
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Fantasy
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43 Chs


Ingrid POV:

I left after a few minutes.

My master seems confused. And this whole revelation has made me doubt if it is a good idea to follow him.

His way is full of death.

But I can understand him.

I can understand what he went throught

He has been betrayed and sold out by the choices of his allies.

And I understand his hatred, but I still hope that he will step aside because this is clearly consuming him completely. Ever since the day he came back from the solo mission when Elijah and I went after the others members.

That day he became much more indifferent to humans.

Not that his emotions were healthy before. But he has changed a lot.

From the moment he went berserk and killed the priest in the village.

To his total lack of emotion when he fought the hero.

Every day, there is less and less room for emotion in his heart.

He has become an empty shell of his former self.

And I don't want that to happen. But I should. He's the one who will help me with my goal, and him being a war machine is the best thing for me. And I have no better chance of achieving that than by being his shadow.

But he's also the only one who has shown me any warmth, the only one who knows who I am.

He has seen the consequences of my hatred.

He has seen a path of innocent villagers slaughtered as if they were nothing, even if they were human.

He knows me little, but he knows me more than any other being.

And for some reason, even if it goes against my goals, I want him to get away from all that. To stop being this empty shell.

But I doubt he'll listen to me. He'll keep fighting.

He will continue to kill.

He will resort to the same war that attacks humans.

And I will be there, standing next to him. Watching him tear himself apart.

This is all good for my goal. After all, he wants to destroy the Church, and the man I am hunting is part of it.

So why am I not happy?

Marcus POV:

After she left, I was left alone.

I thought about everything that had happened

My little battles with humanity. Those skirmishes that confused my mind.

In my memory of Victor, as the companion I had in life and who accompanied me on my journey.

In what motivated me when I was alive, in my love for Mikela that filled my soul every day.

In everything that kept me alive.

For today I am not alive.

The only thing I seek is revenge. The only thing that keeps me alive is to see the church in ruins.

And it's a beautiful picture. The image of a total destruction of the religious manipulators.

But I don't think that's enough anymore.

I want to know that my existence is not so small that the only thing that exists is revenge.

I want to have something that moves me after I achieve my goal.

I want to live after dying a hero

And for that, it is no longer enough to just fight humans.

I need to create a place to return to after my battles.

I need a place where I can get away from the war and sit down to rest.

She was right. I am not a human, but I am not an elf either.

And now I must create my own place where a being like me can rest.

But for that I need power. Power enough so that no one will bother me, so that no one will try to kill me.

And power is not just physical. I need connections, I need a stable position, and I need allies.

I think it is time for me to meet the rest of my family.

The memories I have of my siblings are that they didn't care much for me, but they were raised with Runa family values. That means they won't turn their backs on me.

If I have to destroy all of humanity and use their bones to make my resting place, then so be it.

For I have fought for them for 20 years, and they have still not given me the peace I wanted.

And now, with the new hero, they will hunt me for eternity.

So if their blood will bring me the peace they owe me, I will gladly spill it.


Hi, I am the author of this novel.

I made this chapter shorter because it is the end of an arc.

It didn't have a final enemy (it did, but it wasn't an epic battle) because this arc was designed to establish the human world and power systems on the one hand, and to make a character development of the protagonist and create his motivations on the other.

A person who is betrayed and cast aside, who loses everything, who is left with nothing but revenge.

And all this was to prevent his goal from only being revenge, as well as to solve the identity problems he would have after losing who he once was.

It doesn't mean that the MC will stop developing, but it will be slower.

There also needs to be development of the antagonist, which will be sporadic and in different time frames since the novel doesn't follow him.

Also, Marcus' new motivation to create a place to come back to gives me enough of an excuse to develop the elven world, which I haven't touched at all. I wanted to before, but couldn't because there was no real reason for Marcus to explore that world.

It also touches on the development of the secondary characters, such as Elijah, Seth, and Layla, as well as delving into Ingrid's contradictions.

Obviously this is long, but I'm new at this and have time to learn and improve.

I will always appreciate any messages, reviews, or comments (which are currently non-existent) that can give me advice or tell me what could be better.

Cheers if anyone can make it this far. I admire you for that