
After reborn, I became the Butler of the Count’s tsundere daughter

After I died, the woman who called herself a goddess summoned me to her side and sent me to isekai to be reincarnated. She said that earth is her world and my existence here makes her sick. So far everything was normal, according to our agreement I would even have a system after I was reincarnated. But why is my system named the butler system? Anyway, I'll forgive the goddess for choosing such a beautiful mother for me. Ehehehehe ------- one year later Well, it was obvious this was going to be like this. If you ignore something as important as cleaning a wound before bandaging it, of course the wound will infect. What can a simple village pharmacist do with a huge wound this close to the heart? It's too late ... What the fuck is that light coming out of the old woman's hand? ------- four years later "I want you to be my personal butler, Yuto" Isn't that supposed to be a choice, you little bitch? How can you say it's a free choice when there's a man behind me waiting to kill me the moment I refuse? Should I use my teleport ability to get out of here? [ Your five-year time limit has expired, if you want to continue using the system, please become a real butler as soon as possible ] There's a lot of pressure on me... Anyway, I'll just be a bit of a butler, what's the most that can happen? ------- main tag- comedy-isekai warning - even if the tags say harem, the harem is something that will be revealed later in the story. ( not the brainless harem ) ------ Arc I- reincarnation / 1~12 Arc II- Being a Butler / 13~35 Arc III- Blessing / 36~41 Arc IV- a noble... / 42~54 Arc V- An ordinary? day for the Ironblood family / 55~71 Arc VI- Puclic auction and banquet night / 72~116 Arc VII- master vs apprentice / 117~

OLD_storage · Fantasy
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124 Chs

bloody church of the fallen nun

When I read the functions of my new abilities, I saw that there was nothing extraordinary. Probably the best ability was the ability given by the magic goddess, as preferred by the system.

After using the ability on myself, imagining the shape of my body before the ceremony, I left the church hall

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the old nun waiting for me with a wet towel in her hand. When the nun saw me, she immediately got up from her chair, came to me and started wiping the sweat and blood off me.

"Do all five-year-olds have to endure such great pain, Sister?"

"How painful the procedure will be varies from person to person, my son. Some children's energy vessels are born very close to where they should be and they barely feel anything. In some children, their energy vessels are completely complicated and the procedure becomes both long and painful."

I guess not all kids feel the pain like me, I'm just a little unlucky

"Of course, many children who will suffer greatly lose consciousness after the initial pain, and the procedure continues while the child is unconscious."

"So am I a son of a bitch? Why did I endure so much pain?"

"Did you say something?"

Ahhhh is this woman trying to separate my skin from my flesh? Is this how sweat gets wiped off?

"I didn't say anything."

[ Increased the pain it takes to pass out due to the ability to reduce the pain sensation you have experienced in the past by 85% . This ability not only reduces the pain you experience, but also makes your brain more resistant to pain.]

Can't I disable it?

[ Of course . This is your talent ]

Disable it then

[ Understood ]

I didn't feel any difference, but I didn't need to hurt myself to try the difference. I'll probably notice it eventually

After wiping off my sweat, the old nun took off the tiny shirt and jacket and put me back on.

When I went out under the leadership of the old nun, I saw that the knight who was supposed to be waiting for me was not there.

"When I was giving back the spear to the knight waiting for you, he asked me how I removed the spear from the wall. When I told him that you removed the spear, I said, 'Then the boy can return home on his own,' and left."

Look at this bitch. He escaped at the first opportunity

"Do you see that big building over there?"

When I looked in the direction the woman pointed, I saw the tallest building in the whole city. While all the houses in the city center were 3 or 4 storeys, one building was in the shape of a triangular prism and was approximately 12 to 13 storeys high. When I first came to the city, I saw this building and asked Shizune about it, and as far as I learned, that building belongs to an organization called the merchants' association.

"Merchants' union"

"Yes, it used to be the central church of the city, and after what I told you happened, the Count sold the building to the Merchants Guild. If you don't know where to go, go there and ask anyone where the count's mansion is."

Who walks backwards when you can teleport? But I accept your kindness, be grateful to the widowed sister

"Thank you, I know how to get back"

After saying a few polite goodbyes, I started walking to leave, but suddenly I heard the voice of the nun shouting behind me.

"Come back for a minute. I forgot to check."

I didn't understand what was going on, but it wouldn't be gentlemanly to refuse a kind woman's request.

" What's the problem ? "

"I need to check if there are any signs on your body, this is a mandatory procedure. Will you be a guest of our church for a while?"

"It's okay if it's important. I can be late for a while"

Even though she knew that I was working at the count's house, she was very kind to me. I wanted to repay her for her kindness.

----- 15 minutes later

After wiping the blood of the nun, who seemed like a good-hearted person, off my hands, I started to think about what I should do next. I already regret letting someone as disgusting as her play with Yuto Jr.

I wish she was just a simple perverted old lady. Anyway, his naked corpse is stuck to the wall next to his secret dungeon with my sword.

I think it would be enough if I reported what happened to the garrison. They take care of the bodies downstairs and I go home.

[Found a check-in location (bloody church of the fallen nun)]

[Would you like to check in? ]

No matter how much I hate this place, unless I get stronger, there's always a chance I'll be one of the corpses in that dungeon.

Check in

[ Congratulations you have successfully checked in - you have received the left eye of the dark god ]

After a feeling of pain in my eye that appeared and disappeared quickly enough for me to blink, I opened my eyes again, but I did not feel any change.

what was this

[ Congratulations, you have obtained the left eye of the dark god. These eyes have many different abilities apart from one main ability, and you need to feed your left eye with mana to activate them]

So what does it do?

[ Please discover for yourself . There is no information in the system data archive other than that these eyes have the ability to accelerate thought by 100x.

The only data about your teleport ability was that it gave you the ability to teleport, but after you acquired it, you started to feel space or calculate coordinates. This skill is on the same level as teleport]

You've been getting a lot smarter lately

[ Thank you sir . I will improve myself as much as I can]

Now. I don't know where the garrison is, for now let me go to where that big building is and ask where the garrison is.


(W.N.: What happened in the last 15 minutes was shared on Patreon in two chapter. Patreon.com/OLD_storage

ch40.1 - Secrets of the paedophile nun I (+18)

ch40.2 - Secrets of the paedophile nun II (+18) )

(W.N. 2: what happened in the last fifteen minutes will be explained during the conversation between the gorrison commander and Yuto , in the next chapter )

(W.N. 3: 40.1 and 40.2 seemed to disrupt the flow of the story, so I did not add them here, but I plan to add them as a side story after the book is finished.)

( I have no experience writing +18. For this reason, I shared these two chapter on Patreon )

I advise you not to buy it

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