
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Urban
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180 Chs

Chapter 56 (Part 2)

Ren Zian and Xu Xiaoyue are most comfortable with this kind of relatively stable problem. After the exam, Xu Xiaoyue's whole body was about to soar, and finally, she recovered a little bit of self-confidence that was hit by the province's No. 1 God before.

Back in the classroom, she started to arrogantly check the answers with a few girls around her and point them to the situation.

Ren Zian returned to the classroom with the papers after taking the exam. His place was always a place surrounded by people after the exam. After all, he has always been as stable as an old dog. But this time, a large part of the people headed to Zhong Youyou's side.

"Zhong Youyou, is your answer written on the paper? Let us borrow it to see how it's done?"

Ren Zian looked at the few students who went to ask Zhong Youyou to borrow her papers and said in his heart that they were unbalanced, it was indeed true. After all, for a long time, his aura and glory in the class had been completely taken away. But he only had respect for Zhong Youyou, and he thought to himself that he had to work harder.

"My paper?"

Zhong Youyou glanced at his empty paper and handed it over.

The few people rushed over, and they were stunned for a moment: "Zhong Youyou, why are there no traces on your paper? It's like it's a brand-new sheet!"

Zhong Youyou said: "I wrote it all on the answer sheet."

She has this habit, and she still writes drafts for competition questions. For this kind of ordinary test question, there is no need to write too many steps. But compared to other students' papers, there are so many calculation steps that can be used to see the anxiety during the exam, her paper is a wordless book.

"The number one in the city is the number one in the city." The man said grimly: "You can know the answer just by looking at the question."

They couldn't borrow Zhong Youyou's test paper nor get the answer. They still had to go to Ren Zian to borrow it.

They have to say that after Zhong Youyou got first place in the city, she finally proved her strength to a certain extent. Now, at least no one in the entire 19th class dared to despise her grades. They used to think that Zhong Youyou's first place in the class and No. 1 in mathematics was because of luck, but now they don't think so anymore.

What kind of luck can be the first in the city? Then why doesn't this kind of luck fall on them?

The feeling is like Ren Zian is the nineteenth Song Qingshu, and Zhong Youyou is the reborn Zhang Wuji. These shrimp soldiers and shrimp generals who can't even beat the original soldiers, can be compared with Zhang Wuji?

Therefore, everyone is very self-aware, no one dared to question Zhong Youyou's performance anymore, and finally regarded her as an unmatched martial arts master, and placed her in the altar position of the 19th class.

After the exam, Li Dongping passed by the window and took a look at the class, and found that the atmosphere in the class was indeed very different from before.

In the past, after the exam, the whole class was noisy like herding sheep, doing different hairstyles, playing games, messing around, and some people jumped to the table to start dancing! But today they all gathered together to make two or three groups, and one after another came up with the answers?! What the hell? When did these little rascals care about grades so much?

Li Dongping was surprised and pleased, his eyes fell to the last row, and his eyes suddenly opened wide.

What did he see?!

He saw Shi Yimeng, who has always been cynical and lazy playing games, was actually asking a girl with good grades in his class to tell him the answer he didn't get in the exam! He saw Shi Yimeng frowning, even though he looked completely unimportant, he still listened very seriously!

Li Dongping was so shocked that he couldn't speak! The atmosphere in his class has changed a lot recently. He knows that Zhong Youyou has a good brain, but how did Shi Yimeng, this stinky boy change so much?!

And he thought about it carefully, and he didn't see Shi Yimeng sleeping in his class recently. Didn't this kid suddenly get the hang of it?

Li Dongping quickly pushed in through the back door and patted Shi Yimeng on the shoulder: "You come to the office with me."

Shi Yimeng was stunned for a moment, then walked to the corridor with him, and asked a little depressed: "The headteacher, did I have a bad math quiz a few days ago? I have tried my best."

The first reaction of this kid is about grades?!

Li Dongping only felt that one thunder after another blasted his head. He took Shi Yimeng to the office: "No, I think you have been very motivated to study recently. I plan to call you and a few weaker students over to make up lessons after school."

He said this more tactfully, thinking that Shi Yimeng would immediately reject it. After all, every time this stinky boy went to play basketball after school, he went to the Internet cafe, but he disappeared immediately. But unexpectedly, Shi Yimeng's face showed joy: "Really? Which classmates do you want to join? I'll go back to class and call them."

Li Dongping: "..."

He watched Shi Yimeng jogging back all the way with excitement, only to feel confused, what happened to this child? Have you suffered a major setback in your life and finally changed your past?!

Doubts turned to more doubts, but Li Dongping was extremely happy in his heart. However, just three days later, he realized with hindsight that his career had reached its peak.

The monthly test results came out. Zhong Youyou got first place in the school!

This number one is tied with Shi Zhitang in the first class. Because this test paper is not a competition question, they almost got full marks in all subjects. They even got the same total score and tied for first place at the same time!

Zhong Youyou has already taken first place in the city, so this time, most people in the senior third grade are not so surprised. They watched the red list released. In addition to looking up the top two people, Zhong Youyou and Shi Zhitang, they also went to look at their own ranking.

Even the people in the competition class are still a little unaccepting, how can they kill a dark horse, and this dark horse has been crushed on their heads all the time. It's just that Shi Zhitang lost to Zhong Youyou last time in the city competition. This time he is tied for first place with Zhong Youyou. Isn't it a shame? Isn't it a loss to tie for first place?

Someone immediately excused Shi Zhitang and said: "Then you have to make the full score higher. Now Shi Zhitang has almost full marks in all subjects, how can he get higher in the exam? Does it exceed Zhong Youyou's score?"

Once or twice, I was shocked. Now, everyone is like the Japanese people who have been in the earthquake for a long time. They have accepted the fact that Zhong Youyou has entered the upper third grade. He even watched very calmly as Zhong Youyou single-handedly raised the average score of the 19th class.

The students in the whole grade have accepted this fact, and the teachers are no exception. But at this moment, shocked voices broke out in Li Dongping's office, and several teachers were ecstatic.

"Why did our class take the exam so well this time?" The chemistry teacher couldn't believe the average score from the statistics! Class 19 has always been in the bottom three in the whole year, but this time it has made it into the top ten of the whole year, which happens to be the ninth in the whole year!

He was stunned. This was even more surprising than Zhong Youyou's single-handed scoring of No. 1 in the city. This is a level higher than the average score of the entire class!

Except for Zhong Youyou's higher average score in the Juechen belt, like Ren Zian and Xu Xiaoyue, they all have a qualitative leap from their previous results, not to mention the boys in the back row, and they are also from the muddy grade. Counting down, each subject has an "amazing" score of 30 or 40 points higher than normal!

The physics teacher looked at the scorebook of Class 19 and couldn't believe his eyes. He was confused and weakly said: "I haven't done anything these days, and I didn't deliberately tell them to study. How come they have gotten much higher than usual in physics scores one by one?"

The most obvious changes are the mathematics brought by Li Dongping and the English brought by Fang Wei.

Li Dongping is the headteacher, and the students in the class start to study, naturally starting from his subjects.

As for English, it is easier to memorize and read more in a short time. Therefore, this time, the score for single subjects in mathematics, the 19th class was ranked sixth in the whole year, and the scores of single English subjects this time, the 19th class was ranked seventh in the whole year.

This is no longer a bad class result! And it can be said that it is second only to the results of the parallel class of the first three competition classes!

Li Dongping was about to die of excitement. He walked around the office with his grade book, as if he wished to run two laps on the playground. The folds on his face were almost smoothed, and his hands were shaking.