
After Skyrim

I was your average, everyday nerd playing a good game of Skyrim and just beat it for the thousandth time. This time was different however, since after i completed the main quest, there was a freak storm. Somehow this storm was powerful enough to breach reality, because as i was playing lighting struck my house sending a burst of electricity into my computer which in turn electrocuted me. I thought I was dead until I opened my eyes to see trees. Upon looking at my surroundings I immediately recognized the land. I was in Rorikstead but I wasn't my player character and the land looks a bit different. In example; There's giant mushrooms with doors as well as regular houses.

Agames_Online · Video Games
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11 Chs

Waking Up In Skyrim

Today is like any other day. I come home, after a hard days work, and slip out of my shoes, then sit down at my desktop to play Skyrim. Sometimes living alone becomes lonely, but for the most part, I prefer it this way. There isn't anyone to tell me how to spend my free time and I can just enjoy my game. I'm your average everyday nerd. I work at a tech store and spend most of my free time playing games or thinking of being in a game. To some, this is a sad life, but for me this is heaven. Sometimes though, my boss really gets on my nerves and makes me want to strangle him 'till he's blue, but aside from that, its not a bad life.

Today is different though. I've been playing for about an hour and just beat the main questline, for the thousandth time, when out of nowhere the house shook from the thunder. I knew it was going to storm, but not this bad. I look out the window to see trees violently shaking and pulling out of the ground. "Oh.. my.. god." I say to myself in shock. I hurry to my computer to shut it off, so it doesn't get destroyed, and in that moment my house gets struck by lightning which sent a powerful burst of energy into my computer, then into me, since I'm touching the mouse, and I feel electricity coursing through my veins. I black out and think I'm dead, until I feel a breeze. I open my eyes to see a familiar sight, but different. "Rorikstead? How the hell?" I ask in disbelief. I look at my hands to see if I'm real. I notice that my hands aren't mine. I pinch myself and it actually hurt. Not like in a dream, but actual pain. I look at my surroundings to see giant mushrooms with doors, as well as regular houses. I see a lot of people outside working in their gardens and children playing. There is one guy who notices me just standing there in the middle of the street. 

"Hey! What are you doing?" The man asked, waking me from my daze. 

"Huh? I don't know. I'm sorry, but where am I?" I ask to confirm my belief.

The man looks at me with a tilted head. He just starts laughing, which I did not expect.

"Did you hit your head? You're in your hometown of course! You do remember Rorikstead don't you?" He asks still laughing.

My hometown? This man knows me? How the hell is that possible since I only just arrived in this world?

"Oh... yes of course. I apologize. I seem to have forgotten some things. Please don't be confused if I ask questions I should know the answers to. I'm not sure why, but I can't even remember my own name." I explains.

The man looks at me for a moment as I'm dumb. He then nods and reaches for my shoulder and starts walking me to his place. 

"Your name is Varis. You probably don't remember this either, but you are fifteen years old and you, unfortunately, are an orphan. I've offered to adopt you, but you didn't want me to. You were supposed to meet me an hour ago for your magic lessens and I was wondering why you hadn't shown. Now I know it's because you somehow have amnesia. I apologize for laughing." He says.

"What am I?" I ask since I do not know my race.

He looks at me for a moment. "You really don't remember anything at all? You, my dear boy, are a Breton." He says lookin at me with sad eyes. "You were orphaned after a werewolf killed your family while you three were camping. I'm the one who saved you. I happened to be hiking when I heard the screams. I ran as fast as I could, but I was too late. The werewolf had eaten their hearts, and had it's teeth deep in your arm. I cast Ice Spike at it's heart, killing it instantly. To this day I'm not sure how you didn't turn, but I'm glad you don't have to deal with that curse." He says, with a mixture of sadness and relief. 

I ponder on my next question, but after that I'm almost scared to learn anymore. I have to know though.

"This is going to sound like a stupid and random question. Are there any dragons?" I ask hesitantly.

He nods, "There have been dragons in these lands for the past twenty years. If it weren't for the dragonborn, we would have been in a world with Alduin, but since he killed Alduin we have actually had a very peaceful existence with the dragons." He explains. 

I take in that information as he speaks. I'm fifteen and I've lived here all my life. The dragonborn killed Alduin twenty years ago, which means I was born five years after. Was I ever on earth or was all that just a dream? Maybe, somehow after I died my soul was placed in a random body. Or maybe, my soul was placed in this body immediately and I, for some reason, only now just woke up. Whatever it is, this is my home now. I need to learn how to live in this world and figure out why things are different. 

"Sir, why are there mushrooms with door?" I ask.

He laughs as he answers. "Those are the houses of the dark elves that moved out here about a hundred and fifty years ago. Dark elves once weren't allowed to live here but these two guys started going around making changes. One of which was to allow their kind to live in new areas. This was one of them and eventually people started to live pretty peacefully together." He explains. 

At this point we arrive at his house and we enter. I sit on his bench and he stands on the other side of the room. "Is there anything else you want to know before we begin?" He asks.

"There's plenty I want to know, but I'll learn on the way. Let's get to this lessen." I say with a smile.