
After Reincarnation I moved on the path of Revenge

Newworld · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 Meeting friend

Ajay searched for a long time but did not find anything suspicious about their family but when he was going, a book fell from the shelf and it had a photo of his family with the other family,

and he thought that his family has some relationship with the Sam family,

and after seeing that photo he left the sam family house and came to the A3Hm restaurant for the rest.

Next Day

[ At the Stadium where the competition for junior will be held ]

" Hello everyone this is me Harsh your favourite speaker,

Stadium is full of people, which makes me feel excited, as to see what kind magical power we will be able to see,

and as the chief guest we have heads of the all major family " said the speaker harsh.

Inside the stadium as all the classes were in different room and in a room marked class 5 A we see aditya standing with the three person and talking them, and the environment their is very serious.

[ Arjun 6.3 feet tall and having a build up body, Hemant 5.7 feet with some what fat body, Mayank 5.9 feet with a normal body ]

Arjun asked aditya " Say, have see ajay he told he will be coming why is he not here, yet "

Aditya told him " do not worry he will come"

A man enters wearing a black coat and speaks in a loud voice as he said " where is that arjun who has the power to harden his body if his power is so strong make him come in front of me, if he will not come I will think that even my middle finger can injure his in his hard mode and also that fatty hemant he can not even make me sit on the ground with his gravity. "

Everyone standing their started gossips that who is so brave to make fun of young masters of the dragon and aryan family.

Mayank started laughing loudly at them and says looks like this person has no fear of their family. so he is making fun of them "

After mayank said that Ajay said " and that mayank also . . ." Mayank shouted and said "stop if you say another word I will kill you, brat "

Ajay said " Oh, so you will kill me dose "

After listen dose word mayank stand quitly far a second and again started laughing

Arjun slaps mayank's head and said " why are you laughing he has made fun of you why do you feel happy about it ? "

Mayank rubs his head with his hand said " you do not listen what he said to me now "

Arjun said " what, he told you dose and only the four of us say it to you "

Mayank said " and the four are ? "

Arjun speakes in a angry voice " me, aditya, hemant and ajay, now tell me if you are going to kill him or I kill . . . " arjun stops in the middle and looks at the face of mayank, aditya and hemant in surpise they noded their head.

Ajay then started laughing and remove his mask, as he said " like always you are the funniest one arjun haha "

Arjun move toward ajay looking downwards and said " I think you were saying something about my hardness let me show you " arjun makes a laughing devil smile and as when he was about to capture ajay in between his arms ajay escapes easily,

and said " hello, hemant and mayank ", arjun again tries to capture ajay,

but ajay again escapes him and said with a devil smile " do you remember what my magical power was or you want to say you for get ? "

Arjun becomes normal and said " Haha, I was just joking "

Then, they started talking and after 5 minutes Miss Vrika came and told the class to be quiet and make a line to pick their group number and when ajay's group turn came Miss vrika was comfuse to see ajay and asked him " are you by chance Ajay Malik ? "

Ajay in a funny voice looking towards his friends said " Did you see that this is what you call teacher, Miss Vrika recognized me at first look and you were not even able to recognize me as my friend you must have shame for calling me your friend. "

Arjun standing behind him speak looks like we need to strengthen our relationship right guys " everyone cracking their finger to hit ajay with a devil smile

Ajay smiled with a scared face, said " I was just joking right guys, teacher help "

" What can I do they are just strengthen their relationship with you, Haha " Miss vrika said.

" What No teacher help me, help me, help . . . "

Black screen












Aaaa Help

No me


Ajay lying on the ground beaten up saying " this time joke was not good " soul about to leave the body.

Aditya, Arjun, Hemant, and Mayank join their hands towards him and says Rest in Peace My dear friend

Ajay suddenly wake up and said " What the hell, like I will rest in peace without killing you looks like you have forgotten my power let me show, where are you running wait till I catch you "

Mayank says in a funny voice " Run Run ajay is angry Haha "

Four of them started running and as ajay chases them.

Everyone standing their started laughing.

" Haha,are these the four young masters of the town who everyone talk about, they are just like the kids fighting over small matter and who is the one running behind them ? " a girl named Priya standing with her group asked her friend Haina .

They are not kids fighting over small matter they are just making the environment friendly here in the class, these five are famous for their friendly nature and some times for their seriousness when doing some thing

and that person run is ajay whose parents were killed and was gone missing before the day of your family in this town, anyway pray to god that our 1st match is not with them or we will we defeted in first match.

" What we defeted by them they will not even make a move on us " said Priya.

When this was going inside the stadium, harsh tell us about the rules of the match that one team will be announced defeated when all the players are unable to fight or they accept their defeat, no wepon can be used or armor.

Inside the stadium Miss vrika stops everyone and said that now you have taken your number, lets go outside.

As the class came from the north gate harsh said " Today's competition is for the class A , B and for class C , D it will be tomorrow, so now let the competition begin "

Everyone followed harsh line shouted let the competition begin .