
After Such Words! (Teasing Master Takagi-san)

On a short pause! After the end of season 3. Nishikata and Takagi return after a eventful day. Now it's their last summer before high school. What will happen between the two of them as their times ticks down? Both are hiding a secret from one another, yet refuse to tell each other what their secret is. Will they finally realize each other's feeling for each other? Updates every 2 weeks on Tuesday or Saturday! First Published: July 14, 2022 Warning! Perhaps minor themes of suicide and sex( I promise not too much!)

Daoistiub8Z6 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"If I had a penny for everytime Sanea had looked at me since the mall date, I would get nothing!" Takao whispered to Nishikita

"Really?" Nishikita replied, focusing on the math equation the two were working on

"Well it's because she would never fall for a nerd like you" Kimura overheard

"Be quiet Kimura! What if Sanea heard that!?" Takao looked around but everyone seemed too invested in the math problem to care

"Haha well I have been meaning to say. You, Nishikita, and Takagi seemed oddly close, I mean I saw you three sharing glances at the candy shop. What's up? Does this have to do with this "Mall date" you two have been talking about?" Kimura questioned his two friends, the two in question looked at each other, expecting the other to answer.

"Eh it's n-noting!" Takao raised his hands in innocence

Kimura squinted at him

"Sure then..." Kimura looked away to focus on the next set of problems, the pair looked each other and silently sighed in relief of Kimura not digging deeper

"Hey students! Time is up! Go exchange your worksheets with another person that's not on your table." Tanabe then grabbed a marker and started writing on the whiteboard

"Hm who do I swap with?" Nishikita looked around, that Kimura had allied with Hamaguichi, he looked for Takao but could't found him anywhere. He then spotted Sanea walking towards him, accepting his fate, he watched as she got closer and closer. But was interrupted by Takao who made her exchanged her paper with him.

"(Thank you Takao! That was close)" He turned around to see Takagi by herself. Speed walking over, he made quick distance and soon closed the gap between the two.

"Hey Takagi...uh...I,....forgot what I was going to say" Nishikita looked away in embarrassment

Takagi giggled as she brought her head next to his

"I bet you want to exchange worksheets with me?" She grinned, taking in pleasure from Nishikita's varying emotion switching across his face

"yea...Yeah" He offered his worksheet to her, she happily took it and gave her his.

"Let's make this a contest, who ever has the higher score wins!" Takagi excitedly suggested

Nishikita looked at her, and accepted it with a determined look

"(I will win this! I had both Takao and KImura's help so I doubt I got many wrong!)" He monologued as Takagi stared at him, smiling, she whispered

"Does't this feel kind of familar?"

Nishikita blinked in surprise as memories of when they compared test scores 2 years before hit him like a truck.

"Ah what are you talking about Takagi-san!" Nishikita turned around and ran off, to the delight of Takagi who grabbed him by the collar before he could escape

"Where are you going? We have to grade each other's papers." Nishikita slowly turned around like he was caught by a serial killer

"i-I guess so" He looked at Takagi's work sheet. The two sat down opposing each other, and started to grade the worksheets.

Nishikita looked at Takagi's paper, he looked though it, scanning it though

"Huh, Takagi got a lot of these easy ones wrong... that's odd, she would't get these kinds of question wrong" He thought, placing another check on a question

Takagi looked at Nishikita's eye, softly smiling, she looked back down on her paper

"Are you done Nishikita?" She smiled at Nishikita, luring a blush from his cheek

"Yes, what did you I get?" He asked, sweating

"Actually can you tell me what you got first?" Takagi proposed

"Umm ok!" Nishikita turned her around her work sheet

"You got 89!" Nishikita announced, flashing a white piece of paper with the number "89" labeled on it

"Hm not bad" She remarked before she took a step closer to Nishikita,

"Wanna guess what I got?" She offered, looking him in the eye

"Umm I don't know.. 94?" He put his arm around his shoulder

"(I don't know honestly what she got... But she's Takagi! She is going to win one way or another!)" Nishikita conversed with himself

"Ahhh I am probably going to lose" Nishikita admitted to Takagi who laughed a little before asking

"Do you wish to accept defeat?"

Nishikita looked at her and sighed

"Ye-yeah I do" He look

Takagi grinned at him before showing his worksheet

"Well good because you got 90!" Takagi laughed

Nishikita's face was priceless

"I...won? Yet I gave it all up because I... Damm you Takagi-san!"

He and Takagi walked home that day, and for the first time in nearly 2 weeks, there was no strange feeling in the air. The two were on the same wave length, the feeling, little did Nishikita know. Was of love, Nishikita realized or not.