
Chapter 37 uncle, can you call again

Steven Hawk interrupted, "Don't call daddy every time something happens, and apologize to you Melissa!"

Rose Hawk was even more ashamed and annoyed!

She has nothing else to do today, except to apologize is to apologize!

Apologizing with Yunna just now, and now apologizing?

She looked at Yudel Hawk again, aggrieved.

Yudel Hawk glanced at his second son, then at his daughter, and frowned:

"Rose, what you Steven said is right. I heard from the servant that it was fortunate that you, Melissa, thought of using Heimlich to save you just now, otherwise I don't know what happened. You are too savage. I spoiled you. According to you Steven did what he said."

Melissa Sam knew that Yudel Hawk said this not because of defending himself, but because of Steven Hawk's affection.

Who let her have a husband who is in charge of the Hawk Family's family business and who is in charge of the Hawk Family?