but that was how I felt right now….

I yanked my hand away quickly, feeling uneasy.

"Why, would I be angry that you are getting ,married, I..i'm happy for you." I signaled to the bartender.

"Well, good then, cos, I know you are married too and I'm just surprised." He continued, studying me intensely.

"What are you doing Lawrence?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He replied. " We are just talking …like..like old friends right?"

Okay, this guy had something up his sleeve and there he go again with that intense look…

Wait, did he just call us 'old friends…."

As I planned to answer….

"Lawrence! What is the meaning of this nonsense? You left me in bed to come and chit chat with Scarlett? Is there something going on that I need to know?" I didn't bother to look at Dafina-instead, I just took the cup the bartender passed at me and I gulped it down hurriedly.