
After rebirth, he became a Hollywood tycoon in ten years

This novel is not mine, it was only traslated ---------------------------------------------------- A third-rate director in his previous life, he was reborn as a 23-year-old talented director in the United States in the 1990s. Since then, titles such as the king of the Hollywood box office, the world’s greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel have all been added to him. And his first movie, he chose Chainsaw… Well, it’s a story about a modern third-rate director who crossed over to the American entertainment industry to stir up trouble. …

Dark_Luks · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 5 New Line Cinema's Value

Louis, who was on the side, clearly felt the stiffness of his girlfriend's arm.

 "Honey, what's the matter?"

 "No, it's nothing."

 Naturally, Bella couldn't express what was going on in her heart, so she quickly explained, and at the same time comforted herself in her heart. Compared with Louis, Kevin didn't have any advantages.

 It is impossible for the first film to be a big success.

 As long as he fails once, Kevin will never have another chance, and she doesn't care at all.

 The other side.

 Coming to the CAA building again, Kevin's mentality is completely different.

 The three film companies were interested in his film project at the same time, which shows that everyone is very optimistic about his script, which also means that the chainsaw that he reproduced from 2004 has also won the favor of others in this year of 91.

 In this way, he also felt a little relieved.

 The next thing to do is to choose a suitable investor from these three film companies.

 He called Dawson, and soon, Dawson came down from upstairs in a hurry.

 While leading him inside, he introduced the situation of the three film companies.

 "Through the contact of CAA, your project proposal was voted for a dozen or so medium-sized film companies." "In the

 End, there are three companies that came to CAA to discuss with you." "

 Respectively, New Line Film Company, Great Jazz Film Company, and Damei Film Industry." "


 Listening to Dawson's story, Kevin recalled the news of these film companies in his mind, Dajazz and Damei will basically disappear, without any sense of existence.

 It must have died long ago.

 Even the five largest film companies in Hollywood have encountered the crisis of bankruptcy, and have even been acquired by others in the future, let alone two independent film companies.

 But New Line Films, Kevin has a deep impression.

 After 1993, New Line will be acquired and controlled by Warner Bros. Pictures and become part of Time Warner Group. As Warner Group owns Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros., Warner Home Video, Warner Bros. Games, DC Comics, and The CW Television, among other behemoths in the hands of a series of companies.

 How terrible it is, naturally needless to mention.

 However, New Line Pictures, the favorite, is to invest in low-cost horror films, and it is no surprise that they value their chainsaw.

 It is worth mentioning that last year, that is, in 1990, New Line Pictures bought the Hong Kong Golden Harvest movie "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" from Fox, which they did not dare to do, and it was a big success, so that their company's reputation has been greatly increased. .

 Simply put, the purse is more sufficient.

 From this point of view, among the three film companies today, as expected, New Line Film Company is the final buyer in all likelihood.

 Kevin nodded to Dawson, expressing that he had a preliminary understanding of the three film companies, and then pushed open the door of the room.

 In the room, two large sofas surround the glass table in the middle, and the three people lying on the sofas on both sides look very leisurely.

 It is not yet time for formal negotiations. What the heads of the three film companies have to do now is to consider whether Kevin has the ability to actually direct the film.

 After determining which film company will invest, then enter the serious negotiation stage.

 Seeing that the door was pushed open, the three stood up and shook hands with Kevin one by one. No matter what the result was, at least these three people gave Kevin a high degree of respect on the surface.

 This made Kevin a little stunned. He remembered that he had read a lot of American entertainment online literature in his previous life, and many of them put on a condescending attitude at every turn.

 I didn't expect that people from these film companies would respect him so much for a director who didn't even have a single real work.

 But just thinking about it, Kevin knew that this was normal.

 In the absence of a conflict of interest, facing him, a director who is likely to succeed, even if it is true, at least it will not be shown in front of him for the time being.

 Unless, in the future, he fails in a row.

 Presumably, when the time comes, he will be able to see the true colors of the people in front of him.

 Of course, he didn't want to have that time.

 After shaking hands, Kevin picked a place to sit across from them.

 As the executive at New Line Films, who most wanted to make Saw, Dean was the first to ask his questions.

 "Why do you want the heroine of Chainsaw to be an ultimate hot girl character?"

 Dean had some guesses, and it was because of this guess that they believed that the project would be successful.

 But all of this still needs to be confirmed from the director, Kevin.

 Kevin smiled calmly, of course he knew what he meant.

 There are quite a few directors who only have the word art in their minds. It is often very difficult for such directors to obtain investment from film companies.

 Among these film companies, there is a category of their own for film directors.

 Commercial director and art director.

 Most of the funds invested by art directors in making films come from overseas investors, and very few make money.

 As for commercial film directors, as long as they don't fail one after another, it is often easier to get investment.

 The Dean of this New Line movie seems to want to find out what kind of director he is.

 And Kevin's choice is naturally a commercial film director.

 "Because young people like hot girls."

 Kevin's words made everyone present burst into laughter, but the subtext in the words was obvious.

 He is not a director who does not consider the audience for art.

 With this premise, the following conversation will be very pleasant.

 The three film companies gave him similar conditions, with a total production cost of 1.3 million US dollars, which included his director's remuneration of 50,000 US dollars and all production costs.

 This amount is undoubtedly the lowest cost among the low costs in Hollywood.

 And his salary is also very little, but Kevin doesn't care.

 As long as Saw can achieve a third of the results it should have, he, Steve Kevin, will never be able to achieve such a meager income as he is now.

 The copyright of Chainsaw in his hands will bring him huge benefits.

 As for talking to them about income sharing, although I am not willing, reality is not too long, a newbie director who has not yet proven in Hollywood.

 It is simply impossible to talk to them about sharing.


  With a hint of expectation that maybe it might be possible to agree, Kevin put forward his own idea.

 "Guys, I am very confident in my films. I have an idea."

 "What idea?"

 As film companies, they are naturally connected with each other, and there will be no vicious competition as ordinary people imagine.