
After Such Words! (Teasing Master Takagi-san)

On a short pause! After the end of season 3. Nishikata and Takagi return after a eventful day. Now it's their last summer before high school. What will happen between the two of them as their times ticks down? Both are hiding a secret from one another, yet refuse to tell each other what their secret is. Will they finally realize each other's feeling for each other? Updates every 2 weeks on Tuesday or Saturday! First Published: July 14, 2022 Warning! Perhaps minor themes of suicide and sex( I promise not too much!)

Daoistiub8Z6 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


A brown haired girl opened a door, behind the door was a hair stylish, free and open to do what she wanted for her hair style.

"(Hmm I wonder what style he would like?)" Takagi thought to herself as she sat down on a leather chair

She looked at the list of hair styles on the wall.

"(Hmm...he had a somewhat excited reaction to braids. But I would like a larger reaction)" She thought carefully before making her choice

Later that evening

Nishikata stumbled though the gate of his school

"(What the heck is she planning?)" He wandered a bit before entering the back of the school

He arrived at the backyard of the school but there was no hint of Takagi anywhere

"Where could she be?" He searched though the yard but he couldn't find her

He saw a pretty girl outside the school yard and decided to ask if she's had seen Takagi

"Takagi? I thought I saw her at the tree line?" The girl answered, not turning around at all to face Nishikata.

"Hmm thank you" Nishikata replied, he dashed towards the tree line

He then slid behind the row of trees, expecting Takagi to be there. But she wasn't

Nishikata was confused. He feverishly continued looking until someone poked him in the shoulder

"Boo!" The girl that he talked to before jumped out, scaring him

"What!? Who are you?" He shouted back before realizing his mistake

It was Takagi! She had a ponytail curled but other than that. She looked the same! How could he not realize something so simple! Nishikata mentally punched himself for such a a foolish mistake

"Ah you don't know me? Here's a hint, I tease you every day~" The girl answered, grinning in amusement at Nishikata's horror

"You didn't tell me that you changed your hair!" Nishikata tried to defend himself but was drowning in embarrassment

Takagi just laughed at Nishikata's reaction some more

"So why are we here?" Nishikata asked, Takagi looked at the sky before answering

"Well...I wanted to know. Do you like me in a ponytail? She closed the distance between the two, giving Nishikata plenty of evidence to make his decision

"What!? I uhh..." Nishikata stared at himself for what seemed like a eternally.

"You should look at me you know~ That will help you decide~" She lifted Nishikata's chin up to eye level

Authors note: Takagi decided not to change her hair in any fancy matter but decided to keep it simple to see Nishikata's reaction

"I... uh...like it?" Nishikita backed away in panic

"Hm okay, may I propose something?" Takagi stepped closer to Nishikata

"Oh sure" Nishikita worryingly replied

"For this week, you have to come meet me here. Every single day. And I will have a different hair style, you have to critique and compliment my hair. If you genuinely compliment me. You will automatically win " Takagi put her idea on the table

"Wait you didn't say that this would be contest!" Nishikita eye widened in shock

Takagi grinned at his reaction

"So deal?" Takagi offered her hand

"Deal...I guess" He started to walk away when Takagi interrupted him

"In order for it to be a deal, you have to shake my hand, but I guess you would be holding hands with me~" Takagi teased

"What!? As if I am doing that!" Nishikita stomped off in frustration, Takagi just laughed at his response

1st day of the contest

"Why are you wearing the same hair as yesterday?" Nishikita questioned

"Because yesterday didn't count" Takagi smiled, full knowing how he was going to react

"Hah!? Why!? Damm you Takagi-san!" He responded in frustration from her teasing

" So what do you think?" Takagi turned around to give him a better look

"It's...nice...I guess...it looks mature" Nishikita sheepishly answered

Takagi smiled before offering her hand

"Wanna get juice now?" She looked him in the eye

"s-Sure" Nishikita said in a quiet tone, quickly following Takagi

2nd day of contest

"So do you think?" A confident Takagi flipped her straight hair

Takagi had her usual straight hair cut shorter. But now had short bangs!

"Uh...cool I guess"Nishikita rubbed the back of his neck

"That is it? Are you sure?" She once again teased

"Yeah OF COURSE!" Nishikita shouted in dismay

3rd day of contest

"Ah you have your braids again" Nishikita pointed at Takagi's braids

"Yeah, what do you think?" Takagi played with her braids teasingly

"They are...cool as well" He once again was embarrassed

"You know you are going to lose if you keep this up" Takagi pressured

"No I am not! I am going to win this contest just you wait!" Nishikata confidently shot back

4th day of the contest

"How about pigtails?" Takagi twirled her hair around

"(Darn she looks so cute! No I cannot lose this challenge! Keep your eyes on the prize!)" Nishikata thought to himself

"Sure yeah they look...cute" Nishikata slipped his tongue and instantly regretted it

"Oh so you're saying I am cute? Oh Nishikata you perv~" Takagi teased him, like he thought he would

"Be quite Takagi-San! I didn't mean it!" Nishikata backpedaled

Takagi paused for a moment, before continuing her attack

"Oh so you could have won the contest if you didn't go back" Takagi explained. Nishikata cursed himself for letting a golden opportunity slip by him

5th day of the contest

"Tada how do I look?" Takagi opened the door to where Nishikata was waiting

They had decided that they would go to a more public place for this contest. Per Takagi's request

"Does changing your hair color count?" Nishikata looked at Takagi

"I don't see why not" She replied, twirling around for him to see her new green dyed hair, it was dyed on the edges of her hair like a accent

"You look like you are trying to cosplay as someone" came Nishikata's unsure answer

"Like who?" Takagi questioned

"I don't know, just reminded me of someone"

"Takagi thought for a moment before switching back into the changing booth

"Are seriously going to switch the color of your hair NOW? What if someone sees us?" Nishikata begged but he already knew the Takagi's answer

Takagi opened the door again, for Nishikata to see that she turned her hair entirely black

"Well how do I look now?" Takagi explored

"g-fine I guess" Nishikata once again looked away in embarrassment

"Don't tell me... are you more into black haired girls than brown haired ones?" Takagi excitedly concluded

"No I am not, I just like... the difference in color between the two" Nishikata explained

"I guess I should permanently dyed my hair black then" Takagi decided

"Why though?" Nishikata was confused

"Because I want you to think I am cute" Came Takagi's smooth reply

"What!? No don't! I like the way you are now and I... never mind" Nishikata quickly went along as if nothing happened

Unknown to him, Takagi mind was freaking out, but she keep a normal look on the outside

"Well if you just admit, you win~" Takagi continued to remind him of the fact

"No I am not giving in!" Nishikata strongly replied

"Hmm, okay then, can you help me clean up though? I made kind of a mess in the changing room" Takagi admitted

Nishikata agreeds and the two began to clean the changing room

6th day of the contest

"How about wavy long hair?" Takagi showed off her new wavy hair

"Looks fine to me" came a monotone reply from Nishikata

"So it doesn't look good to you?" Takagi approached

"No that's not what I meant!" Nishikata was blushing in embarrassment

"So it does look good on me?" Takagi pressed on

"w-well I...uhhh..." Nishikata self destructed on top of his words

Takagi giggled in happiness

Final day of the contest

"(I wonder what Takagi is going to come up with on the final day?)" He curiously though

He soon arrived at the backyard, only to see a normal looking Takagi

"Hey Nishikata, what do you...

think?" She asked him

"(Holy cow she looks so...beautiful! But she didn't change anything... so why does she look so good?)" Nishikata thought about it for a short moment

"So, any thoughts?" Takagi intensely stared at Nishikata

"You look...very good wait.." came Nishikata answer

"Thanks~" Came a sweet reply from Takagi

"Actually never mind! Forget I said ANYTHING OKAY!?" Nishikata freaked out

"Ah wow, you could have won you know?" Takagi nodded

"Yes but I... I..." Nishikata stopped as Takagi approached him

"Hey, I am glad you said all of that about me, even if you didn't mean it" Takagi giggled

"I! What! Damm you Takagi-san!!!" Nishikata yelled in frustration of her teasing

The next day

Nishikata was on his bed, scrolling though on his phone

"Huh that's odd, Takao never sends this many messages at once"

Nishikata thought as he opened his chat log, but his eyes widened at what he saw

"He...confessed to her?"