
After Skyrim

I was your average, everyday nerd playing a good game of Skyrim and just beat it for the thousandth time. This time was different however, since after i completed the main quest, there was a freak storm. Somehow this storm was powerful enough to breach reality, because as i was playing lighting struck my house sending a burst of electricity into my computer which in turn electrocuted me. I thought I was dead until I opened my eyes to see trees. Upon looking at my surroundings I immediately recognized the land. I was in Rorikstead but I wasn't my player character and the land looks a bit different. In example; There's giant mushrooms with doors as well as regular houses.

Agames_Online · Video Games
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11 Chs

Learn To Fight Or Die

As the three goblins charge me I ready my sword. They surround me and hit me with their clubs. I wince in pain and swing my sword around. I slice one of them, but it's not enough. I get hit in the face, the back, and the stomach with there clubs. I focus my eyesight on them as they jump around. I see an opening between two of them and roll through it. I quickly turn around facing them with my sword pointed at them walking backwards a few steps. I raise my hand with the sword a bit and one of the goblins started to duck. I used this to my advantage and stabbed it through the heart. It died quickly and the other two became enraged. I couldn't get my sword out of the goblin before I was being beaten on. Knocking me back on the ground they stand over me punching and kicking. 

The more damage they do and the more I bleed, I get angrier and angrier until I can't take it anymore. I lose control and feel something I've never felt before. I start feeling insanely hot and I feel a strength I didn't know I had. "Get off of me you fuckers!" I scream as I punch one off of me and stand up only to kick the other one ten feet away. "You want to fight? Well let's fight!" I scream at the two goblins. One of them jump at me and I quickly as if on instinct reach out grabbing it by the throat. I squeeze as I stare at it in the eyes. I see fear in the goblins eyes and it's gasping for air, but I don't care. I squeeze as hard as I can and the other goblin is running up to attack, but I grab it's throat as well. The one I'm focusing on I squeeze until it's body falls on the ground with his head falling off of my hand. The sight of this gory mess makes me smile wide and I turn my attention to the other goblin who now looks just as frightened as the other one did. It tries to hit me even though I'm still holding it's throat and I grab it's hand crushing it in mine. It screams out in pain. I pick it up and yell in it's face a ferocious yell, then slam it on the ground. "This is what you get!" I scream. I keep slamming into the ground until I hear it's head bust open and then I grab it's face only to crush it in my hands creating an even more bloody mess. I let go and look around for more enemies to fight. I don't see any though. After a few minutes I calm down and look at what I did.

"What happened?" I ask myself. I remember getting beaten up, but after that nothing. I look at the bloody mess and feel my heart racing. "Did I do this?" I again ask myself. I look for my sword and pick it pulling it out of the goblin. These bodies are torn apart. How could anyone do this? I hurry and cut the ears off of the goblins. A pair of ears means one goblin. I now have four pairs of goblin ears and as I'm cutting off the last one I realize something. I don't hurt anywhere. Those goblins really did a number on me before I blacked out, but I don't have a mark on me. My clothes are torn to hell from the attacks, but I have no wounds. "What's happening to me?" I ask. As I leave the mines with my satchel and bloody sword I walk up to Ra' Tuul. 

"Here you go. I killed four goblins. That is all I could do today, but I will go back tomorrow and kill more." I say with conviction. He noticed my clothes and understood what I had gone through. 

"For your first haul I will give you a bonus. Here is one hundred gold. eighty gold for the four goblins and the extra twenty for going in with no training and coming back victorious. You really showed how serious you are and for that you get a reward. Don't expect this everytime, but if you keep this up I may be able to put a word in with the companions if you would like." He says smiling. Did I just earn is respect?

"Thankyou Sir. I greatly appreciate it. It would be an honor to be a companion." I say smiling back. I walk back to the inn with my two hundred gold in total feeling like a champion. I need to figure out what happened in the mine though. I should have died and those goblins weren't slain by a sword. They were ripped apart with my bare hands. I look down at my hands to see a bloody mess. Maybe I can pay for a bath. I walk into the Inn and walk up to the Inn Keeper. 

"Excuse me Talron. I'd like to pay for a bath." I say holding a bag of gold. 

"Varis, you live here. You're not a customer. You can just go to the bathing room and take a bath. You know this?" He says in confusion. 

"I know, but I feel bad about staying here for free and not giving anything back." I say. 

He nods in understanding. "How about this. Go hunting with me sometime. I've seen you training with a bow. How about putting it into some good use?" He asks. I smile and nod. "You got yourself a deal!" I say before running off to take a nice bath to get this blood off.