
Chapter 39 Removal of contraceptive hormones

Heather is not a gossip, but Steven Hawk told.

After marriage, she had a cold relationship with Steven Hawk. Although Steven Hawk didn't care much about her, he was probably afraid that she would embarrass him or wear a cuckold. He told Heather to find out her itinerary every day and then report to him.

She also said, "Oh, it's nothing, go meet Wanwan Wendy, have a meal, and go shopping."

Heather didn't care too much, "Do you need to arrange a car for madam?"

"No need. Trouble. We can just go around by ourselves. That's all right, the time is almost up, let's go first."

Heather didn't ask any more questions, and accompanied Melissa Sam to the door, watching her go out.


Forty minutes later, Melissa Sam took a taxi to Los Hospital.

This is a private hospital in Taylor City, not in the downtown area.

The environment is quiet, and the confidentiality of patients is very strong, and they will never be exposed.