
After School Tuition Centre

Ahh! School had ended and it is time to go home and relax... Who am I lying to? I have tuition after school every day, being forced to learn some useless facts with a bunch of idiots with the risk of being killed by a back scratcher. You don't know what tuition is? Count yourself lucky, but if you are curious… Come and join a colourful cast of characters as they give you the most inaccurate representation of what a tuition center is! An adventure filled with laughs, love, friendships, perverts, and stupidity. Not so sure about the friendship and love part, but the stupidity and perverts are one hundred percent correct!

Good_Light_Sleep · Realistic
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102 Chs

Secret Admirer

"Life…had been different."

"It all happened because a certain AV freak made a professional stripper turn into a girl and pissed off a middle-aged baldly."

"The bastard baldy force out some really dumb 'secrets' and ruined our lives."

"From that day onwards, the five of us got letters from random people we don't know"

"Some received letters telling how small their dick is while others got love letters and I am not talking about those that you could eat."

"Ohh yah and death threats."

"Only I got out unscathed, but the relationship with my wife was destroyed."

"Those bitches with those nice bodies and beautiful faces…"

"They wanted to destroy Hitomi-chan!"

"And it is because they said they love me!"





"Stop giving a monologue about your good luck, pillow fucker."

Koh Zi Hong who was punched, slapped, kicked, and smacked by his friends quiet down and focus on the lesson with Hitomi-chan.

"Fuck it, let's think of a way to fix our problems." Lee Kai Wen said as he threw the contents of the letter he received onto the table.

The others followed suit and revealed their letters, Lee Kai Wen then picked up Tan Han Sheng's letters that he received and threw them into the trash can.

"If your dick is small you can either cut it off and not use it for the rest of your life."


He then took a look at Chong Xi Kang's letters, every single one of them is from men and the contents are as follows.

8=# Dick Pick X1000

♥ Confession notes X736

x-x Death threats X10

$ Money X50

"From what I see, most of the reason they sent the letters is they wanted you to turn back into a girl so they could date you."

"Except for these ten guys who their girlfriends or wives found out that they like you and force them to threaten you to never turn back into a girl."

As soon as Lee Kai Wen finished speaking, John Ng Jia An proposed a solution: "I could try and concoct the pink liquid again or we could take the faster approach…"

"Send him to Thailand for sex-change surgery. I'm sure the money he received could cover the cost."

Chong Xi Kang, who heard this instantly rebukes and asked the most important question: "What type of surgery cost fifty ringgit? No, the better question is, HOW THE HELL YOU GUYS THOUGHT OF THIS SOLUTION?!!!!!!"

"It's my turn."

"My turn."

John Ng Jia An ecstatically jumped up and down and announce his problem to his friends.

"A perverted girl is deeply in love with me and she is now forcing me to marry her!"

After hearing their friend's problem, the four of them told John Ng Jia An a few simple lines from a very famous song…

"Déjà vu."

"I've just been to this place before."

Then Tan Han Sheng stopped fooling around and answered seriously.

"Just solve it like the first time but do it off-screen this time because your arc is done."

End of week 76.

I just found something above the fast phrases called the author's thought, can anyone tell me what is that? Is it edible? If it is, is it tasty?

Good_Light_Sleepcreators' thoughts