
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Marcus's past (2)

Count POV:

After Marcus left, I couldn't help but think about his new behavior. He seemed like a different being, as if he had been hardened by society for years.

His eyes were cold, with a dark light in them. His words had the perfect tone so that one would not think beyond what he was saying. I don't understand, can Decrea's blessing affect someone's psyche that much?

It doesn't make sense and I don't trust what he told me.

When I analyzed his body with my energy, I noticed that his essence core was different from the rest.

Normally, almost all the cores have imperfect shapes. They are all spherical, but not perfect.

This is logical, after all, it is a natural formation that is created by molding one's essence.

But Marcus'... There was not a single imperfection in it, as if it had been crafted with the most delicate attention.

When I saw it and thought of his words, it immediately occurred to me that Decrea must have given him such a core. It is the only logical thing, how can a useless brat, without talent or intelligence, gain so much lucidity from one moment to the next?

He also knew information about Azrath's death.

No one but the nobility knows that the king is dead. A great deal of hope and resources were invested in his invasions of the kingdom, and his death would be a great loss, as well as causing panic among the populace.

While we search for a solution, the fact has been kept in the dark.

In any case, Marcus' core is the only thing that can explain his change. I'll leave it at that for now.

There is something strange, that's why I asked Elijah to watch him, as his personal protector will be able to find more strange things.

Elijah was the knight to my wife, Marcus' mother, basically the father I wasn't to him.

He will know how to protect you, Marcus.

I move my hand and open a drawer on my desk, which contains only a finely decorated dagger with a snake drawn along the blade.

"My love, I believe he will be able to protect himself only now. But his change is still dangerous... What can I do?"

I hope he is truly a messenger of the Goddess. I fear what my hands will have to do otherwise.

Marcus' POV:

After waiting for Igrid to bring my things, we left the house.

Elijah follows us for some reason. I know what my protector is, but I didn't call him, probably the count sent him to spy on me... I figured that using the goddess' name wouldn't remove all suspicion, but at least it saved my neck.

Normally it would be impossible for someone as weak as me to notice Elijah, but my keen senses are part of my training as a mage... And he is useless at hiding his presence.

As I climb with Ingrid into the carriage that is waiting for us at the door. I sit down and calmly hope that he moves away from the mansion.

When I look at Ingrid, I see that she is a little nervous. He still fears me, even though I never speak of the subject.

She knows it's very easy for me to take her life, and the sword hanging from her head doesn't let her think. Let her get a little more scared to break the silence, that would be her limit.

When I moved my head to look out the window, I noticed the city.

It is far superior to human cities, with thousands of people moving quickly through the streets and tall buildings with Victorian architecture.

A city in constant motion.

Elves and Drysics can be seen moving with the same haste. It seems that not all full-blooded elves enjoy a high position. I guess the thing that limits you the most is the talent you're born with. If you don't benefit from the blood aristocracy, it costs much more to survive.

That's probably why Marcus is still alive.

I hear small murmurings in the carriage and, changing my gaze, I notice a much more nervous Igrid than before. He is playing with his fingers and shaking his head a little, as if he has an idea.

When I look up and lock my eyes with hers, I see his nervousness, but also his determination.

After a few minutes, he opens his mouth.

"Master, why don't you punish me?"

" Punish you? Why should I?"

"For telling your father about you, Master. I understand you were just waking up and I swear I only did it out of concern for you. I was afraid for your mind," she said as he continued to move his hands and his shoulders trembled.

It's certainly interesting. She tries to manipulate me by saying it was out of concern, he wants to build empathy to ease the punishment. She quickly decides his actions, thinking about avoiding consequences.

"Oh... don't worry," I reply with a smile, "you just betrayed me."

After I spoke, the atmosphere became more tense. Ingrid looked at me nervously, waiting for my verdict.

She did not defend herself, she understands her position and her actions are rather passive.

"But don't worry Ingrid. If I wanted to kill you by now, you would have figured it out. I just want to warn you".

"Warn me?"

"Yes... remember that you serve me and if you try something like that again I will tear your eyes out," I say while I take the dagger next to me, the one Ingrid gave me.

"Just one more warning," I tell her as I approach her, "I don't like to be betrayed.

I raise the dagger, stabbing her leg.

"AGH" Ingrid's pent up scream is heard as her eyes are incredulous.

"Don't worry, it won't happen again... as long as you behave," he told her in a calm voice as I moved the dagger a little in his flesh, making her tremble. "If you serve me well, I will reward you. But if you betray me, you will die."

After removing the dagger from her leg and telling the driver to go somewhere else when she can be healed, I get out of the carriage while a frightened Ingrid watches me go.