
After the Rain (Naruto fanfic)

(Time-Travel fic) Naruto had never thought she would end up in the past. Not even the one who caused her to go back had anticipated she'd be dragged along for the ride. The Kyūbi had been trying to save himself - not her. She'd once said that the hero always arrive late, but this was quite the opposite. Naruto would be very, very early this time. (Fem Naruto story) Ships(FemNarutoxShisui) Exclaimer: I do not own this story/fic! The author of the fic is: Quill Q(on FanFiction.Net)

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23 Chs

Chapter 18: Black Bird

Chapter Eighteen – Black Bird

"The sky is too vast for a person to live life alone." - Aburame Shino

Two years later...

Kakashi was busying himself making dinner. Chopping up vegetables for a large pot of stew brewing on the stove. It was one of the easiest dishes he could think of, but he was creating a lot of food considering he had no one to share it with.

But Kakashi liked making food in large batches. Sometimes, especially as of late, cooking single meals left him depressed. It reminded him that there was no one to share it with. No family to chat with about his day or comment on the food, and it had made him lazy in the long run.

He had then found out that larger meals meant more leftovers, and after adjusting up the ingredient quantities he had eventually started putting more effort into what he was making. The leftovers, which was the majority of the meal, was frozen down to be saved for later. That meant less cooking, and Kakashi wasn't opposed to that concept either.

That way it looked a little less pathetic when he went grocery shopping and no longer needed to pick out all those single items that screamed; "loner."

Kakashi wasn't sure why he had started caring so much about being a loner. He'd never really been bothered by being alone before, but in the last few years that had changed.

It had started with his team. They had somehow managed - in their own annoying way - to remind him that not everything had to be done alone. Which somehow made him very aware of how secluded he was. By choice.

Rin, Obito and Minato were becoming people he could count on. Two of them more than the last, but yet he was starting to grow attached. Which couldn't be good.

Kakashi contemplated if maybe he really should start making single meals again. It might be worth eating sandwiches for dinner again if that odd sense of loneliness would leave him. And it would clear up some space in the freezer too.

Though he also had someone else to blame for his growing awareness of his lack of social life; his upstair neighbors. Which he was rudely reminded of just a moment later.


The boy froze mid stir, and slowly his eyes rose up. One of his two upstairs neighbors was sitting on his window frame. A bowl in her hand a wide grin on her face.

"Something smells good, dattebayo! Want to invite us to dinner today?" Naruto asked. Kakashi wasn't sure why she did. She already knew the answer to that. Two years of being asked to eat at his place, and he had yet to comply.

"No. Stop trying to leech off me. I'm making a batch to last a few days. If you ate it all there would be nothing to leave in the freezer, and I would have to make the meal all over again." Kakashi replied, continuing his stir while Naruto jumped into his kitchen.

"Why don't you come up to us then? We were going to make Tonkatsu, but if you can join us, and act as something else but the pain in the butt that you are we'll make eggplant soup, dattebayo!" She announced happily.

Kakashi ignored the insult, but couldn't deny that Naruto had hit below the belt. He loved anything involving eggplant.

He thought about it for a moment. Considering the pros and cons of joining Naruto and Anko, his upstairs neighbors, the bane of his existence for the last two years.

It would mean his stew would last a day longer. And it was a free meal. He could suffer through Naruto and Anko's bickering for an hour. They were like an old married couple.

Still, he had to check if she was serious with her offer. "Eggplant?"

"Yes! And I promise I'll have nothing to do with the heating or stirring. I'll just cut up vegetables while Anko does the fancy cooking part. After the stove fire last month Anko won't even let me close to that side of the kitchen. Which is annoying, since the fridge is there. I still have to sneak out my breakfast before she gets up in the morning."

Kakashi remembered the evacuation after the fire alarm went off about four weeks ago, and thought silently that Anko had good reason for making the call to keep Naruto away from the stove. "Fine. When should I come up?" He asked while looking at the consistency of his stew. It had turned out well, and it would be great for dinner the next day.

But he would have something even more appealing today, which was exciting him more than it should. Kakashi was again reminded of how boring his life was outside of missions if free eggplant soup could make him this excited.

"Yay! Dinner is in two hours. Can you wait that long?" Asked Naruto with a toothy smile.

Kakashi rolled his eyes. "I've gone three days without food before. I think I'll manage a couple of hours."

Naruto jumped back onto the window frame, waving as she ran up the wall and into the window directly above his. Sometimes he really hated that Anko and Naruto had picked the apartment above his own to move into.

It had been quite the shock for all three of them when they'd run into each other the day they moved in, and afterwards he'd been annoyed for a month.

The girls were always so loud.

Their indoor voices were more fitting in a crowded sports arena than in a quiet apartment block. They bickered about once a day over stupid stuff, and Naruto had no idea what the recycling bin was for.

But he'd slowly grown used to it. They were sometimes on missions for a long stretch of time, and if Kakashi was home those days he would appreciate the quiet all the more for it.

The sounds also gave an illusion of company. He had learned quite a bit about them simply through eavesdropping.

Naruto had started training with Kushina years ago, and still met up two times a week. Whenever Kushina and her genin team came over for dinner it was pure pandemonium up there. He had even learned their names. Shisui and Ensui he already knew, but through Naruto's carrying voice he'd learned that Kushina's two other students were named Iruka and Hitomi… The most annoying part was that Kushina always felt the need to invite Kakashi along too. Which meant he had found himself in the middle of a dinner party on multiple occasions.

He also heard it each time Naruto was reading up on something Kushina or Orochimaru had instructed her to. Her complaining was very vocal, and Anko's replies just as loudly.

But next to the constant footsteps, arguments and unexpected visitors through his kitchen window Anko also had a constant stream of reptiles coming and going. Kakashi hadn't been the only one to complain about those. The old woman living next door to him had a heart attack only two months ago, and Kakashi had seen a snake slithering up the wall about that time of the day. Luckily the woman survived.

Kakashi himself also had some unpleasant encounters with Anko's summons. He'd once woken up with a snake calling herself Hebimei wrapped around his leg - and freaked out.

Anko had been laughing for an entire week afterwards while blaming Naruto for the incident. Naruto was Hebimei's usual source of warmth, but after she threw the snake out the window and bolted it shut, the snake had crawled in his own window instead.

Apparently he made a good heating mat.

To this day Kakashi could still wake up feeling nervous. Especially if the wind from the window made his sheets move. He always started wondering if the snake was in his bed again. After that incident he had considered getting a dog. A ninken to be more accurate. One with sharp fangs. Kakashi had gone as far as talking to Inuzuka Tsume just two weeks ago about adopting one of the puppies being born soon.

But most noticeable, above all those annoying traits, was the laugher. Naruto and Anko was often laughing and joking. Since the apartment block was not properly sound insulated, Kakashi sometimes found himself chuckling along to one of their conversations.

He appreciated that he could just lock all windows and doors, that way they couldn't come barging into his home, but he also had to admit their presence upstairs was not solely bad.

Kakashi took the casserole off the pan, putting it on the side to cool off before he would pack it into boxes. Not noticing he was humming while he continued working.

Shisui was almost late. He was rummaging through the kitchen cupboard for the paper plates he knew should be there somewhere.

He knew perfectly well Naruto and Anko would not have enough plates for the dinner. And unexpected people had a habit of showing up, so he wanted to make sure there was enough this time. Finally he found them inside a Tupperware box, and while wondering what they had been doing in there Shisui hurried into the living room to say goodbye to his father.

He was surprised by the sight that met him. His dad was sitting in his favorite chair, fast asleep.

He had a glass of water still propped in his hand, leaning against the arm rest. The fact that the water hadn't spilled over was a testament to how tired Kagami was. Shisui got his restless sleeping habits from his father, and right now Kagami was as still as brick wall.

Quietly he tip toed across the room and loosened the glass from his dad's grip. With some effort on Shisui's part Kagami released the glass, his eyelids flickering slightly at the disturbance.

Shisui was already on his way back to the kitchen when Kagamai woke up. "Shisui?" He asked confused, his eyes drowsy and far away while he massaged his temple with his fingers.

"Hi dad, I just wanted to tell you I'm leaving for dinner at Naruto's and Anko's place. Will you be alright by yourself? I can stay if you want to? Or you could come along too. I think we're having Tonkatsu, and they usually make a lot." Shisui said and smiled when his father seemed to realize where he was.

"No… I'll be fine. I think I'll have the leftovers from yesterday… What time is it?" He asked confused and looked towards the windows. The sun was low on the sky, filtering through the window glass and heating up half of Kagami's face.

"Six. How long have you been asleep in that chair?" Asked Shisui and grinned when Kagami's eyes widened in surprise. His eyebrows raised and his mouth opening in an O.

"It's that late? Kami... I should get down to the station then, I promised I'd be there for a report. I've slept for hours."

Kagami got up from his chair and straightened out his black sweater. He stretched his hands over his head, loosening up the kink in his back while moaning in discomfort.

"You should ask for some time off, dad. You've been awfully busy lately..." Shisui muttered and dragged a hand through his unruly hair, wondering if his father was reaching his limit. He was thinner and more haggard looking than he'd ever seen him. Most people did these days.

"No time for that, son. Everyone needs to lend a hand in the war, now more than ever." Kagami muttered and looked down at a photography standing on the book shelf. It was of Shisui's mum and grandfather. Neither were alive anymore and hadn't been for years. Shisui couldn't even remember his grandfather, not outside the random pictures his dad had shown him. But his mum had been around just long enough for Shisui to have memories of her.

"You're of no help if you fall asleep during guard duty." Shisui replied and walked with his dad out to the main entrance. Both sat down and put on their sandals. His father still looked like he was trying to fight his sleepiness.

"I don't fall asleep when I don't feel safe." Kagami explained with a small smile in his son's direction. Shisui peeked sideways, one eyebrow raising at the comment.

"So… you feel safe in Konoha?"

Kagami thought about it for a moment, using his time while he got the strap on his left sandal secured. "Konoha has good security, and we haven't been breached yet. I relax better at home than anywhere else."

"You didn't really answer that question, dad." Shisui answered and grinned when his father ruffled up his hair.

"Konoha is safe. But you're smart enough to know nowhere is perfect and you know what you should do if anything ever happens." Kagami was serious, but Shisui had heard this mantra so many times he knew the words by heart.

"Sure, you've told me about a thousand times. Makes me very optimistic about the security in Konoha with your constant safety drills."

Kagami opened the front door for them and walked out. "Better to be safe than sorry, son."

Shisui stepped outside after his father and locked up the house. His father waited until Shisui joined him. "I know."

The police station and the girl's apartment were in opposite directions, so Shisui halted when they came to the end of the street where they'd part ways. He was about to tell him to have a good evening, when his father got ahead of him. "Oh, and before I forget – Fugaku asked if you could come by and train with Itachi-kun tomorrow."

"Really? I'm not sure… uncle Fugaku training methods is… advanced." Shisui muttered and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"I know, but that's why you should show Itachi-kun how it's supposed to be. Come on Shisui, the boy likes you a lot and you have the day off don't you?"

"Yes…" Shisui answered dejectedly.

He liked the kid, he really did. Itachi was a kind and quiet boy, and frightfully skilled for someone so young, but he could imagine more productive ways to spend his day than following Fugaku's strict training regime for his way too young son.

On his day off all he really wanted to do was eat an ice cream, go swimming and sleep. Or a sleepy swim while eating ice cream. Something along those lines.

"Should I tell him you have time?" Asked Kagami.

Shisui didn't see a way out of it, so reluctantly he agreed. "Sure, why not? If they have time I could invite my team along too. I'd like to see how Itachi-kun reacts to someone outside the Uchiha clan anyway."

"Good idea. The girls will love Itachi-kun. He's such a polite kid."

"I'm more afraid what he'll think of them, and what he might say to his father. Uncle Fugaku is one tough guy."

"I'm sure he's heard plenty about your teammates already. Mikoto was your exam proctor, and she went on and on about Naruto-chan for months after the Chūnin exam." Kagami chuckled. "Just like you really. You never shut up about her. Sure she's not your girlfriend?" He asked teasingly, causing Shisui's eyes to widen in outrage.

"She's just my friend! Why do you always ask that?!"

"Anko then? She has a colorful language, but quite charismatic. And she's pretty too." Kagami said while Shisui huffed indignantly.

"Neither of them is my girlfriend! I don't want a girlfriend! And if I did it wouldn't be any of those two."

"If you say so." Kagami hummed when his son stomped his foot, not sure if his dad really believed him or not. Kagami was doubtlessly teasing him, but Shisui got so many comments his fuse was growing dangerously short these days.

Since his teammates were both girls – a very rare occurrence, since most times there were either all boy's teams or at most one girl – he was often teased about it. Especially from his old classmates.

Of course Mizuki was constantly throwing comments in his direction, mostly because of the bad blood between him and Naruto, where Shisui had somehow gotten caught in the crossfire. Iruka would also tease Shisui for being teamed up with two girls, and about how one is more than enough. Even Chou, who was a girl, liked to mock him.

Shisui never talked back though. He happened to like his teammates. They were the best teammates in the world, and no one badmouthed any of them in front of him.

That included whenever Naruto would burst and start cursing Orochimaru's existence. Shisui could be quite harsh with her for being rude. It didn't happen as often these days, but he could read his friend like an open book. She loathed their sensei.

Therefore he hated it when his dad would start teasing him about Naruto or Anko being his girlfriend. Girls were strange, silly and argued a lot. Especially Naruto and Anko. But his teammates were strong and capable too, in fact they were by far the strongest team out of their graduation class.

"I'm going now dad. You can tell uncle Fugaku I'll come by in the morning to train with Itachi-kun. I need to go buy some ice cream to bring to the dinner now."

"Dinner and desert with your girlfriends?"

"Shut up!" Shisui exclaimed and turned on his heel. Marching down the street and leaving his father chuckling behind.

The tapping on the door was consistent, and Anko threw her tea towel over her shoulder to get to the door. "I told you to get the door, Naru!" Anko shouted. Her roommate was standing by the window, the designated place she'd ordered Naruto to stay until their guests arrived.

A normal Monday dinner had turned into a full blown out dinner party for twelve. And they really didn't have space for such a crowd. So Naruto had been sent out an hour ago to gather anything that could be used as a chair or a table.

"You also told me not to move an inch!" Naruto shouted angrily back from the window frame.

The girl was dangerous in the kitchen, so Anko had ordered her to stay by the window to minimize any upcoming damage. It was strange, since Naruto was quite skilled at making camp fire meals during missions, but when it came to a normal kitchen stove she was a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Anko jumped over a few boxes Naruto had found in a container by the equipment store to get to the door, and opened it with a bang while someone was still knocking on the other side. "You little shit!" Anko pointed furiously at Obito.

The boy paled, if his expression was any indication he had expected Naruto to open the door and not Anko.

"Uh…" Obito answered, his hand still raised after consistently knocking on their door without pause.

"Get your ass inside, and take one of these boxes with you into the living room. We don't have enough chairs so we're using some boxes and other crap Naruto found to sit on." Anko snapped and turned on her heel, deliberately not picking up a box herself.

Obito, Rin and Genma shared a look of sudden regret.

After half a moment hesitation Genma took the lead, and took his sandals off before picking up the box looking the most clean and carried it into the flat.

Naruto had constructed the seating area. Their normal dinner table, which could fit four people if you didn't mind sitting closely, had been elongated with boxes on each side that didn't fit in height or width with the main table. Still, it made sure everyone had a place to put their plates.

It caused the room to look unusually small, since the table used up most of the floor space, and it would get a lot worse when they placed their chair boxes around.

Anko returned to the stove to check the food one more time. It was mostly finished already, though some of it was quickly going cold. The stove didn't have more than two heating plates, and the tiny oven was also cramped with food. The blaring heat radiating from the kitchen was making the apartment feel like a thousand degrees.

"It smells great here. How many are coming to dinner?" Rin asked politely and put down a box, Obito and Genma followed suit while keeping as much distance as they could manage from Anko.

"You three, Gai, Kakashi, Shisui, Ensui, Iruka, Hitomi, Akiko and Aoba. We're having-" But another knock on the door interrupted Anko, and they all turned towards the door. "I have to deal with dinner, you open the door Naru, but don't you dare touch anything!" Anko threatened while pointing at her with a wooden spoon dripping with eggplant soup.

"Fine." Naruto answered and carefully danced around the crowd to get to the hallway.

"Hey! Come in, come in! I can take your jacket Akiko, I'll just put it in my room since there's no space here in the hallway. And thank you! You didn't have to bring anything Shisui, but this ice cream will be really great for dessert! Would you put it in the fridge so it doesn't melt? It's pretty hot in here because the stove is on, and Anko has banned me from going anywhere near her kitchen today." They heard from the hallway, but Anko was too focused on the thousand things she needed to finish to look up and see who had arrived this time.

"That's how you're supposed to greet a guest." Obito whispered. Anko still overheard it, and threw a dirty glare over her shoulder. Obito shrunk nervously behind a giggling Rin.

Naruto, Shisui and Akiko soon entered the room, but Anko stopped Naruto before she could return to the window. "You can stand in the hallway and greet the rest of our guests. The less you move the less chances there are you'll break anything." She said sweetly, the threat clear for anyone in the room to hear.

"You're not the boss of me. I live here as much as you do, dattebayo!" Naruto complained and threw her hands up in the air.

One of her arms knocked the spoon out of Anko's hand, and it did a wide summersault through the room before it landed on the couch. Everyone following it's descent with wide eyes as sauce splashed out on the fabric and wall. Some eggplant soup even got attached to the ceiling.

Anko's eyes closed, and she breathed deeply before her eyes opened again. They were murderous.

"Uh… sorry... I'll clean that up…" Anko's eyes shot lightning at those words, and Naruto backtracked. "Or… I'll just… stay here… hehe…"

Half an hour later everyone except two had arrived, and Naruto was sitting in the hallway while everyone else had seated themselves around the make shift table. It was easier if everyone were just sitting down instead of walking around. There just wasn't enough space.

Rin had luckily cleaned up the eggplant spill without any incident, and was now sitting together with Obito, Genma and Shisui squeezed together on the couch.

Gai, Akiko, Ensui and Hitomi sat opposite them on cardboard boxes. Anko had grabbed a proper chair, and so had Shisui, the last one they owned was occupied by Iruka. Which meant the only remaining seats where the ones hardest to get to, on boxes in the corners.

A knock was heard throughout the room and Naruto sprang up to open it. "Hey! You came!" Naruto exclaimed and smiled brightly to Aoba. The boy smiled apologetic back.

"Thanks for inviting me. Anko said there would be many here today and I'm sorry I'm late. I was on border patrol and I just got back half an hour ago." Aoba answered sheepishly.

"No worries, Kakashi isn't here yet either, but he'll be here in a minute so we'll start eating soon. Just grab a seat." Naruto said brightly.

Aoba followed her through the hallway and looked startled at the overcrowded room with dishes put on cardboard boxes and people sitting in different levels of heights. "um..."

"There's a seat here." Anko said and pointed to the box squeezed between the couch, the wall and box-table. Aoba had to do the wall walking exercise to access it.

"Kakashi-kun isn't here yet, we shouldn't start without him." Rin said carefully when Aoba shifted his way into a somewhat comfortable position.

"I'm on it!" Naruto said and jumped across the room and out the window.

A minute later she was back, pushing Kakashi through the window with very little grace.

"Found him! He tried to run for it, but I caught him before he could get out the front door!" Naruto said grinning widely. "We even made eggplant soup, Kakashi! For you! The least you can do is show up for dinner." Naruto scolded and forced Kakashi into the seat furthest away from the window.

"Ehem."Anko made an angry sound in the back of her throat. "I think you mean to say I made eggplant soup, Naru. You had nothing to do with it except inviting too many guests than we can cater."

Kakashi ignored Anko and instead complained to the room in general. "I would have heard everything from my own apartment. It would be as good as being here since this apartment is about as soundproof as a paper sheet. Mah, when you said dinner I wasn't signing up for whatever camping trip you girls have cooked up this time." Kakashi muttered but sat down in defeat on a box between Anko and Iruka.

The box was pretty low, and both Anko and Iruka would have to look down to see him.

Naruto sat down on a box in the corner closest to the hallway. "Well, everyone is here now, so stop complaining and let's start eating!"

Dinner was a little awkward to begin with, not everyone knew each other and the conversation was scattered for most of the first half hour. Kakashi only answered to direct questions, and never engaged anyone in a lengthy conversation.

No one dared speak to Anko at all. The girl was too stressed making sure everyone could reach the dish they wanted. She walked back and forth to the counter to bring the things that couldn't fit on the table, and used the rest of the time fuming on her food.

But with some effort Naruto managed to not knock anything over again, which made Anko relax more as time went on.

While they ate Naruto and Akiko was catching up. The civilian girl was the most skittish out of everyone. She had never been in a context where ninjas outnumbered civilians, and in this instance it was eleven to one. "So what's going on? I stopped by last month and brought Madam May some cake we got from our last mission. The lady we escorted was really pleased with our service and we got like five cakes to bring back home. But Madam May looked really tired. Is everything alright at the orphanage?" Asked Naruto while leaning across the table to speak with Akiko.

The girl sighed and shook her head. "Not really. There are too many new kids. A lot of war orphans are being put into the orphanage these days. There's way too many, and Madam May's assistant quit about two months ago, so they're more short staffed than ever." Akiko answered with a frown.

Anko looked sideways at Akiko, a somewhat sympathetic look on her face. "The older children are being asked to leave before they turn eighteen. Anyone who can provide for themselves is being kicked out or asked to leave to clear up space for the youngers who is most in need."

"That's horrible…" Answered Rin and peeked over Obito's shoulder to look at Akiko.

"It's okay. Normally we are not allowed independence before we turn eighteen. Sixteen if you apply to the council and get a job. Now anyone who can state a new address is getting their stuff packed up for them." Akiko answered with a casual shrug.

"You're thinking of moving out, aren't you?" Asked Anko knowingly.

Akiko shifted a little on her cardboard box before nodding. "Yeah, I think I will. I found someone who said they're hiring, and if I'm lucky I could lodge in their attic for six months while my trial period is going. Until now a girl a couple of years older than me did the work there, but she just got promoted." Akiko explained.

"What will you be doing?" Asked Naruto curious.

Akiko finished chewing and swallow before answering. "Cleaning mostly, and helping out with stocking shelves. But if I get a permanent position there I could eventually become a waitress. That's what the girl before me is doing now."

"What about school? Will you still go to the orphanage classes or switch to one of the communal ones?" Asked Anko with surprising amount of interest considering the topic.

"Oh, no. I wouldn't have time for school. I'd be working from eight in the morning to six in the evening, so I'm dropping out if I get this job." Akiko answered in a quiet voice, her cheeks heating up. Anko frowned and turned back to her dish, using her spoon to move around a bean in her eggplant soup.

"Is that... the best option?" Asked Gai carefully, also taking interest in the topic and looking from Naruto to Akiko to Anko.

Akiko blushed slightly at being addressed by Gai, but answered anyway. Though a little more quiet than normal. "It's not like finishing my education will get me a better job. This is kind of a trial run to see if I can keep up, and I would also get paid. I don't really see the point of finishing school at the orphanage. The ones that do usually have the same jobs as those who don't." Akiko muttered so low Naruto had problems hearing her words.

"Well, if it doesn't work out you can always come here and crash on our couch until you find something else." Suggested Anko and peeked sideways at Akiko. The girl blushed scarlet at Anko's surprising friendliness, and nodded with a faint smile.

Soon everyone had eaten up, and the first thing they did was clean up and throw all the boxes into the hallway so people could sit on the floor. Anko handed out ice cream in paper bowls which Shisui had the foresight to bring with him.

Akiko stayed close to Naruto for most of the evening, but dared to speak with Rin and Obito on a few occasions.

"So you don't have any training in school? Just… gym? Where you are forced to play volleyball?" Asked Obito astonished to a shy looking Akiko.

"Um… Today we actually had ping pong." She answered while fidgeting with the hem of her orphanage T-shirt. That answer seemed even more foreign to Obito, who at once wanted to know the point of doing ping pong for a lesson.

"It's more about staying active. Training is good for you, and I'm a civilian. Our classes are more about learning language, math, history and geography than being taught how to fight." Akiko explained, surprised at Obito's puzzled expression.

"And you still have to go to those kinds of classes? We didn't have to continue them after we graduated the academy. How much is there really to learn about that stuff? And it's so boring! Why didn't you just become a ninja, then you wouldn't have to continue that stuff." Obito answered fascinated by their conversation. Rin was hiding a smile behind her hand while she watched her friend and Akiko try to get a grip on each other's occupation.

By the window Naruto was again sitting in the frame. One leg dangling outside and one inside the living room. She was making sure Kakashi didn't bolt too early by guarding the windows, which he had noticed almost immediately.

Anko was strategically hanging out by the hallway, so both sides were covered while Kakashi was sitting on the floor together with Genma and Gai. Trapped in the middle and highly annoyed about it from the glances he was sending the girls every now and then.

While keeping an eye on Kakashi, Naruto was chatting animatedly with Ensui. "It's just not fair. I am so close, Ensui! So close. I have the three first steps down, but the fourth is kicking my ass. Kushina says it's my internal chakra control that still needs work and that I'm using a pace that's too slow for the chains, but I don't get what she means!" Naruto complained while spooning up soggy ice cream stains left in her bowl.

"You just have to keep at it. Kushina-sensei is sure you can do it. I think you'll do it too, you just haven't figured out the right combination yet. When you get it right once, I'm sure you'll remember how to do it again."

"But that's just it! What if I never get the combination right? And I don't get that knowledge of how to do it? Two years Ensui! Two years! I have never trained on a single technique for so long in my entire life, dattebayo!"

"You're not that old, Naruto. You're doing pretty well for your age I'd say." Iruka muttered grumpily from next to Ensui.

"Well… It's twenty percent of her life." Ensui added with a tilt of his head.

"Exactly! Twenty percent! That's ages!" Naruto agreed while gesturing towards Ensui with the hand still holding her bowl.

"Hey, she's been trying her whole life to be less of a klutz, and she has yet to master that. I'll call twenty percent a small number compared to the success rate you have at some of your other skills." Shisui muttered from behind Iruka, having overheard their conversation.

Naruto narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well, you've been a… a..." She struggled to find a fitting insult. "...an ice cream addict your whole life..." Shisui grinned and spooned up the last of his ice cream from his own bowl.

"And proud of it! I eat way less ice cream than you eat ramen. At least there's milk in ice cream. Ramen is just salt."

Naruto rolled her eyes and pouted. "You're a know it all."

"You're reckless."

"You're painfully obedient."

"You're messy."

"You need a whole floor to sleep on so you don't fall off the bed!"

"You have no self-preservation instincts."

"Youdon't like orange."

"You like orange."

"Okay, okay, break it up you two before you start a battle. I don't want you to flatten our apartment. It's already under serious strain with how many people we've pushed into it." Anko shouted from across the room.

"Hey! Guess what I got. Just wait a second." Naruto said suddenly, jumping to her feet and looking wildly around the room. Forgetting their argument completely.

Shisui just went with it and shook his head. "She also has a short attention span." He muttered with a grin towards Ensui and Iruka.

Naruto half walked and half jumped to get through the room and into her bedroom. Once inside she found what she was looking for and hid it behind her back.

Proudly she walked out again with a wide smile. Everyone noticed her beaming grin when she returned, and just like she wanted, people stopped their talk to see what was going on. Anko was the only one who was in the known, and she was quickly returning to the mood she'd been in upon their guest's arrival.

"You know. I'm not sure any of the people who were there remember this. It was before the outing during the academy that I and Kakashi had a discussion… Or argument really. I promised something that day, and I never go back on my words! So I want you all to see my awesome new jumpsuit!" Naruto said and revealed her newly purchased jumpsuit for everyone in the living room.

The silence was so deep you could have heard a pin drop.

Kakashi looked horror struck, and so did Shisui and Ensui. All three were having flashbacks to a conversation many years before which they had all mostly forgotten because of the aftermath. Obito on the other hand was shining with excitement.

The jumpsuit was orange. Very orange. But a few black details were on the shoulder and sleeves of the jacket. And the trousers were just all orange. Neon orange.

"Sweet!" Exclaimed Obito with a wide smile.

"Uh..." Said Rin with her head tilted to one side.

"Youthful, Naruto-chan!" Gai said and gave her the thumbs up.

"Do you have a death wish?!" Shouted Shisui and jumped to his feet. Kakashi looked like he wanted to yell too, but was too proud to lose his composure the way Shisui had just done. Ensui palmed his face in both hands while taking a calming breath.

"I've inherited your old clothes for years now, Shisui, but now I can wear my very own jumpsuit! Your clothes are all black and it makes me look like I'm going to a funeral all the time. So with that line of thinking it would be you who had a death wish." Naruto replied, a little miffed Shisui seemed to dislike it so much. She knew Kakashi would be annoyed by the colors, but she didn't expect Shisui to react like that too.

"It's dreadful… I can't believe my roommate wants to be seen in public wearing something like that. The inherited boy clothes were so much better. You could go for a tomboy style thing, but this is just tasteless." Anko muttered while shaking her head from side to side.

"It's better to attend a funeral, than being the main event during a funeral." Added Ensui while his eyes stayed narrowed on the orange garments.

"I think it looks awesome, Naruto! Where did you get it?" Asked Obito and got up from the floor.

"I went to the store you recommended, Obito. The second hand store down by the library! It has good fabric and everything. They had more too, but this was the only thing with orange. It was half price too! Can you believe it?"

"Yes, I can." Muttered Shisui under his breath and sat down again.

The day after dinner Shisui was early out of bed and at his uncle's place, just as promised.

He wondered if Naruto and Anko would be at the training ground like they had talked about, but with the mess left in their apartment he wouldn't be surprised if they were cleaning all morning.

He knocked on the door and waited for the sound of footsteps on the other side. Not half a minute later the door opened, and Fugaku looked down at him from the doorway. "Shisui-kun, thanks for taking the time to train Itachi again."

"No problem, uncle Fugaku. You trained me when I was younger. It's the least I can do to repay the favor." Shisui answered. Faking an energy he wasn't feeling. It was a trick he'd picked up from Naruto and Anko.

"You're family, we help each other." Fugaku replied and stepped aside, revealing Itachi standing at the ready to leave.

"Is it okay if I take him to the training ground? I'll follow the training schedule, but I think Itachi-kun will benefit from seeing how someone from outside the clan fights. My teammates will be training there too." Shisui asked in his most respectful tone.

Fugaku glanced back at his son and then to Shisui. "That's a good idea, but have him back by two o'clock though. Itachi has lessons." When Fugaku referred to lessons, it meant the curriculum he and Mikoto instructed him in. Basically history, language, math, geography, and all the other things he would learn when he was old enough to start the academy.

"Of course. Are you ready, Itachi-kun?"

Itachi stepped past his father, "Goodbye, father." he said quietly, nodding to his dad in the passing. Shisui said goodbye to the Uchiha clan head, and followed after his cousin.

Itachi and Shisui were related on their mother's side. Mikoto was his biological aunt through his mother, which was why Fugaku had taken the time to train Shisui when he was younger. It was not all about honor and strength though, but Fugaku was a difficult man to get to know.

"I'll meet your teammates today, Shisui-san?" Asked Itachi curiously, looking up at him through his straight bangs.

"I think so. They might be late though." Shisui shrugged casually.

"Late?" Asked Itachi, a hint of confusion in his voice. Shisui doubted Itachi had ever been late in his life. He was always kept busy by his parents. If it wasn't training or lessons, he was doing chores. He had been since he was strong enough to carry a broom.

"They might be delayed, since they're cleaning their apartment." Shisui replied kindly.

Itachi nodded again. "They live together?"

"They are roommates."

Itachi didn't find that an adequate answer. "Are they older than you?"

Shisui realized why Itachi found the girls living arrangement curious, and decided to just explain the situation as a whole. "Naruto is my age and Anko is two years older. They're both orphans though, that's why they don't live with their families. It's cheaper for them to share a place then to live on their own."

Itachi understood. "I see."

"So what are we working on today, Itachi-kun? It's Tuesday, which means you had shuriken throwing yesterday, and have poses today." Shisui summarized without letting Itachi answer. "I think we'll do some combat training. That's okay right? You're good with combat positions. You know the theory, and you know how it's supposed to be performed. Today I think it'd be good to put them to practice. See if you can keep them all in mind while sparring."

"That's a good plan. Father has already sparred with me a few times, and I would appreciate more practice."

"I might set you up against Naruto. She's so unpredictable you'll be forced to think outside the norm." Shisui suggested while tilting his head.

They talked calmly back and forth while they headed for the training ground. Shisui always forgot Itachi was six years younger than him when they talked like this.

Fugaku had been adamant that Itachi had to mature quickly, especially considering the war they were fighting. His current maturity and outlook had a lot to do with how he was raised, but Shisui also believed Itachi was naturally a very clever kid. He took to things quickly, anyone rarely had to repeat something and he always paid attention. Those upbringing traits could only affect to a certain degree.

They entered the training ground, and Shisui was not surprised to find it empty. Hopefully they wouldn't be too late. He didn't want Itachi to get the impression they were sloppy or lazy.

Naruto looked back and forth between the two black haired boys. Not believing what she was seeing.

Uchiha Itachi.

As a little more than a toddler…

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Naruto-san." Itachi said and reached a hand out to greet her.

Naruto almost didn't take the hand. Partly because she couldn't fathom how such a young kid could be so painfully proper, or because it was Uchiha Itachi presenting himself to her.

"Nice to meet you too." Naruto said and took his hand. She had to bend down to be eye level with the boy, and looked questionably up at Shisui. He was grinning widely at Naruto's discomfort.

"I hope it's alright Itachi-kun trains with me today? We usually practice in the forest. There's a place there we use but I thought a change of location was for the better." Shisui explained while gesturing to the training ground around them.

"It's no problem. Glad to have you join us, Itachi-kun." Anko said and tried to smile friendly. She partly succeeding. Being around Orochimaru for so long had made Anko adopt Orochimaru's creepy smile as her own.

"We have a program for the day, but I was wondering if one of you could try sparring with him later? It's always good to change who you're fighting. More unpredictability." Shisui asked hopefully, looking at Naruto in particular.

But Anko was the one who volunteered, "I don't mind." Shisui nodded in thanks.

Shisui and Itachi went back to sparring, while Anko sat down on the ground to work on her latest jutsu. Leaving Naruto to find something to do on her own.

Today that was trying to wrap her head around the idea of Uchiha Itachi as a young child.

Naruto was remembering her last encounter with Sasuke before falling back in time. On the river during the Hokage summit and his complete madness after he'd killed his brother, only to hear that Itachi had done it as a loyal Konoha shinobi.

If it was true Naruto had never found out. But Sasuke had believed it. He had vouched to destroy Konoha because of what they'd done to his brother.

Naruto watched as Shisui blocked a precise kick from Itachi, before rounding the tables on him. Shisui was better than Itachi at his current level. He was also twice his size, so he was mostly just dancing around Itachi. But for someone so young Itachi was exceptional.

They looked to be having a good time. Shisui was chuckling whenever Itachi got frustrated, and Itachi was growing more and more energetic while they battled.

A feeling of nausea seeped into her stomach the longer Naruto watched. Had Itachi killed Shisui?

How had Shisui died in her original time line? He was an Uchiha, and everyone in that clan with the exception of Sasuke, Itachi and Madara had died when Naruto was around seven or eight. She couldn't remember exactly how old she had been when Sasuke had been orphaned. She just remembered how he'd changed from it.

Itachi had killed his clansmen. All of them with the exception of Sasuke.

Shisui sidestepped an incoming punch from Itachi, causing the boy to stumble. He let Itachi gain his balance again before continuing. But Itachi had noticed that he had screwed up, and his eyes grew determined. His cheeks were growing red from the exercise, and his clothes were becoming disheveled from battling.

Was this how a homicidal murderer looked like? Or a human sacrifice?

Only Kakashi-sensei and captain Yamato had overheard Madara's story along with her that day, and they had never gotten it confirmed from another source. But at the time, her gut had told Naruto it was true. That the Uchiha had planned a coup d'etat which resulted in that horrible night. That Itachi truly had acted in Konoha's best interest at the dispense of his own family.

But had he killed Shisui to achieve that? Had Shisui been one of the people plotting to overthrow the Third? And Obito… Had they both been killed by Itachi? Betrayed and cut down in their own homes by someone they considered a friend. Their family?

The nausea intensified, and Naruto truly started feeling sick.

Itachi laughed. The sound was high and carefree, and so full of life she wasn't sure she was hearing correctly.

She tried to picture her version of Uchiha Itachi. Tall, thin, pale and cloaked in black robes. His red eyes glaring down at her through emotionless eyes.

Naruto then remembered the last time she'd seen and spoken to Uchiha Itachi. Alone in the woods just hours before he had been killed by Sasuke. While they frantically searched the countryside for Itachi before his younger brother could reach him. To get Sasuke back to the village.

He had asked about Sasuke. Asked her how far she was willing to get him back to Konoha. He had asked if she would still continue even if Sasuke didn't want to go back. Even if he turned against the village.

Then that odd thing had happened. With the crow forcing itself down her throat. What that had been about Naruto still couldn't fathom, but it was clearly impregnated in her mind. Everything about that meeting was clear as day, though much else had faded with the years.

Maybe it was the genjutsu. Genjutsu was a technique to implant pictures into someone else's mind, and make them feel imagined pain and fear. Maybe it could also make it unforgettable, because she could even recall the eyes of the odd crow. One black, the other a Mangekyō Sharingan similar but not the same as Itachi's.

Even though she recollected it so clearly, Naruto had never really thought over Itachi's words much. She had right after the encounter. But her head had been filled with so much else at the same time. Sasuke had slipped out from between their fingers, Itachi had been killed, and then she'd received news that Jiraiya had been killed by Pein.

It had made Itachi's message dim in importance. Grief and fury over the continuous failures had been eating at her. And then she had started training with the toads.

His words hadn't really come back to her before the Kage summit. When Madara had been speaking of what really happened that day. But even then her thoughts hadn't really connected the two incidents. Because everything was always about Sasuke. To save Sasuke. To stop Sasuke. To bring Sasuke home.

Itachi had suspected… He had asked her straight out if she would still fight for Sasuke even if he tried to destroy Konoha. Who she would choose. The village or the one she considered her brother?

If what Madara said was true - then Itachi had chosen his brother.

Naruto looked away from the boys. Not able to stand looking at them anymore.

Inside her mind she was picturing a thousand different ways Shisui had been killed the first time. For all she knew Shisui had died during the war, and not as a result of the massacre. But the idea was now firmly embedded in her head, and she couldn't help hating Itachi despite her better judgement.

Even if he had done it on the orders of the council, he had still gone through with it. He had killed his mother and father. He had killed his aunts and uncles. He had killed them, so why wouldn't he have killed Shisui too?

And that thought made Naruto see red.




To be continued...