
After Skyrim

I was your average, everyday nerd playing a good game of Skyrim and just beat it for the thousandth time. This time was different however, since after i completed the main quest, there was a freak storm. Somehow this storm was powerful enough to breach reality, because as i was playing lighting struck my house sending a burst of electricity into my computer which in turn electrocuted me. I thought I was dead until I opened my eyes to see trees. Upon looking at my surroundings I immediately recognized the land. I was in Rorikstead but I wasn't my player character and the land looks a bit different. In example; There's giant mushrooms with doors as well as regular houses.

Agames_Online · Video Games
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11 Chs

Vampire Killer

I wake up the next morning to find Seraphina gone. I open my eyes and look over and I notice that her bed is made. I get up, make my bed, and go to head to the Dinning Hall. Once there, I see her talking to a bard. I go to the counter and order a rare Skeever Tail. My hearing kicks on and I hear the Bard asking her to get out of there with him and I can tell that she is uncomfortable. She sees me and tries to make her way to me without being rude. My food arrives in front of me and I pay the man. I pick up my steak and throw it across the room and it hits the Bard across the face making him fall backwards into his stool in surprise. 

"What the hell?!" He yells out removing the hot meat from his face. 

I laugh and walk over. I stand in front of Seraphina glaring down at the Bard. "Stay away from her. You can't just claim any woman you want just because you write pretty words." I say angrily at him. He stands up and glares back at me. 

"Who do you think you are? I will claim whoever I want, whenever I want. Who is she to you?" He asks, screaming in my face. He throws a punch at me and I block his punch, punching him back in the gut. He doubles over in pain, but quickly gets back up. He is more resilient than I thought he would be. He smiles and shoves me, sending me across the room. I land on a table breaking the table making everyone around jump out of the way. People starts screaming and running out of the Inn. I get up and brush the wood chunks off of me and wince in pain. 

"What the hell was that?" I ask. 

He zooms over to me in an instant. "Bow down to me little bitch." He said as he starred into my eyes. 

I back away slowly and wave the air in front of my face away. "Oh god, brush your teeth!" I say mocking him. 

He opens his eyes wide and tilts his head looking confused. "You didn't feel the need to obey?" He asks. 

"Umm... no?" I respond. 

He quickly punches me again and throws me into the floor. This of course angers me and I do what I have to do. This man is no ordinary man and he will kill me if I don't act fast. I try to stand up, but he kicks me in the gut sending me flying again. 

"Oh, come on!" I yell out trying to stand up again. 

Every time I try to stand, he knocks me over again. I half shift again which makes him freeze in his tracks. I stand up and grow two feet taller. My muscles grow, I grow claws, and my teeth grow sharp. I rush over to him on all fours, jumping up and knocking him over. I swing down at him with my claws and he grabs my wrist. He squeezes my wrist making it feel like it will break. Next thing I know, I have a bunch of dust flying into my face. I feel like my lungs are collapsing. I can't stop coughing and I shift back into human form. I fall over on my side and he kicks me again.

"How do you like that wolfsbane dust?!" He yells out.

At this point Seraphina has come back with the guards who are wielding silver swords. I see this before my vision starts going blurry. I suffer as I start to cough up blood and my skin starts to boil. 

They cut their swords into the Bard, but he doesn't react. "Die rogue vampire!" One of the guards yells out. So that's what he is. Then why isn't the silver affecting him? He bites the neck of one of the guards drinking his blood. The next he just rips the head off of. Before he can attack the third, his head goes flying. I see Seraphina holding a sword before my vision goes totally dark and I pass out. 

I wake up a day later in the Inn. I open my eyes to see Seraphina. "Wha.. what happened?" I ask.

"The Bard that you tried to stand up to for me turned out to be a vampire. He just happened to be a rare type of vampire that doesn't get hurt by silver. He blew wolfsbane into your system, which gave him an even more upper hand than he already had. I'm just glad you're ok. I went to get guards as fast as I could. I was scared that he was going to kill you." She says as she cries, leaning on my bed. I sit up in bed and look over at her. 

"I'm ok. Please don't cry. Is the vampire dead? I think I remember a head rolling, but I'm not sure." I ask.

"I... I killed him. He was killing you and only had one more guard to kill, so I picked up one of the swords and cut his head off." She says as she looks down, looking frozen in fear. 

I put my arms around her and comfort her. "You did what you had to do. Thank you. Because of you, I'm alive. I can already start feeling myself healing. Is this your first time?" I ask. 

She nods and looks up at me. In the moment, she leans in and kisses me. This surprises me, but I kiss her back. She leans into me and I pull away. 

"I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me." She says looking away. 

"It's ok. It's not because I don't want to. Believe me, I do. We just don't know each other very well and I don't want us to do anything in the heat of the moment after a kill gets our blood rushing. Believe me, in a few hours you will see what I mean. You won't want to anymore. If you still see me that way then we will discuss it." I say kissing her forehead. 

"I understand. You need to head to the Hunter's Guild anyway." She says shyly. 

I head to the Guild and talk to the man once more. "Do you have my mission ready?" I ask. 

The man looks surprised. "I didn't think you would be back so soon. I heard what happened. News travels fast after all." He says. 

"I'm ready. It was a little scuffle. That wont get me down so easy." I say with a grin.

"In that case. Here is your target." He says. 

The way he worded that made me a little uneasy. Target? What does he mean by that? I look at the photo he just put in front of me and it shows a woman in the woods in front of a cabin. 

"I don't understand." I say to the man. 

"Let me explain it to you. That was some letter of recommendation I got from Adrianne. The way she wrote about your skills as a hunter made me think I should give you a chance at being a special hunter. That little symbol on your License apart from the hunters symbol means you are a Ranger. Basically put, you are an assassin. Sometimes we receive contracts from the Dark Brotherhood. Contracts that they are too busy to handle. We handle them for them. He give the contract to our Rangers who carry it out. You, my good sir, are an assassin." He explains. 

"So, I'm what. An Elite Hunter?" I ask. 

The man just nods and smiles at me. "Remember though, you must not tell anyone. As far as anyone is concerned, you are a Hunter. It's legal, don't worry about that, but It's between you and the Guild. Remember this." He explains. 

"Who is the woman." I ask. 

"I knew I would like you." He says as he points at me holding back a chuckle. "Her name is Vilknok and she is wanted dead for stealing gold from her place of work. Apparently, she wasn't happy with what she was making, so she snuck into the safe and took a little something extra. Return here after she is dead. You will find her on the outskirts of Ivarstead in the Brothel." He says. 

I nod and head out of there. I head on over to the brothel, but I hide in the trees about thirty feet away. I climb the tree and wait. After about an hour, I see her walking out of the Brothel with a man. She blows him a kiss and turns around to go back in and at this moment is when I let go of my arrow I had pulled back, sending it flying through the back of her neck. She grabs her neck and looks around in a panic. Blood is gushing out of her wounds, front and back, out of her throat. She starts coughing up blood and she falls over dead. I get out of there quickly and quietly. 

Upon returning to the Guild the man finally tells me his name. 

"You may call me Raktor. You did a very good job. Here is five hundred gold coins. From now on, You will receive contracts upon delivery. Go about your life and do what you want. But keep checking under the loose rock behind your house." He says. 

"I don't have a house. I have been living in Inns." I explain. 

"You now own Breezehome in Whiterun. Here is the key." He says as he hands me a golden key. 

I thank him and take the key. I now can go back to my job at the forge and just wait for my next target. I can't believe this. I'm an assassin for the Government and I can't even tell those closest to me. This is going to be an amazing job. I can't help but laugh a little.