
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Urban
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180 Chs

Chapter 13 (Part 2)

Mother Zhong, who had left Meng Shixuan's room, walked on the corridor, and couldn't help but turn to the room at the end, with her ears on the door panel, and quietly listening to the movement for a while. There was no movement inside, and Youyou should have fallen asleep.

When Father Zhong saw this, he walked over and calmed down softly: "It's okay, where does the biological mother and daughter have overnight hatred? Go to bed tonight, and tomorrow you will move our Youyou's things into the south bedroom and give her a surprise, and then have a good talk with her."

Mother Zhong took a deep breath and nodded.

Yes, you have always envied Meng Shixuan's big bedroom with floor-to-ceiling windows. Tomorrow she will be very happy if she knows that the big bedroom belongs to her.

"Tomorrow I will go to the jewelry store to pick something for her." Mother Zhong thought for a while and said: "I haven't given Youyou any gift for so many years. She will have her birthday soon. I have to prepare a gift that she likes in advance."

Father Zhong hugged her and said: "Why wait until her birthday? Buy one for her tomorrow and hold a party on her birthday. Just take this opportunity to announce her identity to other families."

After hearing this, Mother Zhong finally eased the heavy heart since rebirth. She shook Father Zhong's hand and smiled, "Okay."

She looked back at Zhong Youyou's room, full of confidence.

This life will never repeat the same mistakes again, everything has a chance to start from the beginning.

Youyou may still be angry with her now, but she believes that in a few days, Youyou will lose her anger. At that time, the two of them, mother and daughter, will make up for the past years...

And Zhong's mother never expected that at this moment Zhong Youyou tossed in the room, unable to sleep at all.

She always finds something weird. The Zhong family members who have not been in contact in the past two days and the original novel are very different, especially today's Zhong mother, it is almost as if she herself is Meng Shixuan! This made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But no matter if Zhong's father and Zhong's mother, Zhong Xiyou was kind to her for a while, or was kind to her because of the Qin family's third young master, please forgive her. She doesn't have any good feelings at all, and it's still difficult to build a good feeling.

In this way, it is necessary to move out as soon as possible.

Who knows what moths will be there later, the best way is not to mix with them, there are 90 million in her hand, who cares about this family, who cares about fighting Meng Shixuan?!

Just do it, and in the middle of the night, Zhong Youyou quietly began to pack up her luggage.

It's just that it is not easy to move so many things alone, and she just came here not long ago, and she doesn't know the surrounding environment very well. And, in the original text, the original owner was driven out of the family, and that terrible thing that caused her a lifetime shadow happened. At that time Qin Yao was abroad, and suddenly after hearing about it had hurried back...

That's it! She can ask Qin Yao for help.

Zhong Youyou quickly turned on the phone, flipped through the address book, and found Qin Yao's phone number.

I have to say that in the novel, she still has a good impression of the Qin family's third young master and feels that he is the only person who has brains.

Qin Yao didn't make many appearances in the novel. He was the most beloved grandson of the Qin family, two years older than the hostess, and later took over the huge Qin family. Logically speaking, it is also a dragon among the people who is not worse than Shi Zhitang. She can't stand the hard work. She is like a vicious female partner, so he is destined to be a supporting actor in a male partner. In the end, he cannot end well.

The original Zhong Youyou did not finish reading the novel, but the last part seems to be Qin Yao looking for the heroine to avenge the Zhong family's industry in the biggest crisis in history, but the heroine's halo was still too great, and finally turned the tide and saved the Zhong family. At the critical moment, instead, Qin Yao was sent to jail.

The final outcome is naturally that the vicious female partner and the supporting actor behind her have no good results, and the female lead is reunited with the people around her.


Zhong Youyou, who recalled the novel, still wanted to spit out old blood.

So that she didn't notice, the phone had already been dialled. She originally thought that the other end would be picked up immediately within three seconds, after all, in the original text, Qin Yao was an affectionate figure who was willing to go to jail for her. Unexpectedly, the beep kept coming until the phone was about to be disconnected, and the other end didn't pick it up.

Immediately afterwards, there was a low male voice, rather carelessly: "Hello."

Zhong Youyou: "..."


What about the affectionate supporting actor? Why doesn't this seem very affectionate! Did she remember the plot wrong or read the wrong script?!

At the same time, the Qin family was hosting a banquet for the young master who had just returned from abroad, with scrambled ambitions and brightly lit lights.

Although Qin Yao was very much loved by Mr Qin, he was also a junior who was treated most severely. He just came back from the wind and dust, and before he had time to rest, he was being trained in the study.

The old man was full of anger: "There are so many properties in the Qin family that are not enough for you to toss? Do you have to open a game company? Did you know that your cousins ​​outside, are like tiger wolves, are all staring at the fat of Qin? If you don't come back, all the meat will be taken away by them, what should you do then?!"

Qin Yao crossed his legs and listened absent-mindedly. He had always respected the old man and had no reason to refute. He just listened to all of them. Of course, there is no guarantee that he would listen completely.

The assistant sent by the old man next to him saw the old man's increasingly iron expression, was anxious for him and was about to cough twice, but a phone rang abruptly.

Qin Yao opened the phone very casually: "Grandpa, wait, I'll take the call." But the moment his line of sight fell on the name on the screen that called in, he suddenly sat upright, leaning over. All of his legs were put down restrained.

Then he stood up abruptly, just like the pupil who was about to go to the examination room, he took a deep breath and glanced at the screen again, his ears and neck were a little red.

"I'll go out!" Without waiting for Old Man Qin's response, he opened the door and went out.

"Qin Yao, you are upside down, what are you doing?" The old man was furious.

Qin Yao had already opened the door, but the ringing of the phone was getting smaller and smaller, and seeing that he was about to hang up, he didn't even have time to go out to find a quiet place, and he hurriedly stopped and connected.

"Hello." He sighed fiercely.

"..." The assistant and the old man watched Qin Yao's eyes become clear, his face turned red, and sweat was leaking from the palms of his hands, but his voice tried to be calm and deep, well, pretending to be calm.