
After reborn, I became the Butler of the Count’s tsundere daughter

The woman who called herself a goddess summoned me to her after I died and sent me to a medieval-like world to be reincarnated, saying that she didn't want me to be reborn on Earth, which was supposedly her world. Everything was normal so far, but why is the name of the system that the goddess was supposed to give me as part of the deal we made* after I was reborn, the butler system? Anyway, I'll forgive the goddess for choosing such a beautiful mother for me. Ehehehehe, luckyy... It's time to breastfeed. ------- one year later Huh, it was bound to happen. If you ignore something as important as cleaning a wound before dressing it, of course it will fester. What can a simple village apothecary do with a huge wound so close to the heart? It's too late... What the fuck is the green light coming from the old woman's hand ! ? ------- four years later "I want you to be my personal butler, Yuto." Isn't that supposed to be a choice, you little bitch? How can you say it's a free choice when there's a man behind me waiting to kill me the moment I refuse? Should I use my teleport ability to get out of here? [ Your five-year term has expired, please become a real butler as soon as possible if you wish to continue using the system ] There's a lot of pressure on me... What the hell, I'm just gonna be a little butler, what's the most I can be? -------- ten years later " Royal academy kah? The common meeting place of the most powerful wizards and the most powerful swordsmen... I understand, but why do I have to go to this academy with you, Shizune-sama? "My father says you have the potential to be a good swordsman, but if I leave you here for five years you'll surely get lazy and never get stronger, so I'll take you with me and let a peasant like you see the real world. Ha..Ha..Ha..." Tch , fcking tsundere... fifteen years old and still afraid to go to the academy. Huh Anyway, Let's see if there's any magic in this magic academy that would interest a magic emperor like me. ------- main tag- comedy-isekai warning - even if the tags say harem, the harem is something that will be revealed later in the story. ( not the brainless harem ) ------ Arc I- reincarnation / 1~12 Arc II- Being a Butler / 13~35 Arc III- Blessing / 36~41 Arc IV- a noble... / 42~54 Arc V- An ordinary? day for the Ironblood family / 55~71 Arc VI- Puclic auction and banquet night / 72~...

OLD_storage · Fantasy
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98 Chs

magic !

When a small tattoo on the old woman's hand glowed, a green light came out of her hand and surrounded the inflammation on my uncle's arm.

My mother's little laugh was heard as I stared at the magical event unfolding before my eyes.

"My sweet baby looks so attentive, maybe he'll grow up to be a great wizard. "

How can I not pay attention to something like this. There really is such a thing as magic in this world. It may seem normal to you, but it's not normal.

After the green light from the old woman's hands touched my uncle's shoulder for a while, the old woman exhaled and closed her hands, causing the light to disappear.

"My daughter, why didn't you come to me earlier? The wound has gotten so bad that if you had come earlier I could have taken care of it more easily. For now, let the young man stay at my house, I'll continue the treatment for another day or two and I'll see you later."

"I'm sorry, grandma, but no matter how much I said, I couldn't convince my stupid brother. He kept insisting that nothing was wrong with me and that it would pass after a little rest. "

"Hahaha that's what youth is like girl, don't blame your brother, I've seen a lot more from young people his age"

I learned more about the reason for the backwardness of this world's first aid knowledge when I saw a green light magically appear and make the wound much better, while I was waiting for the whole limb to be amputated with no treatment whatsoever.

It was like a new world opened up for me today. I was introduced to a new thing called magic and I was very intrigued by it. Magic, just saying it excites you. Remembering some of the television programs I had watched in my previous life, I decided to learn about magic in the future.

-------- (one month later)

After that night, Alberto stayed with Grandma Pharmacist for a few more days and when he came back, the wound on his shoulder was completely healed and even the hole in his shoulder was closed.

Approximately 1 month after this incident, when my uncle came to our house wounded, I coincidentally found a chalk stone and immediately took the opportunity to try what I had been working on for a long time

The only book we had in our house was a strange religious book that could be seen as the Bible or the Koran of this world. of course, it was not very important to me, the only thing I was interested in was what was written on this religious book.

I was able to watch my mother reading the book for a long time, pretending to be amused like a child listening to a fairy tale, and in this way I learned which sounds the letters on the religious book correspond to in spoken language.

Luckily, the language of this world was similar to the Latin alphabet used in my previous country, except for a few extra letters. All I had to do was to learn what sounds the letters corresponded to and reverse code which sounds came first when I said a word. I soon learned theoretically how to write my name, but the problem was that I had never seen my mother or father write anything since I was reborn.

Today, while playing in the garden, I found a chalk stone on the ground by chance and after going home, I managed to write my name on the wooden floor of the house by force at the first opportunity when my mother was not looking. Immediately after I managed to write my name, I received a notification from the system that my task was completed and I immediately used my hand to erase the writing on the floor

It would have been nice for my parents to recognize me as a genius for writing at such a young age, but since I was only 5 months old, I saved that plan for later. I also learned from a movie in my previous life that the greater the talent, the greater the responsibility. To tell you the truth, I'm a complete slacker. If possible, in this world I will use the knowledge of my previous world to become my own boss and be lazy all day long.

[Congratulations main task (learn to read and write) completed

Degree of mission completion : A

Mission reward: unlocking the ability to control the system with thought and system AI

Extra reward : blessing potential + 10]

What does awakening potential mean?

As soon as I asked myself this question with my thoughts, a new system screen opened in front of me

[A long time ago on a planet called Silvoria, there lived a goddess who was dissatisfied with the slow progress of humanity. One day she decided to bless all of humanity with what she thought was a wonderful idea. From that day on, whenever a person reached the age of 5, they went to church and received a blessing. Thanks to this blessing, a person's body becomes able to use the energy called mana and some lucky people can receive extra gifts from the goddesses and gods of this world.]

Wow, so this thing is a system AI! All right, let's try asking another question.

How old am I now?

[ You are now 0 years old ]

That's really the kind of answer an artificial intelligence would give. Someone with real intelligence would have selectively ignored my question and said I was 5 months old.

[Congratulations on completing the recurring task (get stronger)

Mission completion rating : C

Quest reward : physical improvement + 3]

Hmm, so this mission expired without me realizing it. I guess my physical training was no better than C level even for my age. I can't focus on my physique because I'm always under my mom's or dad's supervision.

If I had been born an orphan with no parents, I probably would have had a much better physical development on the streets. Of course, why would I want to be an orphan when I have my beautiful mother? I've already been an orphan once, it wouldn't be fair to be an orphan again.

Speaking of which, I'm hungry, coincidentally I think it's time for me to breastfeed.

Waaaaaaaa waaaaaaa!