
After Such Words! (Teasing Master Takagi-san)

On a short pause! After the end of season 3. Nishikata and Takagi return after a eventful day. Now it's their last summer before high school. What will happen between the two of them as their times ticks down? Both are hiding a secret from one another, yet refuse to tell each other what their secret is. Will they finally realize each other's feeling for each other? Updates every 2 weeks on Tuesday or Saturday! First Published: July 14, 2022 Warning! Perhaps minor themes of suicide and sex( I promise not too much!)

Daoistiub8Z6 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Classroom surprise

Nishikata gasped in horror

"Hey guys I am Sanea, I love going shopping and hanging out with people!" She greeted everybody

Half of the class clapped, the other half, stared in total horror.

"Since we have a new student, and that it is a new term, let's change seats!" Tanabe announced

Everybody started looking around, strategizing who and where to sit with

"And for this year, let's change it up, groups of 2!" Tanabe continued, everybody gasped, soon they quickly changed their strategies to adapt to the new situation

"(Who and where should I sit?)" Nishikita looked around to see Kimura going with Takao. Ruling them out, quickly scanning, he spotted Nakai. Quickly walking to him, he nearly arrived before Nakai's girlfriend, Mano!

"Ah gosh darn it!" Nishikita looked to his left, seeing Hamaguichi, he bolted to him, expecting another interruption. Luckily, he arrived to Hamaguichi's right

"Hey Hamaguichi! Want to be partners?" Nishikita asked

"Oh no sorry I can't, I want to be partners with Houjou-san" Hamaguichi apologetically dismissed him

"AH! Shoot down by Hamaguichi due to a girl!" Nishikita was about to give up when someone tapped his shoulder

"Hey Nishikita, wanna partner?" The girlish voice questioned

Nishikita turned around, to hopefully see Takagi behind him

Except it wasn't, it was Sanea!

"Wha? Really? With me?" Nishikita blushed as he looked around to find Takagi but there was no trace of her

"So? Yes?" Sanea pressed, backing Nishikita into a corner

"Uhhh a-no I mean Yes!" Nishikita responded, shaking from his outburst

"Okay sweet!" Sanea moved her desk to Nishikita and connected the two desks

Meanwhile, Takagi stared from a corner

"Darn, I guess I will have to find a new partner" Takagi looked around and soon found Sumire, the quickly agreed to form a new pair. As a last act of defiant, she mover her desks 2 feet behind Sanea and Nishikita's

As the class settled down, the class looked at where everyone else was. XX=Random pair TS=Takagi and Sumire

NS=Nishikita and Sanea HH=Hamaguichi and Houjou

KT=Kimura and Takao NM=Nakai and Mano






Tanabe soon started the lesson, the classroom soon snapped into attention and started gingerly writing down notes

"Hey Nishikita, can I use your pencil? My pen ran out of lead and I don't want to remeber what to write" Sanea asked, shooting Nishikita a encouraging smile

"Sure" He tossed her the pencil as they continued working

"Are you sure about those two?" Sumire questioned to Takagi, full of concern

"What's wrong? Those two seem to be getting along" Takagi replied, still scrambling notes down

Takagi looked at those two, but then soon she looked away. Her heart stopped her looking at the two again. Takagi felt sad and desolate, like those days of spring when Nishikita could't hang out with her. Her soul felt incomplete, she bit her lips in anguish. After class was finished, she went home and sighed. Her mother concernedly asked if she was fine. She had been acting weird her mother explained, asking what was wrong. Takagi though refused to answer as she locked herself into her room. She limped to her bed and plobbed herself onto her bed.

She looked at her phone, which had Nishikita and her posing at the christmas mall. Her eyes became wet as she blinked away the tears forming in her eyes. She suppressed these...wrong emotions as she looked at her chat with Nishikita. Closing her phone, she grabbed her pillow and covered her head. She thought of when Nishikita and Sanea laughed together. Due to Sanea dropping her eraser. "(Something so...not right)" Takagi squirmed with her pillow. She shook with emotion. She was losing it...

"(What's wrong with this? Why do I not feel so great? Nishikita's just hanging with his friends. Why do I need to stop him from doing it? Why? There is no reason for me to stop him. It's not like I am his...girlfriend.)" Takagi thought. She opened her eyes but could't see anything due to her pillow obscuring her view. She tried getting up but she could't muster the will to. She then noticed that her pillow was wet from...her tears. She had realized something, Nishikita choose to sit with another girl. And she didn't like, any second of it

On the same day

"Hey Takao" Hamaguichi spoke

"Ready to hang some fun?" He replied, picking up his phone charger

"Ready than anything!" Hamaguichi determinedly said back

"Oh yes.... this is the stuff!" Takao yelled out

"Yes it is!" Hamaguichi relaxed

"Hey, would you two stop yelling in here? It's bothering the other customers" The massage attendant discreetly told the two boys

"Sorry mam" Hamaguichi apologized to the massager as he lowered his tone

"Man, I wished school could just end already!" Takao quietly yelled

"Agreed" Hamaguichi lightly nodded in reply

"It's so quiet and peaceful with the two of us here Hamaguichi" Takao soothed

"Yeah! We should really hang together like this more often" Hamaguichi agreed

"Hey you two hurry! What's taking so long?" Nishikita peered though the door

"Sorry Nishikita, let's go Hamaguichi" Takao lead Hamaguichi out of the spa room

The 3 three boys left the massage section into a large heated pool, meeting Kimura and Nakai who were waiting for them

The 5 males entered the heated pool and relaxed instantly. The hot water felt extremely relieving to the boys.

"Hahhhhh...." Nishikita relaxed as the hot water surrounded his body.

"This is so nice, can we go here everyday?" Hamaguichi wondered

"Yes if your mom is willing to come and pick up everyday" Kimura responed, grinning.

Takao laughed at the comedic statement before he opened his mouth

"So what kind of girls do y'all like?"

The question stopped everyone's relaxed mood as they quickly snapped to attention of what they just heard

"g-Girls?" Nishikita croaked in shock

"Hmm, well let met think" Nakai thought out loud to himself

"You have a girlfriend you idiot! You don't have the time to be thinking about this!" Takao interrupted

Makati laughed as he looked at Nishikata

"How bout you?" He asked

"I-uh.... Am not sure" Nishikata looked away in embarrassment

"(Gah! When I think of attractive girls, only Takagi comes to mind because I spend the majority of my time with her! Damm you Takagi-san!)" Nishikata grumbled

"Well I look girls who are nice and feed me well" Kimura replied

"Of course.." Hamaguichi expectedly groaned

"I like girls who are pretty and nice" Nakai truthfully answered

"That's so basic, can you go into further detail?" Takao questioned

"Well, I like for her to be cute and partially independent, while still liking and teasing me," Nakai elaborated

"Like Mano-chan? Hamaguichi questioned

"Nah, like Takagi-san" Nakai corrected

"Whoa what!?" Nishikata shot up from the bath, shocking the others

"Woah dude relax, Takagi is basically Nishikata's property" Hamaguichi sternly joked

Nakai chucked before replying "I know"

"Well I like girls who are popular and cool looking!" Takao told

"The complete opposites of you..." Kimura sighed in sadness

"Hey that's mean! Take that back!" Takao proceeded to splash water onto Kimura as payback

As the two argued, Nakai came up to Nishikata

"Do you like girls like Nishikata?" Nakai whispered into his ear

"No that's crazy! What erm.. are y-you t-talking about? He sputtered

"Hahaha just having fun Nishikata" Nakai smiled before looking away. Hamaguichi stood up

"Well I like mature girls like...Houjou-san" Hamaguichi explained

"Yeah that is obvious" Kimura nodded

"God her legs... they are so nice~" Hamaguichi moaned in thought

"The way they look as soft as pillows, like you can bury your face in them." Hamaguichi dreamed

"Oh my god shut up Hamaguichi! No one needs to hear that!" Takao yelled in distress.

"Well let's get out of here. My fingers feel weird" Nakai and 3 of the boys left, all except for Takao. Takao looked at himself and panicked, he had realized that he had gotten excited from Hamaguichi's description, he didn't want to leave the pool as he friends would mock him. So he stayed put

"Hey Takao? Aren't you going out?" Nishikata asked the buck teethed boy

" j-Just a few more minutes! I just really l-like the water y-you know?" Takao slurred

"Well ok then, you do you". Nishikata turned around and started walking to the changing room

"Ah what a weirdo, but a good friend" Nishikata thought to himself as he opened his closet. Closing it, he and his friend went home to relax