
After Such Words! (Teasing Master Takagi-san)

On a short pause! After the end of season 3. Nishikata and Takagi return after a eventful day. Now it's their last summer before high school. What will happen between the two of them as their times ticks down? Both are hiding a secret from one another, yet refuse to tell each other what their secret is. Will they finally realize each other's feeling for each other? Updates every 2 weeks on Tuesday or Saturday! First Published: July 14, 2022 Warning! Perhaps minor themes of suicide and sex( I promise not too much!)

Daoistiub8Z6 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Nakai looked at Nishikita, Nishikita reassures him once again. Gulping, Nakai started walking, tapping the shoulders of a short black haired girl

"Hey Mano wanna talk?" Nakai started, a small blush on his face

"(I hope things go well with those two)" Nishikita thought to himself as he left the couple to themselves

He stood on a old parapet as he thought of what to do next

"(What should I do if Nakai fails? Should I urge him more to fix their relationships? Or should I tell him to give up? Aihhhh I have no experiences with these kinds of things!)" Nishikita sweated in thought of those possibilities. He hopped of the parapet and walked to his classroom

"(Ahh the culture festival is about to happen...I wonder what will happen this year? It's going to be mine and Takagi's last one)" Nishikita blushed in what he just thought to himself

"(No no what am I thinking? I should't be thinking like that at all!") Nishikita denied

He entered his classroom to see his entire class waiting for him

"Nishikita! You are late! The entire class is waiting for you!" Tanabe lectured, Nishikita looked at the class to see a few giggling at his digrace. One of them was Takagi

Nishikita went down to sit next to Sanea but shot an annoyed look at Takagi

Takagi only smirked at him before both of them snapped to attention at Tanabe's announcement

"So some of you might know, the culture festival is coming soon, so we are going to pick what we are doing for our class!" Tanabe pointed at the board

"Any suggestions?

The entire class broke into short discussion, Nishikita looked in amazement at the lively chatter that was surrounding him.

"How about we have horror house?" A student spoke up, getting a few agreeing comments, before Hamaguichi spoke up

"How about we have a cosplay event? We have all the girls dressed up for every guys's fantasy! Like a maid outfit, or a nurse cospla-"

Hamaguichi got slapped her Neighbor, Houjou of course. "Shut up Hamaguichi!" She spat before combo-ing him into submission

"Ouch that looked like it hurt" Nishikita winced at Hamaguichi's bruised face

The class threw up some more ideas, but only a few liked each one, stood up, and asked Tanabe to go to the restroom

"Nishikita, I bet you have a idea" Takagi suddenly asked

"What!? No! I have no idea what you're talking about!" Nishikita looked away in embarrassment

Takagi just looked at him closer, and closer, eventually earning a blush from him

"I swear I have nothing in mind" Nishikita hid his face

Takagi looked at his him with even more focus. "You should really search your soul for an answer, I know you have one deep in there" She mysteriously nudged him

"You are talking about culture festival ideas right?" Nishikita's mind judged

"Sure I am~" Takagi answered

"How about we have a BBQ?" Hamaguichi offered, much to his suprise, a decent portion of people actually seemed to like the idea

"Ok so we have, Carnival games, Romantic Restaurant, BBQ, and...Hamaguichi's cosplay event..." Tanabe briefly finished his statement before several girls rose up from their seats

"Why do you still have that up as a option!!!???" Houjou spat

Tanabe just shrugged his shoulders

"It's best to have as many options as possible, plus not that many people are speaking up" He spoke truthfully

Suddenly, Nishikita spoke up

"How about we have a bridge cafe? Like one side of the cafe is like a jungle, and the other is themed like a mountain. And we of course have a bridge connecting the two together so it's like having two cafes into one! Plus it would look awesome!" Nishikita threw out his hand, earning an excited response from the class

"That sounds good!"

"What a good idea!"

"Sounds fun!"

Takagi stood up behind him and whispered

"I knew you had it in you" She seductively whispered in him

"Wha!?" Nishikita jumped in surprise

"Okay so this is the final vote, who wants to do Hamaguichi's cosplay event?" Tanabe asked

Only Hamaguichi and Takao raised their hands

"Okay noted, who wants to do Carnival games?" Tanabe continued

"This time, a large group raised their hands

"Hm ok now who wants the bridge cafe?" Tanabe finished

Nishikita and a large portion of the class raised their hands

Tanabe looked at the group and counted

"Ok... the winners are.... Nishikita and his bridge cafe!" Tanabe yelled as if he was announcing the winners of a WWE fight

Nishikita and the class celebrated in choosing what they were doing.

"Tch, we should had won" Takao mumbled to himself

"Yeah. Our idea was the best one" Hamaguichi mumbled in agreement


"Haha so my parent were so mad that my dog ate all of their curry!" Sumire giggled, She and Takagi were walking around a park, Sumire had a dog on her leash

"I don't think curry is healthy for a dog" Takagi told Sumire who was laughing out of control

"I know but you should have seen the look on my parents face!" Sumire argued back before the pair sat down on an bench

"Hey let's talk about boys now~" Sumire teased before getting closer to Takagi

"What about them?" Takagi pointed her eyes in the opposite direction, looking dumb

"Oh so you are still not willing to talk about them? Well in that case, let's play Kiss, Marry, Kill!" Sumire declared

Kiss, Marry, Kill is a game in which someone asks somebody else if they would Kiss, Marry, Kill and then offer them 3 choices. The somebody has to Kill someone, Kiss another, and Marry the last one.

"Really? Sure" Takagi agreed

"Ok I will go first, Your options are Nishikita, Nakai, and Tanabe-sensei!" Sumire annouced

"Wow, not going easy on me? Ok I would kill Tanabe-sensei because he's already married, kiss Nakai and then force him and Mano to make up, and I would marry Nishikita" Takagi replied in earnest

"Ah so you like Nishikita the most? Just admit that you like him already!" Sumire yelled at her friend

"Nope, don't know what you are talking about" Takagi played dumb

Sumire glared at her best friend and said

"Well I guess it's your turn" Takagi looked at her before saying

"Ok, Would you kiss, marry, kill... Nishikita, Nakai, or Tanabe-sensei?" Takagi countered attacked, catching her opponent of guard

"Huh what? I just asked you that! Well I guess I would have to answer" Sumire looked away in embarrassment

"I would kill Tanabe, kiss Nishikita, and marry Nakai...." Sumire blushed from what she said

"So you like Nakai then?" Takagi smirked at Sumire

"s-shut up"

Takagi laughed at the blushing girl before talking

"I mean you are always giving him lustful looks from across the room" Takagi continued

"No I don't! I am just looking at window next to him!" Sumire tried to defend herself but knew that Takagi was relentless

"Ok~ I believe you" Takagi winked at the blushing girl

"Let's go home" Sumire grabbed Takagi's hand and the two walked together some

"I'am sorry for putting you on the spot, sometimes's you are not ready to admit something" Takagi told her dark pink haired friend

"You would know that" Sumire replied, the two girls smirked at each other before giggling in humor.